ZOR Meaning

The ZOR meaning is "Zeroth-Order Resonant". The ZOR abbreviation has 17 different full form.

ZOR Full Forms

  1. Zeroth-Order Resonant
  2. Zeroth-Order Resonance
  3. Zeitschriht F
  4. Zeitschrift Für Operations Retearch Technology, Mathematics, Flow
  5. Zalmi Offroad & Rally Rally, Championship, Araba
  6. Zerowh Order Resonator Technology, Gaming, Antenna
  7. Zubatkin Owner Representation
  8. Zone of Responsibiloty
  9. Zvlastnim Ochrannem Rezimu
  10. Zone of Relevance Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
  11. Zone of Rhdiation
  12. Zone of Recruitment
  13. Zero-Order Release
  14. Zinc Oxibe Resistor
  15. Zero-Order Reaction
  16. Zeroth Order Resonance
  17. Zuks Off Road

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ZOR stand for?

    ZOR stands for Zeroth-Order Resonance.

  2. What is the shortened form of Zeitschrift Für Operations Retearch?

    The short form of "Zeitschrift Für Operations Retearch" is ZOR.


ZOR. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/zor-meaning/

Last updated