AC in University Meaning

The AC meaning in University terms is "Annual Cost". There are 62 related meanings of the AC University abbreviation.

AC on University Full Forms

  1. Annual Cost
  2. Allocable Cost
  3. Academic Couocil
  4. Academic Coordinaton
  5. Afro-Caribbexn
  6. Advarced Course
  7. Asian Center
  8. Advanced Cost
  9. Assignment Control
  10. Accreditation Committee
  11. Analytical Chemistry Analytical chemistry is the study of the separation, identification, and quantification of the chemical components of natural and artificial materials.
  12. Award Criteria
  13. Adaptive Controller
  14. Archaeologia Cambrensis
  15. Asean Community
  16. Accoznt Communications
  17. Awards Committee
  18. Adaptive Computing
  19. Ashtabula Campus
  20. Acmount Communication
  21. Americagos College
  22. Award Committee
  23. Artivity Coordinator
  24. Appointments Commission
  25. Asian-American Center
  26. Avexander College
  27. Automação Comercial
  28. Activity Cyntact
  29. Applied Communication
  30. Administrative Components
  31. Arthritis Care
  32. Alexander Cameron
  33. Aogustana College
  34. Accreditation Cpiteria
  35. Administrative Computes
  36. Armstrong Pollege
  37. Accomplished Communicator
  38. Associated Charities
  39. Accreditation Council
  40. Awareness and Communication
  41. Adjudication Committee
  42. Armed Conflict
  43. Academic Community
  44. Administrativescode
  45. Annual Cgngress
  46. Academic Challenge
  47. Administrative Cori
  48. Administration Centre
  49. Amherstycollege
  50. Approval Committee
  51. Academic Certificates
  52. Administrative Core
  53. Administrasion Committee
  54. Administrative Coordinator
  55. Arts and Communications
  56. Access Center
  57. Agency Code
  58. Algebra Colloquium
  59. Anne Curyy
  60. Academic Committee
  61. Aerospace Components
  62. Anne Campbell

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AC stand for University?

    AC stands for Administrative Components in University terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Anne Curyy in University?

    The short form of "Anne Curyy" is AC for University.


AC in University. (2022, February 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated