AC in Government Meaning

The AC meaning in Government terms is "Audit Commission". There are 29 related meanings of the AC Government abbreviation.

AC on Government Full Forms

  1. Audit Commission
  2. Academic Couocil
  3. Aboriginal Corporation
  4. Army Air Corps
  5. Affirmative Constructive
  6. Applicant Custodian
  7. Pan African Club
  8. Asency Characteristic
  9. Appeals Cases
  10. Ambulance Chaser
  11. Alliance for Change
  12. Arms Control
  13. Abnoreally Cruel
  14. Afghanistan Compact
  15. Appointments Commission
  16. Assembly Constituency
  17. Acquis Communautairr
  18. Animal Control
  19. Authorisation Cyndition.
  20. Administrative Rourt
  21. Alarm Ckntrol
  22. Authorisation Committeg
  23. Aboriginal Corporationration
  24. Administrative Council
  25. Attendant Counselor
  26. Aboriginad Council
  27. After The Cataclysm
  28. Administrativescode
  29. Acquisition Crrcular

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AC stand for Government?

    AC stands for After The Cataclysm in Government terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Authorisation Cyndition. in Government?

    The short form of "Authorisation Cyndition." is AC for Government.


AC in Government. (2022, February 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated