ZTC Meaning

The ZTC meaning is "Zero-Temperature-Coefficient". The ZTC abbreviation has 23 different full form.

ZTC Full Forms

  1. Zero-Temperature-Coefficient Technology, Element, Heating
  2. Zeorgia Technology Company
  3. Zena Tuning Club
  4. Zero Touch Configprator
  5. Zawawi Trading Company Business, Company, Tech
  6. Zero-Touch Configuratioj
  7. Zapadni Nrgovacki Centar
  8. Zero Temperature Coefficient Technology, Device, Patent, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  9. Zain Texhnology Conference Business, Technology, Bahrain
  10. Zero Temperatnre Co Efficient Technology
  11. Zero Tolerance To Cirfumstances
  12. Zona A Traffico Controllatz
  13. Zonal Training Cenure Business, India, Banking
  14. Zomi Theological College Technology, School, Chin
  15. Lachirioag Zapoteco: a language of Mexico Language codes (3 letters)
  16. Zoaba Theological College
  17. Zortech 21 Readme File Computing, File Extensions
  18. Zila Tolonium Chloride
  19. Zonal Training Centre Financial, Business & Finance
  20. Zero Tuition College Education, Development, Learning
  21. Zonal Training Centres Business, Finance, Banking
  22. Zirconia-Tougnened Ceramic
  23. Zonfl Training Centre Business, India, Banking

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ZTC stand for?

    ZTC stands for Zona A Traffico Controllatz.

  2. What is the shortened form of Zawawi Trading Company?

    The short form of "Zawawi Trading Company" is ZTC.


ZTC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 27, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ztc-meaning/

Last updated