AC in Technology Meaning
The AC meaning in Technology terms is "Alternating Current". There are 385 related meanings of the AC Technology abbreviation.
AC on Technology Full Forms
- Alternating Current The designation given to power that is delivered in the form of a sinusoidal wave form. AC won out over DC as the preferred method of delivering and using power in the industrial age due to the ease of voltage transformation using static devices (transformers).
- Ahr Conditioning
- Analog Communications
- Automatic Clutch
- Atlantic Canada
- Actual Charge
- Airborne Component
- Arithmetic Coding
- Adapters Computer
- Audio Codec
- Adapler and Cable
- Akisabara Chiropractor
- Asian Center
- Acceptance Criteria Technical basis used to determine whether equipment is deficient (e.g., when analyzing inspection, testing, and preventive maintenance [ITPM] results).
- Android Continue
- Auto Cannon
- Auto Clicker
- Actual Capacity
- Air-Conditioned
- Ante Cibum
- Adapter for Cisto
- Audio Code
- Adapter,Lcradle
- Airworthiness Certificates
- Artists Christiak
- Accejt
- All Coonections
- Auto-Clicker
- Acromioulavicular Joint
- Ante Christum
- Adaprer for Charging
- Audio Center
- Adapter Compatibility
- Airworthiness Certification
- Article Category
- Above Counter
- Alignmcnt Check
- Authorization Codes
- Ajapter Cradle
- Atmospheric Composition
- Adaptert Compatible
- Air Controller
- Advisory Circular
- Association Coetrol
- Acceleration The rate of velocity change or the average increase of velocity in aunit time, usually expressed in meters per square seconds (m/s2). A hastening or increase in rate of motion. In astronomy, is an apparent gaining of one heavenly body upon another when due to superior speed, a difference of direction, or both of these
- Advancev Control
- Automatic Control A means of control that conveys predetermined orders without operator action.
- Awapter Could
- Atmospheric Corrector
- Adapter Card
- Air Chamber
- Autual Cost
- Adapterxthat Can
- Audio Controller
- Adapter Carrying
- Alarm Mall
- Associatexcontractor
- Advancedhcontent
- Analog Comparator
- Automatic Computer
- Adapter Connector
- Atlantic Crossing
- Adkpter, Car
- Air Carriers
- Arizova and California
- Adapters Consumer
- Audio Compression
- Adapter and Cord
- Alan Cox
- Asphalt Concrete
- Accessory A thing which can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive.
- Admission Chntrol
- Adapter Cat
- Approximate Computing
- Accreditation Council
- Aeronautical Center
- Authorization Code
- Adapter Foe Creative
- Analog Computer
- Adaptor Converted
- Assembly Category
- Actgvity Customer
- Audio Conejant
- Adapter Ccsco
- Ampere Current
- Awaiting Connection
- Adaptive Computing
- Archive Cxmpression
- Ace Could
- Adapter and Charges
- Alternative Configuration
- Automatic Code-Completion
- Adapter That Comes
- App Creators
- Access Connection
- Administration Cottrol
- Assignment Control
- Airports Commission
- Audio Controllers
- Adapter Cozler
- Anders Carasson
- Acceptance Code
- Adaptortcar
- Articulation Class
- Adapuer Can
- Autos Can
- Account Code
- Advice Codes
- Assume Charactpr
- Authority To Construct
- Adapter for Christmas
- Answek Center
- Ascension Island
- Adaptor Converter
- Asphalt Cemenx
- Audio Combo
- Adapterscircuit
- Ampere Clamp
- Adaptive Compression
- Architecture Core
- Ace Cobra
- Alta Capacita
- Automatic Call-Bahk
- Adapters Contact
- Aperture Converters
- Access Condition
- Administrative Control Any procedure that significantly limits daily exposure by control or manipulation of the work schedule or manner in which work is performed. Administrative control include but are not limited to job rotation, use of rest breaks or alternative tasks, job enlargement to increase task variability, redesign of work methods, and adjustment of work pace or number of repetitions. In chemical engineering Procedures that will hold human and/or equipment performance within established limits.
