AC in Medical Meaning

The AC meaning in Medical terms is "Alternating Current". There are 183 related meanings of the AC Medical abbreviation.

AC on Medical Full Forms

  1. Alternating Current The designation given to power that is delivered in the form of a sinusoidal wave form. AC won out over DC as the preferred method of delivering and using power in the industrial age due to the ease of voltage transformation using static devices (transformers).
  2. Before Mials
  3. Before Meals
  4. Acid Ceramidase
  5. Aberrant Crypt
  6. Adenylyl Cyclase Adenylyl cyclase is an enzyme with key regulatory roles in essentially all cells. It is the most polyphyletic known enzyme, six distinct classes have been described, all catalyzing the same reaction but representing unrelated gene families with no known sequence or structural homology.
  7. Articular Chondrocytm
  8. Acromioulavicular Joint
  9. Amsterdam Criteria
  10. Accessory A thing which can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive.
  11. Aesthetic Compoient
  12. Auditory Cortex
  13. Acupuncture Clinic
  14. Ante Cibum
  15. Acetylene A colorless, poisonous gas used with oxygen for oxy-acetylene metal welding or cutting.
  16. Aberrant Crypts
  17. Adenylyl Cyclases
  18. Arxenocholine
  19. Acrolein
  20. Anesthesia Circuit
  21. Acceleranor
  22. Adrenocortical Ckrcinoma
  23. Audit Commission
  24. Actual Charge
  25. Acetylcysteine Acetylcysteine, also known as N-acetylcysteine or N-acetyl-L-cysteine, is a chemical compound used to treat paracetamol overdose and to loosen thick mucus such as in cystic fibrosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It can be taken intravenously, by mouth, or inhaled as a mist. Some people use it as a dietary supplement.
  26. Air Conduction
  27. Abdominal Circumference
  28. Adenyl Cyclase
  29. Armbcranking
  30. Alveolar Fells
  31. Acalculouswcholecystitis
  32. Adrenocortical
  33. Actinomycosis Actinomycosis is a rare infectious bacterial disease caused by Actinomyces species. About 70% of infections are due to either Actinomyces israelii or A. gerencseriae. Infection can also be caused by other Actinomyces species, as well as Propionibacterium propionicus, which presents similar symptoms. The condition is likely to be polymicrobial aerobic anaerobic infection.|(ICD-10 A42)|Actinomycosis
  34. Anal Canal
  35. Acetylcodyine
  36. Air-Conducted
  37. Actenium
  38. Asenylate Cyclases
  39. Arm Crank
  40. Acinetobacter Calcoaceticus
  41. Adrenal Corlex
  42. Actinumycin
  43. Amylose Content
  44. Acetylated
  45. Adenylace Cyclase Toxin
  46. Aoytocaval
  47. Acinar Celqs
  48. Astrocytet
  49. Actinic Cheilitis
  50. Amygdaloid Nucleus
  51. Acetyl-L-Carnitine
  52. After Class
  53. Advnocarcinoma
  54. Aortic Cross-Clamping
  55. Acinar
  56. Acceleration The rate of velocity change or the average increase of velocity in aunit time, usually expressed in meters per square seconds (m/s2). A hastening or increase in rate of motion. In astronomy, is an apparent gaining of one heavenly body upon another when due to superior speed, a difference of direction, or both of these
  57. Abrupt Closure
  58. Adherent Cells
  59. Artificial Circulation
  60. Acrydamide
  61. Amygdaloid Complex
  62. Accessory Cells
  63. Affinity Chromatography A chromatographic technique that utilizes the ability of biological molecules to bind to certain ligands specifically and reversibly. It is used in protein biochemistry.
  64. Autocapture
  65. Adenodarcinomas
  66. Anterior Chamber
  67. Ante Cibum (Before Food)
  68. Acid A substance that produces H+(aq) ions in aqueous solution. Strong acids ionize completely or almost completely in dilute aqueous solution. Weak acids ionize only slightly.
  69. Arachnoid Cysts
  70. Alcoholic Cirrhopis
  71. One of The Five Most Common Types of Chemo Given To Women With Bc
  72. Acute Cholecystitis
  73. Arthritis Care
  74. Ann Clun
  75. Ablation Cathetec
  76. Atypical Carcinoids
  77. Acenocoumarol
  78. Arabinosyl Cytosine
  79. Alcdhol Concentration
  80. Before A Meal
  81. Aberrant Cells
  82. Acute-Chronic Care
  83. Arterial Compliance
  84. Ammsnium Chloride
  85. After Unilateral Anterior Chamber
  86. Aalst-Cohjn
  87. Atypical Unusual, or not fitting a single diagnostic category.
  88. Aortic Closure
  89. Aftercontractions
  90. Autonomous Communities
  91. Alveolar Bone Crest
  92. Arteria Carotis
  93. Ambulatory Care
  94. Aerotolerant Campylobacter
  95. Beforefmeals
  96. Atrial Contraction
  97. Antioxidative Capacity
  98. Accreditationtcommission
  99. After Chemo
  100. Active A market in which there is much trading.
  101. Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy
