AA in Physiology Meaning

The AA meaning in Physiology terms is "Amino Acid". There are 11 related meanings of the AA Physiology abbreviation.

AA on Physiology Full Forms

  1. Amino Acid Compound containing both an amino and a carboxylic acid group.The NH2 group. For more information see Amino Acids.
  2. Anorexia An eating disorder characterized by markedly reduced appetite or total aversion to food. Anorexia is a serious psychological disorder. It is a condition that goes well beyond out-of-control dieting. The person with anorexia, most often a girl or young woman, initially begins dieting to lose weight. Over time, the weight loss becomes a sign of mastery and control.
  3. Anal Aneurysm
  4. African-American
  5. Alopecia Areata
  6. equal part of each
  7. ascending aorta First section of the aorta as it leaves the heart and turns upwards. Compare descending aorta
  8. Anatomical Adaptation
  9. Aspenice Anesthesiology
  10. Abdominal Aorta
  11. Anesthesia In the practice of medicine, anesthesia or anaesthesia is a state of temporary induced loss of sensation or awareness. It may include analgesia, paralysis, amnesia, or unconsciousness. A patient under the effects of anesthetic drugs is referred to as being anesthetized.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AA stand for Physiology?

    AA stands for ascending aorta in Physiology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of African-American in Physiology?

    The short form of "African-American" is AA for Physiology.


AA in Physiology. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/aa-meaning-in-physiology/

Last updated