ZRA Meaning

The ZRA meaning is "Zero-Resistance Ammeter". The ZRA abbreviation has 19 different full form.

ZRA Full Forms

  1. Zero-Resistance Ammeter
  2. Zambezi River Authority Technology, Zimbabwe, Dam, Energy
  3. Zeiss-Rechen-Automat Vision, Ikon, Abbe, Automat
  4. Zeichner Risk Analytics Technology, Management, Rank
  5. Zee Rishtey Awards
  6. Zambia Revenue Agency
  7. Zambia Revenue Authority Business, Tax, Zambia
  8. Zero Resistance Ammeter Technology, Corrosion, Electrochemical
  9. Zambian Revenue Authority Business, Tax, Zambia
  10. Zomi Revolutionary Army Military, Group, India, Politics, Governmental & Military
  11. Zimbabwe Revenue Authority
  12. Zeolex Reinforcing Agent
  13. Zero Range Appropimation
  14. Zululand Rugby Academy
  15. Zero-Resistance Ammetry
  16. Zoo Registrars Association
  17. Zero Resistance Ammetry
  18. Zoological Registrars Association Education, Exam, Zoo
  19. Zoning Regulation Amendment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ZRA stand for?

    ZRA stands for Zambezi River Authority.

  2. What is the shortened form of Zeiss-Rechen-Automat?

    The short form of "Zeiss-Rechen-Automat" is ZRA.


ZRA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/zra-meaning/

Last updated