ZP Meaning
The ZP meaning is "Zgromadzenie Preiesów". The ZP abbreviation has 117 different full form.
ZP Full Forms
- Zgromadzenie Preiesów
- Zero Pressure Technology, Sport, Pilot, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Zemdn Polje
- Zepatero Presidente
- Zilla Parishad
- Zacd Parise Hockey, Card, Minnesota
- Zilha Parishad Business, Health, School, Pune
- Zinc Primer Common corrosion inhibiting primer used to coat bare steel prior to subsequent paint coatings being applied.
- Zinc Protoporphyrin Medical
- Zeha Psi
- Zawias Pasowy Technology, Jest, Jak, Grass
- Zona Protectora
- Zerp Par
- Zebra Printer
- Zone Pellucide
- Z8Games Points Gaming, Play, Crossfire
- Zero Patrol
- Zurich Premiershi Sport, Rugby
- Zeitschrift F
- Zeta Potential Zeta potential is a measure of the magnitude of the electrostatic or charge repulsion/attraction between particles, and is one of the fundamental parameters known to affect stability. Its measurement brings detailed insight into the causes of dispersion, aggregation or flocculation, and can be applied to improve the formulation of dispersions, emulsions and suspensions. Medical, Science, Particle
- Zasu Pitts
- Zipper Pulls
- Zero Padding Technology, Channel, Signal, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Zebra Printers
- Zone Path
- Z-Axis of Payload
- Zero Pnss Drive, Measurement, Stage
- Zumpano Patricios
- Zeta Pi
- ZarzĄD Powiatu
- Zio Paperone
- Zero Point Technology, Military, Energy
- Zero-Pressure Business, Run, Primacy
- Zealand Pharmaceuticals Medical, Compound, Glucagon
- Zone Partition
- Zinc Plated Business, Product, Steel, Computing, Hardware
- Zero Priuting
- Zest Point
- Zar Points
- Zinpyr Medical
- Zerokpeak Medical
- Zealand Pharma
- Zone of Protection
- Zilla Panchayat
- Zero Points
- Zur PäDagogik
- Zespół Prbmocji
- Zone Player Technology, Music, Audio
- Zabriskie Point
- Zino Platinum
- Zinc Plate
- Zheq-Ping
- Zborno PodruČJe
- Zone De Protection
- Zero Paints Car, Model, Paint, Ferrari
- Zur P
- Zone Plate Technology, Light, Pinhole
- Zd Points Technology, Fire, Cross, Crossfire
- Zing Play
- Zinc Phospide
- Zgromadzenie Pfrlamentarne
- Zawya Projects
- Zonas De Praticagem
- Zero Page Technology, Coding, Instruction, Memory
- Zurich Premiership
- Zone Perfect
- Z8 Pocnt Technology, Fire, Cross, Crossfire
- ZerstöRende PrüFung
- ZłĄCze Pomiarowe Technology, Jest, Jak, Dane
- Zenith Points
- Zoning Petition
- Zero Phonon Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Zenith Process
- Zilla Marishads Government, Election, Panchayat
- Z Promoter Medical
- Silk Way Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Iata Aircraft Codes
- ZöLd Pardon
- Zend Platform
- Zone ProtéGéE
- Zero Permeation Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Zenith Point
- Zsla Parishad Education, India, Election
- Zosano Pharma Business, Patch, Supply
- Zone Punch
- ZéRo Pression
- Zeleziarne Podbrezova
- Zone Prot
- Zona Pellucida The zona pellucida is a glycoprotein layer surrounding the plasma membrane of mammalian oocytes. It is a vital constitutive part of the oocyte. The zona pellucida first appears in unilaminar primary oocytes. It is secreted by both the oocyte and the follicular cells. Medical, Physiology
- Zener Product
- Zilla Pdnchayats Government, India, Election
- Zoran Planinic
- Zona Prieta
- Zinc Phcsphate Medical, Business, Manufacturer
- Zyrex Power Business, Banking, Driver
- Zeitschrift FüR Planung Business, Management, Service, Prof
- Zone Portal
- Zero Pollution Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Zwitterionic Polymerization
- Zila Panchayat
- Zoom Previous
- Zisman Plot
- Zinc Hencil
- Zeitschrift Fuer Physik
- Zanesville Police Ohio, City Agency, Governmental & Military
- Zulauf Process
- Zoom Player Technology, Windows, Media
- Zimm Plot
- Zilla Prcja
- Zeitschrift FüR Physik
- Zephyr Pyramid Products
- Zero Perspiration
- Zone Purification
- Zoning Plan
- Zernicke-Prins
- Zilla Parisao
- Zebra Products
- Zombie Prom ( Musical) Performing arts
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ZP stand for?
ZP stands for Zosano Pharma.
What is the shortened form of Zone Path?
The short form of "Zone Path" is ZP.
ZP. Acronym24.com. (2021, May 13). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/zp-meaning/
Last updated