ACDR Meaning

The ACDR meaning is "Area Commander". The ACDR abbreviation has 19 different full form.

ACDR Full Forms

  1. Area Commander Us, Homeland Security, Capability Assurance Job Aid
  2. Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reaction
  3. Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions
  4. Advanced Conceptual Design Report Science
  5. Actual Cost Detail Report
  6. AssociaçAo Cultural Desportiva E Recreativa
  7. Alabama Child Death Review
  8. Associação Cultural, Desportiva E Recreativa Para, Portugal, Ria
  9. Afghanistan Centre for Dispute Resolution
  10. Atlantic Common Drug Review
  11. Association of Committees for The Defence of The Revolution Organizations, Africa, Ghana
  12. Associa
  13. Asian Conference On Disaster Reduction Education, Asia, Tsunami
  14. Auto Cluster Development & Research
  15. Artificial Cervical Disc Replacement
  16. Auto Centre Distribution Rochelais
  17. Automatic Call Detail Record
  18. Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
  19. Audio Compact Disc Reader Technology, Software, Ripper

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ACDR stand for?

    ACDR stands for Alabama Child Death Review.

  2. What is the shortened form of Asian Conference On Disaster Reduction?

    The short form of "Asian Conference On Disaster Reduction" is ACDR.


ACDR. (2019, December 24). Retrieved July 24, 2024 from

Last updated