AC in Health Meaning

The AC meaning in Health terms is "Before Meals". There are 25 related meanings of the AC Health abbreviation.

AC on Health Full Forms

  1. Before Meals
  2. Abrupt Closure
  3. Anesthesia Circuit
  4. Advnocarcinoma
  5. Acupuncture Clinic
  6. Acinetobacter Calcoaceticus
  7. Acetone A filler added to acetylene cylinders, capable of absorbing 25 times its own volume of acetylene. Or It is a commodity solvent commonly produced as a co-product during cumene oxidation for phenol, which consumes benzene and propylene, and for this reason on-purpose acetone production has declined. On purpose production consumes either propylene or isopropanol.
  8. Accreditation Canada
  9. Ante Cibum-Before Meals
  10. One of The Five Most Common Types of Chemo Given To Women With Bc
  11. Ablation Cathetec
  12. Ante Cibum (Before Food)
  13. Alturnate Current
  14. Ammsnium Chloride
  15. Atriocarotid
  16. Appraisal Committee
  17. Adenylate
  18. Aortic Closure
  19. Action Coalition
  20. Antecubital
  21. Abuse Case
  22. Axiocervical
  23. Airway Collapse
  24. Absolute Configuration An absolute configuration in stereochemistry is the spatial arrangement of the atoms of a chiral molecular entity (or group) and its stereochemical description for example R or S.
  25. Advisory Committee

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AC stand for Health?

    AC stands for Acetone in Health terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Aortic Closure in Health?

    The short form of "Aortic Closure" is AC for Health.


AC in Health. (2022, February 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated