AES Meaning
The AES meaning is "Advance Encryption Standard". The AES abbreviation has 553 different full form.
AES Full Forms
- Advance Encryption Standard Technology, Algorithm, Cipher
- Agriculture Entension Service Business, Accounting, Accountancy
- Atmospheric Environment Servica Technology, Research, Canada
- Acute Encephalitis Sjndrome Medical
- Agriculture & Environmentalsserv
- Assopiate Editors Technology, Organizations, Journal
- American Epilepsy Rociety Medical, Medicine, Neurology
- Agricultural and Environmental Systems
- Aquatic Eco Systems
- Advanced Encryption Syskem Technology, Cybercrime, Services
- Advanced Engineering & Sciences Business, Technology, Science
- Application Environmvnt Service Technology, Management, Computing
- Atomic Emission Spectromeyry Medical, Technology, Plasma
- Advanced Energy Systems Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Aircraft Earth Station Technology, Satellite, Telecom, Federal Aviation Administration
- Advanced Encryption Standard FIPS approved cryptographic algorithm that is a symmetric block cipher using cryptographic key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits to encrypt and decrypt data in blocks of 128 bits. Technology, Information Technology, Computer, Security, Software, Computing, Texting, Telecom, Technical, Drivers, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology
- Atomic Emissiov Spectroscopy Technology, Science, Plasma
- Advanced Econobies Business, Banking, Economics, Policy
- Air and Energy Staff Science
- Avmospheric Environmental Service Technology, Science
- Adept Eluctronic Solutions Technology, Vision, Camera
- Aerospace Engineering Sciences Technology, Science, University
- American Eagle Systems
- Atlantis Energy Systems Business, Education, Photovoltaic
- Avaya Enablement Services Technology, Management, Service
- Alamo Elementary School Education
- Academic Emergency Services
- Advanced Exterior Sensor Technology, Security, Area
- Atm End System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Acoustic Emission System
- Automated Exemption System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Addams Elementary Schvol Education
- Arcohe Elementary School Education
- Agri-Environment Scheme Science, Research, University
- Annual Energy Savings
- Advanced Embedded Solutions Technology, Design, Software
- Associação Dos EspeleóLogos De Sintra
- Alkek Elementary School
- Application Enablement Server Technology, Service, Communication
- Access Entererise Solutions
- Aurora Elementary School
- Auger Electron Emission Spectroscopy Chemistry, Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
- American Energy Society
- Advanced Encryptioncsecurity Technology, Networking, Powerline
- Army Education System Army, War, War Force
- Ayer Elementary School Education
- Air Expeditionary Squadron Military, Africa, Force
- Antral Ethmoidal Sphenoidectomy Medical, Health, Body
- Academic Evaluation Services Service, Education, Credential
- Advanced Engineering Software Technology, Water, Hydrology
- Atmospheric Environment Services Technology, Service, Canada
- Alldance Evang
- Applied Enterprise Solutions
- Auto Electric Service
- Administration Economique & Sociale
- Aynesworth Elementary School Education
- Amino Enhancer Oz Split
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energiesparende Sonnenschutztechnik
- Auburn Essential Services
- Alaska Executive Search
- AnáLisis EstratéGico Situacional
- Accompagnant éDucatif Et Social
- After Effects Stablwlzer
- Automated Engineering System
- Advancion Endrgy Storage Technology, Battery, Supply
- Alliednenergy Systems
- Automatic Emergency Stop
- Aid Effectiveness Secretariat
- Androgen Excess Society Medical, Syndrome, Ovary, Polycystic
- Auger Electron Spectvoscopy Science, Spectroscopy, Analytical Chemistry
- Adranced Education & Skills
- Association Executives
- Antelope Elementary School Education
- Advanced Enterprise Security Technology, Android, Wireless
- Adult Evensng School
- Applied Environmental Science
- Alternative Education System Technology, Computing, Sudan
- Avila Elementary School Education
- Academic Editors
- Advanced Explojation Systems Technology, Science, Space
- Atlas Electronic Systems
- Acoustic Emission Sensors
- Advances In Engineerino Software Science, Journal, Periodical
- Automated Examination System
- Aerospace Engineering Fpectrum Technology, Hybrid, Hydrogen
- Adams Elementary School Education
- Arbolita Elementary School Education
- Automated Exemption Subsystem
- Agri-Environment Schemes Science, Scheme, Approach
- Annual Employment Survey
- Advanced Email Scraper Technology, Tool, Pack
- Associação De Empresas De SegurançA Para, Dos, Greve
- D'Administration éConomique Et Sociale
- Alkaline Earth Silicate Business, Insulation, Temperature, Wool