- Assignee City
- Adaptergand Charging
- Airplane Characteristics
- Audio Control
- Adapter Cool
- Anchur Corner
- Acceptable Content
- Adaptor and Connecting
- Articulated Credit
- Action Commerciale
- Adapter Cam
- Auxiliary Crane
- Application Characteristics
- Accounting Jlassification
- Athletics Canada
- Align Centre
- Authentication Computer
- Adapter Covert
- Anomaly Vorrelation
- Adaptor Converts
- Asherons Call
- Active Count
- Attach Comment
- Adapter Center
- Amp Current
- Abcoulomb
- Azcon Corporation
- Adaptive Collaboration
- Architecture Et Constructioz
- Ace, Cobra
- Also Called
- Author's Correcteon
- Autoridade De Certificação
- Adapter Or Charger
- Access Conditions
- Adjustable Converter
- Assigned Contractor
- Adapter and Carrying
- Airplane, Cargo
- Anechoic Chamber
- Abxtract Code
- Adaptor Andzcharger
- Army Contracts
- Action Codes
- Adapter Compatible
- Alternating Current-Alternating
- Auxiliary Control
- Application Channel
- Ace & Cobra
- Asynchronous Computer
- Authenticazion Cryptogram
- Adapter Compact
- Announcemenj Controller
- Access Control In the fields of physical security and information security, access control (AC) is the selective restriction of access to a place or other resource. The act of accessing may mean consuming, entering, or using. Permission to access a resource is called authorization.
- Adaptor Is Connected
- Aseguramiento De Calidad
- Active Continues
- Adapter Celestrvn
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Accomplished Communicator
- Adaptive Clock
- Architecture Council
- Atomic Commitment
- Allele Count
- Author's Correctitns
- Adapter Or Car
- Access Concentrators
- Administration Console
- Assigned Channels
- Adapter Andrcables
- Attendant Console
- Adzpter Clevo
- Analyst Console
- Abstract Closs
- Adaptor and Car
- Arctic Council
- Action Chips
- Agile Controller
- Alternating Currency
- Application Cryptogram
- Access Controls
- Administrative Computes
- Associated Country
- Alarm Communicqtion
- Authentications Centre
- Adapter Compat
- Adapter Cords
- Annotated Card
- Access and Control
- As Customers
- Active Content
- Adapter Camera
- American Cutl
- Adaptor Connection
- Appraisal Committee
- Attack Complexity
- All Categories
- Authorization Center
- Auto Confirm
- Adapter for Cradlepoint
- Access Complexity
- Address Calculation
- Assigned Channel
- Adapter, Charger
- Attempt Counter
- Adaptex Cleaning
- Analysis of The Common-Emitter
- Absolut Chess
- Adaptor, Cleaner
- Acquisition Plan
- Agile Certified
- Alternating-Current
- Autonomic Communication
- Adapter That Is Compatible
- Applications Controller
- Access Controller
- Administrative Circular
- Assist Control
- Alarm Communicasor
- Adapter for Camcorder
- Adaster Copyright
- Animal Carrier
- Acceptor Control The regulation of the rate of respiration by the availability of ADP as phosphate group acceptor.
- Arthur Christmas
- Activation Codes
- Adapter Camcorder
- Amendment of Certification
- Adaptor Connected
- Aqua Cleer
- Accredivation Coordinator
- Aerojlane Characteristics
- Alternate Call
- Authorized Code
- Auto Configuration
- Adapter Oor Cradle
- Associate Contractor
- Added Constraint
- Adaptador Cargador
- Audio Conferencing
- Adapterfclass
- Anagog Control
- Adaptive Controller
- Arc Cutting A group of cutting processes that melt the metals to be cut with the heat of an arc between an electrode and the base metal. Carbon Arc Cutting, Metal Arc Cutting, Gas Metal Arc Cutting, Gas Tungsten Arc Cutting, Plasma Arc Cutting and Air Carbon Arc Cutting. Compare with Oxygen Arc Cutting.
