AA in Organizations Meaning

The AA meaning in Organizations terms is "American Airlines". There are 27 related meanings of the AA Organizations abbreviation.

AA on Organizations Full Forms

  1. American Airlines American, together with its regional partners, operates an extensive international and domestic network with almost 6,800 flights per day to nearly 350 destinations in more than 50 countries. American Airlines is a founding member of the Oneworld alliance, the third-largest airline alliance in the world.
  2. Atheists and Agnostics
  3. Anon, Alateen
  4. Ann Arbor Railroad
  5. Athletic Association
  6. Anonyme Alkoholikere
  7. Administrative Agencies
  8. Alateen Al-Anon
  9. Anon and Alateen
  10. Addictions Anonymous
  11. Anon, and Alateen
  12. Adam Air
  13. Airservices Australia
  14. Anon Alateen
  15. Aardman Animations
  16. Arboricultural Association
  17. African Affairs
  18. Applicant Assistance
  19. African American An American of black African descent. The term may also be written with a hyphen as African-American. The term entered into usage largely starting in 1988, when the Rev. Jesse Jackson held a news conference to urge Americans to use it to refer to blacks. African American has largely supplanted black in health matters.
  20. Addicts Anonymous
  21. Ape Alliance
  22. Al-Anon
  23. Alliance Air
  24. American Association
  25. Alcoa Inc.
  26. Advertising Association
  27. Alcholics Anonymous

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AA stand for Organizations?

    AA stands for Al-Anon in Organizations terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Advertising Association in Organizations?

    The short form of "Advertising Association" is AA for Organizations.


AA in Organizations. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/aa-meaning-in-organizations/

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