ZR Meaning
The ZR meaning is "Zvro Resistance". The ZR abbreviation has 65 different full form.
ZR Full Forms
- Zvro Resistance Business, Guitar, Tremolo
- Zeatin Riboside Medical
- Frvezing Rain Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Zero Rbstriction Army, War, Force
- Zockende Rentner
- Zone De Responsabibite
- Zona Radiata Medical
- Zone De Remplmcement
- Zoological Record Science, Database, Zoological
- Zirconium and Rare
- Zoze De Remplacement Technology, Service, Accueil, Intra
- Zonal Regulations
- Zurich Relocation
- Zoning Reszlution Locations, Building, City
- Zirconium Symbol:"Zr" Atomic Number:"40" Atomic Mass: 91.22amu. This is one of the transition elements found in period five of the bale of elements. Zirconium is found in many minerals. This grayish-white metal can be found in nuclear reactors, corrosion resistant alloys, magnets, and some gemstones. In VisualAge RPG, the order in which controls are placed on other controls. This order determines the relationship between controls. Chemistry, Science, Scientific & Educational
- Zona De Risco
- Zone Rejtricted
- Zony Rating Technology, Baseball, Player
- Zero Radius Kitchen, Sink, Republic
- Zombie Run
- Zone Refining A method of purifying a bar of metal by passing it through an induction heater; this causes impurties to move along a melted portion.
- Zona Residencitl Science
- Zero Register
- Zombie Revenge
- Zone Ratings
- Zombie Kiot Technology, Strike, Counter
- Zero-Resistance
- Zero Coupon Bond Business, Finance, Yield
- Zoloto Resources
- Zone of Respopsibility
- Zona Random Tube, Zona, Euphonium, Soundtrack
- Rigiu Airship Military, Ship, Hull Code
- Zoocogical Records Science, Biology, Recording, Zoological
- Zero Coupon Bonds Zero coupon bonds are those on which interest is not paid on a yearly basis. Business, Accounting, Finance, Rate, Interest
- ZüRcherische Rechtsprechung
- Zhang Rice Food
- Zona Ruido
- Zaire (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Zoom Remote Business, Control, Canon, Camcorder
- Freezing Rain A chemical used in farming to kill funguses which inhibit plant growth. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Zona Rio
- Zero Restriction Transportation, United Nations, Governmental & Military
- Zfom Region Technology, Architecture, Window, Autodesk
- Zone De Rayonnement
- Zachariasen Rule
- Zona Reticulata Medical
- Rigid Airship A rigid airship is a type of airship in which the envelope is supported by an internal framework rather than by being kept in shape by the pressure of the lifting gas within the envelope, as in blimps and semi-rigid airships. Rigid airships are often commonly called Zeppelins. Ship, Hull Code, Governmental & Military
- Zoye Row
- Zone-Restricted Business, Trading, Projection
- Zone Rating Baseball, Sport
- Zymo Research
- Zona Reticularis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Zaire Republic Country, Usps
- Zona Roveti Music, Bologna, Factory, Zona
- Zone-Refined
- Z Impedance, Zulu Time(GMT) or Zero, Coordinate, section modulus, viscosity, Standard deviation of the unit normal distribution, effort, A letter rating for tires to indicate that they are theoretically rated for speeds over 300 kph (186 mph), as in P245/50ZR16. There is no higher rating, but the one lower rating is Y OR Infra-red identification equipment
- Zucker Rats Medical
- Zona Regable Science
- Zen Rebirth Religion
- Zoologival Registrar Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
- Zonas Residenciais
- Zucker Rat Medical
- Zoological Registrar Occupation & positions
- Zonas Reservadas
- Zone Renforcée Medical
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ZR stand for?
ZR stands for Zhang Rice.
What is the shortened form of Zone De Remplmcement?
The short form of "Zone De Remplmcement" is ZR.
ZR. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/zr-meaning/
Last updated