AAZD in Turkish Meaning

The AAZD meaning in Turkish terms is "Antrenmanın algılanan zorluk derecesi". There are 1 related meanings of the AAZD Turkish abbreviation.

AAZD on Turkish Full Forms

  1. Antrenmanın algılanan zorluk derecesi The perceived difficulty level (AZD) is a simple, affordable, and practical approach to assess physical activity exhaustion. Gunnar Borg created the initial AZD scale 40 years ago, and it was primarily used to track aerobic exercise. The initial scale was designed with a numerical range of 6-20 to roughly match a person's heart rate with perceived exertion during exercise. However, after it was established that this scale, which was matched to the heart rate, did not produce the best results, numerous sports scientists, particularly Gunnar Borg, the original scale's designer, devised different kinds of AZD.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AAZD stand for Turkish?

    AAZD stands for Antrenmanın algılanan zorluk derecesi in Turkish terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Antrenmanın algılanan zorluk derecesi in Turkish?

    The short form of "Antrenmanın algılanan zorluk derecesi" is AAZD for Turkish.


AAZD in Turkish. Acronym24.com. (2023, January 26). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/aazd-meaning-in-turkish/

Last updated