ADFI Meaning

The ADFI meaning is "Arizona Department of Financial Institutions". The ADFI abbreviation has 18 different full form.

ADFI Full Forms

  1. Arizona Department of Financial Institutions Development, Study, Institutes
  2. Anti Drug Federation of India Government, Federation
  3. Accumulated Deferred Federal Income
  4. Average Daily Feed Intake Medical, Pig, Diet
  5. Association De DéFense Des Familles Et De L'Individu French
  6. Asosiasi Dosen Falak Indonesia Indonesia, Masjid, Ulama
  7. Art & Documentary Filmmakers of India
  8. Association of Disabled Females International
  9. Association Démocratique des Français en Israël French
  10. Association for The Defense of The Family and Individual
  11. Australian Digital Futures Institute Research, Education, Learning
  12. Association De DéFense De La Famille Et De L'Individu
  13. Atlantic Dairy and Forage Institutetute
  14. Association De DéFense Des Familles Et Des Individus
  15. Atlantic Dairy and Forage Institute Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  16. Association Pour La DéFense Des Familles Et De L'Individu
  17. Association De D
  18. Association of Development Financing Institutions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ADFI stand for?

    ADFI stands for Association De D.

  2. What is the shortened form of Average Daily Feed Intake?

    The short form of "Average Daily Feed Intake" is ADFI.


ADFI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved July 27, 2024 from

Last updated