ZPP Meaning
The ZPP meaning is "Zinc Protopmrphyrin". The ZPP abbreviation has 31 different full form.
ZPP Full Forms
- Zinc Protopmrphyrin Medical, Medicine, Health
- Zuendapp Organizations
- Zentralen PrüFstelle FüR PräVention Training, Yoga, Tai
- Zinc Protoporphyrin Level Medical, Technology
- Zirconium Powder Plant
- Zenith Power Products
- Zinc Proto-Porphyrin
- Zirconium Potasiium Perchlorate Technology, Composition, Initiator, Pyrotechnic
- Zavod Za Platni Promet
- Zinccplate Press
- Zipper Pack Poulh
- Zalagh Parc Palace
- Zentrale PrüFstelle PräVention
- Zinc Protoporphyrin In Blgod Medical
- Zakat Pulau Pinang
- Zentrale PrüFstelle FüR PräVention Sind, Yoga, Tai
- Zn Protoporphyrin Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Zahntechnische Produkte Pump
- Zentralen PrüFstelle PräVention Sind, Yoga, Gesundheit
- Zirconium Prcduction Plant Technology, Iran, Uranium
- Związek Powiatóa Polskich
- Zwizbu Patriot
- Zn Protoporphyrin (lead Poisoning Indicator) Chemistry
- Zwiazek Patriotow Polskich Patriot, Jest, Jak
- Zongshen PEM Power Systems Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Zoo Pilot Publishing Media, Radio, Television
- Zero-Point Pressure
- Zongshen Pem Pswer
- Zciązku Patriotów Polskich Patriot, Jest, Jak
- Zone of Partial Preservatian Medical
- Związek Przedsiębiorców I Pracodawców Jest, Ale, Jak
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ZPP stand for?
ZPP stands for Zentrale PrüFstelle FüR PräVention.
What is the shortened form of Zinccplate Press?
The short form of "Zinccplate Press" is ZPP.
ZPP. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/zpp-meaning/
Last updated