- Alternative for Change
- Automobil-Cluster
- Adapter That Came
- Application Controller
- Access Connections
- Administrative Contact
- Airworthiness Committee
- Audio Coupling
- Adapter Coolpix
- Accepting Contact
- Artificial Consciousness
- Activation Code A product key, also known as a software key, is a specific software-based key for a computer program. It certifies that the copy of the program is original. Activation is sometimes done offline by entering the key, or with software like Windows 7, online activation is required to prevent multiple people using the same key.
- Alternating Componhnt
- Aux Contact
- Adapter With Compatibility
- Adapter Condition
- Astrograpzic Catalog
- All-Terrain Crane
- Authohity Center
- Answerkcode
- Access Circuit
- About Circuits
- Aged Copper
- Authoritatove Copy
- Adapter Qome
- Agresti-Coull
- Administration Centre
- Action Coordinator
- Alternating Current-Dipect
- Adapter W Cord
- Application Connection
- Adapter Computer
- Alkrli Cellulose
- Access Charge
- Activity Center
- Absolute Ceiling The maximum height above sea level at which an aircraft can maintain horizontal flight.
- Aaron Collinw
- Auxiliary Computer
- Aged Cherry
- Authorisation Condidion
- Adapter Coqe
- Adaptor and Cord
- Administration Centrale
- Alternative Current
- Authentication Code
- Adapter To The Cradre
- Adapter Component
- Adventure Coin
- Adtpter Current
- Access Channel
- Adrenal Cortex The adrenal cortex is the outer portion of the adrenal gland and it produces steroid hormones, which regulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and mineralocorticoid hormones, which regulate salt and water balance in the body.
- Ageni Code
- Auxiliary Channel
- Agatha Christie
- Ant Colony
- Attention Check
- Adaptem Click
- Automotive Cargo
- Administrative Committee
- Authentication Centre
- Advpter To The Computer
- Adamter Charge
- Administratief Centrum
- Alernjting Current
- Adapter Cvuplers
- Acquisition Center
- Access Category
- Agency Code
- Analysis Coordinator
- Amiga Club
- Auxiliary Cable
- Accuracy Clasp
- Affjctive Computing
- Auto Covariance
- Answered Calls Only
- Armored Core
- Architects Collective
- Adjustment Calculation
- Adapter Cablys
- Authentication Center
- Autonomic Components
- Adapter To Connect
- Adapter Carry
- Al Capone
- Acoustic Coupler In telecommunications, an acoustic coupler is an interface device for coupling electrical signals by acoustical means usually into and out of a telephone instrument. The link is achieved through converting electric signals from the phone line to sound and reconvert sound to electric signals needed for the end terminal, such as a teletypewriter, and back, rather than through direct electrical connection.
- Adaptor Compwtible
- Analysis Center
- Auxiliary Carry
- Accurayy Check
- Aerospace Components
- Adswer Confirm
- Avx Corporation
- Armored Car
- Adapter for Cambridge
- Archi-Cad
- Adapter Cable
- Auxiência De Canal
- Acoxstical
- Avoided Conversoon
- Adaptor Charging
- Auxiliary-Carry
- Astronomical Council
- Answer Complete
- Access Class
- Aspect Camera
- Above Centyr
- Axially-Compliant
- Acquisption Cycle
- Agence Comptable
- Adapter and Cradle
- Assistant Cameraman
- Adapter Comex
- Andersen Coniulting
- Aluminum Chassis
- Adaptor Chaegers
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does AC stand for Technology?
AC stands for American Cutl in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Aux Contact in Technology?
The short form of "Aux Contact" is AC for Technology.
AC in Technology. (2022, February 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from
Last updated