ZS Meaning
The ZS meaning is "Zero-Stack". The ZS abbreviation has 93 different full form.
ZS Full Forms
- Zero-Stack Business, Headset, Cane
- Zeptosecond Time, Units Of Time, Multiples Of Si Base Units
- Zenith Sky
- Zagat Wurvey
- Zip Strib
- Zeitschrift FüR Soziologie Research, German, Germany
- Zone Status
- Zellweger'S Syndrome Medical
- Zettasecond Time, Units Of Time, Multiples Of Si Base Units
- Zero Sum
- Zoo Spotlight
- Zac Sunderland
- Zinc Seearate
- Zeitschrift F
- Zeleznicná Spolocnost
- Zone Sensible
- Zwizek Sowiaski
- Zero Stop Business, Sale, Scope
- Zero Substitution Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Zoom Stereo Media, Radio, Television
- Zend Studio
- Zack Syftem
- Zetetic Scholar
- Zeleznice Srbije Technology, Train, Railway, Serbia
- Zone Selectivity
- Zwemclub Schoten
- Zero State Technology, Group, Networking, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Zoom Sheet Architecture, Shortcut, Keyboard
- Zen Sudoku
- Azzurra Air Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
- Zeta Sigma
- Zelena Stranka
- Zoe Saldana Celebrity, Star, Trek
- Zero Stack Business, Headset, Creek, Cane
- Zoning Server Technology, Gaming, Person
- Zen-Sudoku
- Zoological Society Science, Society, London, Zoo
- Zeta Scheduler
- Zakharov-Shabat
- Zirconium Silicate
- Zone System Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
- Zemnieku SaimniecĪBa
- Zone Sensors Technology, Product, Control
- Zespół Szkół
- Zagorika Stranka
- Zirconia-Silica Medical, Medicine
- Zesp
- Zone Sud
- Zellweger Syndrome Medical, Science, Genetics
- ZwiĄZek SłOwiańSki
- Zona Sul Technology, Para, Ria
- Zero Suppression The span of an indicator or chart recorder may be offset from zero (zero suppressed) such that neither limit of the span will be zero. Technology, Channel, Interface
- Zoo Station
- Zero Strobe Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Zenith Stromberg Manual, Carburetor, Zenith
- Zeise'S Salt
- Zs Salon
- Zero Slope
- Zinc-coated Steel Architecture
- ZwiĄZek Strzelecki Military, Army, War, Polish
- Zelfstudie Dutch
- Zenith-Stromberg Technology, Carb, Carburetor
- Zack Smith
- Zschimmer & Schwarz
- Zero Shear Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Sama Airlines Airline, Business & Finance
- Zamorakian Spear Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- ZüRcher Studierendenzeitung Business, Art, Master, Jus
- Zs' Sam
- Zero Scale Technology, Electronics, Voltage, Converter
- Zwiazek Slowianski
- Zephyr ECLIPSE Server Script File Computing, File Extensions
- ZüRcher Studentin
- Zrzeszenie Sportowe
- Zero and Subtract
- Zonal Soil Rupert's Land, or Prince Rupert's Land, was a territory in British North America, consisting mostly of the Hudson Bay drainage basin that was nominally owned by the Hudson's Bay Company for 200 years from 1670 to 1870, although numerous aboriginal groups lived in the same territory and disputed the sovereignty of the area.
- Zvonko Springer
- Zoroastrian Society Religion
- Zylinder-Service Business, Company, Germany
- Zoot Sports
- Zero-String
- ZespóL SzkóL
- Zutphen Study Medical, Medicine, Health
- Zero Speed Technology, Electronics, Sensor
- Zambia Survey Department Geographic
- Zylinder Service Business, Germany, Tuning
- Zoot Sims
- Zone de Santé Medical
- Zerene Stacker Technology, Photography, Focus
- Zero Sound
- Zurhidon Stronghold
- Zero Span
- Zombie Squad Funnies
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ZS stand for?
ZS stands for Zoom Sheet.
What is the shortened form of Zone Selectivity?
The short form of "Zone Selectivity" is ZS.
ZS. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/zs-meaning/
Last updated