ACF in Biomedical Meaning

The ACF meaning in Biomedical terms is "Aberrant Crypt Focus". There are 8 related meanings of the ACF Biomedical abbreviation.

ACF on Biomedical Full Forms

  1. Aberrant Crypt Focus
  2. Aberrant Crypt Foci
  3. Appearance of Aberrant Crypt Foci
  4. apobec-1 complementation factor
  5. Asymmetric Crying Facies
  6. Induces Aberrant Crypt Foci
  7. Complementation Factor
  8. Arise From Acentric Chromosome Fragments

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ACF stand for Biomedical?

    ACF stands for Asymmetric Crying Facies in Biomedical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of apobec-1 complementation factor in Biomedical?

    The short form of "apobec-1 complementation factor" is ACF for Biomedical.


ACF in Biomedical. (2021, September 19). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

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