AA in Scientific & Educational Meaning

The AA meaning in Scientific & Educational terms is "Amino Acid". There are 40 related meanings of the AA Scientific & Educational abbreviation.

AA on Scientific & Educational Full Forms

  1. Amino Acid Compound containing both an amino and a carboxylic acid group.The NH2 group. For more information see Amino Acids.
  2. Associate of Arts
  3. Arteries The channels through which fluid flows away from the heart.
  4. Aristolochic Acid
  5. Arachidonic Acid Arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid. It is the counterpart to the saturated arachidic acid found in peanut oil.
  6. Air-To-Air Between one airborne aircraft and another.
  7. Anal Atresia
  8. Alopecia Areata
  9. Astronomy and Astrophysics
  10. Acetate Acetate ion (CH3COO-,C2H3O2 -) an ion formed by removing the acidic hydrogen from acetic acid or a fiber made from cellulose acetate.
  11. Acetaldehyde Oops, I should have used the systematic name, ethanal! This is a good example of a case where the IUPAC system may be logical, but can easily engender no end of confusion.
  12. Advanced Alloy
  13. Angular Acceleration Angular acceleration, also called rotational acceleration, is a quantitative expression of the change in angular velocity that a spinning object undergoes per unit time. It is a vector quantity, consisting of a magnitude component and either of two defined directions or senses.
  14. Adipic Acid
  15. Andarachidonic Acid
  16. Academic Affairs
  17. Acta Archaeologica
  18. Amyloid Arthropathy
  19. Abnormal Abdomen
  20. Acrylonitrile and Acrylamide
  21. Alliteration and Assonance
  22. Abbreviated Analysis
  23. As Amended
  24. Al-Abhath
  25. Alumni Association Info
  26. Airplane Avionics
  27. Affirmative Action
  28. Activation Analysis
  29. Aromatic Amines
  30. Atomic Absorption Quantitative chemical method used for the analysis of elemental constituents.
  31. Amino Acrylate
  32. Accelerated Assembly
  33. Assisted Ascent
  34. Amyloid-associated
  35. Angle of Attack The acute angle at which a moving airfoil meets the airstream.
  36. Abietic Acid
  37. Ascorbic Acid Ascorbic acid is a naturally occurring organic compound with antioxidant properties. It is a white solid, but impure samples can appear yellowish. It dissolves well in water to give mildly acidic solutions. Ascorbic acid is one form ("vitamer") of vitamin C. It was originally called L-hexuronic acid.
  38. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
  39. Acetic Acid Acetic acid is a colourless liquid traditionally made by fermentation (vinegar is mainly acetic acid). It is a raw material for several key petrochemical intermediates and products, including vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) for coatings and adhesives, purified terephthalic acid (PTA) for polyester production, acetate esters, cellulose acetate, acetic anhydride and monochloroacetic acid (MCA).
  40. Acrylic Acid Acrylic acid is used in the production of acrylate esters, superabsorbent polymers, detergents and flocculants. Acrylate esters are mostly used in coatings, adhesives, and elastomers applications, while superabsorbents are used in diapers etc, and most other derivatives are performance chemicals for cleaning or water treatment, also firefighting. Acrylic Acid is a propylene derivative which is produced by propylene vapor-phase oxidation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AA stand for Scientific & Educational?

    AA stands for Abietic Acid in Scientific & Educational terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Affirmative Action in Scientific & Educational?

    The short form of "Affirmative Action" is AA for Scientific & Educational.


AA in Scientific & Educational. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/aa-meaning-in-scientific-educational/

Last updated