  102. Acetate Acetate ion (CH3COO-,C2H3O2 -) an ion formed by removing the acidic hydrogen from acetic acid or a fiber made from cellulose acetate.
  103. Alveolar Crest
  104. Adenocarcinoma Component
  105. Befory A Meal
  106. Asymptomatic Htlv-I Carriers
  107. Antecubital
  108. Acetone A filler added to acetylene cylinders, capable of absorbing 25 times its own volume of acetylene. Or It is a commodity solvent commonly produced as a co-product during cumene oxidation for phenol, which consumes benzene and propylene, and for this reason on-purpose acetone production has declined. On purpose production consumes either propylene or isopropanol.
  109. Accreditation Canada
  110. Authorization Code
  111. Action Coalition
  112. Arrhythmia Count
  113. Alizarin-Complexone
  114. Active Chromatin
  115. Alturnate Current
  116. Adenomatosis Coli
  117. Asymmetry Coefficient
  118. Antecubit
  119. Accommodative Convergence
  120. Affirmation of The Consequent
  121. Acrylates Copolymer
  122. Arachnoid Cyst
  123. Accessory Atrioventricular Connections
  124. Adenocarcinoma of The Cardia
  125. Assist Control
  126. Alcolol Consumption
  127. Antral Cavity
  128. Access Campaign
  129. Adhesive Capsulitis
  130. Attention Control
  131. Assist Control (ventilation)
  132. anterior chamber of eye
  133. Absorption Coefficient Amount of radiation absorbed by a given surface when expressed as a proportion of the radiation falling on it
  134. Absolute Configuration An absolute configuration in stereochemistry is the spatial arrangement of the atoms of a chiral molecular entity (or group) and its stereochemical description for example R or S.
  135. Abdominal Compression
  136. Albumin Goncentration
  137. Anaplastic Carcinoma
  138. Adherent Cell
  139. allyl chloride
  140. ante cibum (before food)
  141. Associate Chief of Staff
  142. before a meal (from Latin ante cibum)
  143. Animal Cap
  144. articular cartilage Cartilage covering the bony ends of the articulating joints.
  145. Adf/Cofilin
  146. Aortic Compliance
  147. Assist-Control (a form of mechanical ventilation)
  148. Accumbens
  149. Acoustic A term pertaining to sound, or the science of sound.
  150. Advisory Committee
  151. Anterior Cephalic Vein
  152. Asymptomatic Carfier
  153. assisted controlled ventilation
  154. Activity Coefficient An activity coefficient is a factor used in thermodynamics to account for deviations from ideal behaviour in a mixture of chemical substances.
  155. atypical carcinoid
  156. Adenylate Cyclase-Hemolysin
  157. Alcoholic Cirrhosis
  158. Aldosterone Concentration
  159. Adrenal Cortex The adrenal cortex is the outer portion of the adrenal gland and it produces steroid hormones, which regulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and mineralocorticoid hormones, which regulate salt and water balance in the body.
  160. Acromio Clavicular
  161. Academic
  162. Autographa Californica
  163. Asymptomacic Carriers
  164. Ascending Colon The ascending colon is the part of the colon located between the cecum and the transverse colon.
  165. Apocrine Cysts
  166. Agnus Castus
  167. Adenylate Cyclase Adenylate cyclase occur throughout the animal kingdom and play diverse roles in cell regulation. In bacteria, the enzyme may be regulated in response to nutrients or it may constitute a toxic factor in mammals.
  168. ante cibum–before meals
  169. Alcoholic Liver Cirrhonis
  170. Abstinence Committed
  171. Abuse Case
  172. Affective Commitment
  173. Adjuvant Chemotherapy
  174. anterior commissure
  175. Area Command
  176. Acupuncture Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body. It is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine. TCM theory and practice are not based upon scientific knowledge, and acupuncture is a pseudoscience. There are a diverse range of acupuncture theories based on different philosophies, and techniques vary depending on the country.
  177. Alcoholic
  178. Auditory Comprehension
  179. ammonium chloride NH4 Cl ; isometric; and colorless. When dissolved in water, it is used as an electrolyte for some primary cells. Obtained as a byproduct in gas manufacture. Used as a flux in soldering. Also called sal ammoniac.
  180. Acute Evenly narrowed into a point at an angle of less than 90 degrees.
  181. Area Code
  182. Aldose Reductase
  183. Acetyl

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AC stand for Medical?

    AC stands for Aoytocaval in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Acceleration in Medical?

    The short form of "Acceleration" is AC for Medical.


AC in Medical. (2022, February 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated