ACAB Meaning

The ACAB meaning is "All Cops Are Bastard". The ACAB abbreviation has 28 different full form.

ACAB Full Forms

  1. All Cops Are Bastard Movie, Music, Cop
  2. Animal Control Advisory Board
  3. All Cops Are Basterds
  4. Animal Census and Billing
  5. Associació Contra L'AnorèXia I La BulíMia
  6. All Cops Are Bastards Internet Slang, Movie, Nationalism
  7. Advisory Committee On Agricultural Biotechnology
  8. Asociación Cultural Armenia De Barcelona
  9. All Coppers Are Bastards Police, Tattoo, Bastard
  10. Acht Cola Acht Bier
  11. Acht Cola, Acht Bier
  12. Arts & Crafts Association Bornholm Association, Exhibition, Baltic
  13. All Cops Are Bastardz
  14. Applied Companion Animal Behavior
  15. Association of Community Access Broadcasters Radio, Locations, Station
  16. Atlantic Centre for Agri-Business
  17. Associação Dos Criadores De Avestruzes Do Brasil
  18. Associazione Culturale Antonello Branca
  19. Association of Companion Animal Behavior
  20. Association of Central African Bank
  21. Awake Coronary Artery Bypass
  22. Associaci
  23. Association of Central African Banks Business
  24. Australian Corporate and Business
  25. Associa
  26. Association of Cargo Agents of Bangladesh Business, Freight, Bangladesh
  27. Atraumatic Coronary Artery Bypass
  28. Asociaci

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ACAB stand for?

    ACAB stands for Acht Cola, Acht Bier.

  2. What is the shortened form of Associa?

    The short form of "Associa" is ACAB.


ACAB. (2019, December 24). Retrieved July 27, 2024 from

Last updated