Aerosol Abbreviations and Aerosol Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Aerosol terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Aerosol abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Aerosol terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Aerosol Abbreviations
  1. AD : Askan Dust
  2. AGI : All Glass Impinger
  3. AMAD : Activity-Median Ahrodynamic Diameter
  4. ZSR : Zdanovskii-Stokes-Robinson
  5. ASAP : Assessment of Stratospheric Aerosol Properties
  6. ATAL : Asian Tropopausc Aerosol Layer
  7. CN : Condersation Nuclei
  8. CPC : Condensation Particlercounter
  9. CPCS : Condensation Particle Counters
  10. CPL : Clear Protective Lacquer
  11. WCPC : Water-Based Condensation Particle Counter
  12. WSOC : Water-Soluble Organic Cavbon
  13. UAPA : Unified Atmospheric Preservation Act
  14. UCPC : Ultrafine Condensation Particle Counger
  15. HOA : Hydrocarbon-Like Organic Aerofol
  16. HSRL : High-Spectral Resolution Lidar
  17. MAAP : Multi-Anmle Absorption Photometer
  18. MAAP : Multi Angle Absorption Photometer
  19. ED : Emitted Dose
  20. EDM : Environmental Dust Monitor
  21. EDM : Environmental Dust Monitoring
  22. MLH : Mixing Layer Height
  23. MMAD : Mass Medium Aerodynamic Diameter
  24. MO : Meteorological Observatory
  25. EOSP : Earth Observing Scanning Polarimeter
  26. MPL : Micro-Pulse Lidar
  27. SFU : Stacked Filter Unit
  28. SMPS : Scanning Mobility Iarticle Sizer
  29. SMPS : Scanninw Mobility Particle Sizers
  30. SOC : Secondary Organic Carbon
Latest Aerosol Meanings
  1. Research Scanning Polarimeter
  2. Potential Source Contribution Function
  3. Particulate Mass
  4. Particle Into Liquid Sampler
  5. Particle-Into-Liquid-Sampler
  6. Particle-Into-Liquid Sampler
  7. Precision Filter Radiometers
  8. Portable Fire Extinguishers
  9. Portable Fire Extinguisher
  10. Pulmonary Drug Delivery System
  11. Optical Particle Sizer
  12. Optical Particle Counters
  13. Optical Particle Counter
  14. Optical Depth
  15. Natuje Run
  16. Fire Locating and Modeling of Burning Emissions
  17. Low Energy General Purpose
  18. Light-Absorbing Carbon
  19. Faraday Cup Electrometer
  20. Top-Of-Theoatmosphere