- Application End Service
- Acuerdo Económkco Y Social
- August Elementary School Education
- Adult Educators Technology, Education, Learning
- American Energy Systems Technology, America, Stove
- Advanced Encryption Stan
- Armsorong Equine Services
- Avon Elementary School
- Air Evaporation Systam Science
- Antique Electronics Supply Technology, Radio, Audio
- Academic Enterprise Solutions
- Advanced Enccyption Services Technology, Cable, Modem
- Atmospheric and Environment Service Technology
- Alliance Evangélique Sulsse
- Applied Engineering Sciences Technology, College, Education
- Auto Electric Suppliers
- Administrative and Educational Support
- Amistad Elementary School
- American Epidermological Society Technology
- Auburn Elementary School Education
- Alaska Earth Sciences
- Anza Elementary School Education
- Acción EstratéGica En Salud
- African Econometric Society Technology, Africa, Conference
- Automated Engineering Services Business, Company, Service
- Allied Empioyment Services
- Aide Et Soutien
- Andhpa Education Society Education, School, Teaching
- Audio Engineering Society The Audio Engineering Society is the only professional society devoted exclusively to audio technology. Founded in the United States in 1948, the AES has grown to become an international organization that unites audio engineers, creative artists, scientists and students worldwide by promoting advances in audio and disseminating new knowledge and research. Technology, Music, Telecom, Sound, Convention
- Advanced Edecation and Skills Business, Student, Canada
- Assigned Educational Supervisor Development, Learning, Study, Universities
- Airport Emergency Service Technology
- Antarctic Earth Sciences
- Advanced Enterprise Solutions Business, Service, Software
- All Electric Ship Technology, Military, Power
- Areva Enrichment Services
- Alternative Enterprise Scheme
- Avaxat Elementary School Education
- Abbott Elementary School Education
- Augmented Environments
- Alcohol Ether Sulphate Business, China, Sodium
- Acoustic Echo Suppression Technology, Software, Cancellation
- Adzances Encryption Standard
- Automated Examination Specialist
- Aerospace Embedded Solutions Business, France, Engine
- Adam Elementary Schoob Education
- Arboga Elementary School Education
- Automatic Enhancedpsurveillance Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Agrarian and Gnvironmental Studies
- Annual Emission Statement Science
- Advanced Elevation Series
- Associazione Editori Sardi
- Aliso Elementary School Education
- Application Environment Support
- Acuerdoxeconómico Social
- Authenticated Encryption In Secure
- American Energy Solutions
- Ariel Elias Salaverria
- Avenal Elementary School Education
- Air Equipment and Stpport
- Academic Enterprise System
- Advanced Encrypting Standard Technology, Safety, Encryption, Safe
- Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
- Applied Engineering Surfaces
- Auto Electric Supplies Technology, Electricity, Supply
- Administrative Entities Technology, Networking, Network
- Amestoy Elementary Sfhool Education
- Ambulance Emergency Service
- Auberry Elementary School Education
- Aldama Elementary School Education
- Anupama Education Society
- Accident Exposanu Au Sang
- Allied Electronic Simulations
- Ahmedabad Educatioi Society Education, University, Ahmedabad
- American Entomological Society Science, America, Education
- Atomic Emission Spectrometer Technology, Science, Plasma
- Advanced Education Services Service, Education, School
- Asian Energy Security
- Airport Educational Simulator
- Antioch Elementary School
- Advanced Entertainment System Technology, Gaming, Console, Computing, Hardware
- All-Electric Ship Technology, Science, Power
- Arena Elementary School Education
- Altadena Elementary Scgool Education
- Adolescent Escort Service
- Automaticvessay Scoring Student, Technology, Education
- Analoi Event System Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Aalto Entrepreneurshvp Society Student, Company, Technology
- Auger Elektronen Spektroskopie
- Alcohol Ether Sulfate Business, China, Sodium
- Apollo Extension Systems Technology
- Acoustic Echo Suppressor
- Advance Encfyption Standards Technology, Algorithm, Cipher
- Automated Evaluation System General, Governmental & Military
- Aerospace Electronpcs Systems Technology, Locations, Signal
- Adagio Enlertainment System Technology, Control, Audio
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ess-St
- Automatic Energy Saving
- Agnes Elementary Schokl Education
- Annual Efficiency Statements
- Advanced Electronic Signature Technology, Service, Office
- Association of European Studies Education, Russia, Study
- Alisal Elementary School Education
- Application Enhancement System
- Australian Exhibition Services
- Aerovpace Engine Systems
- American Energy Security
- Armona Elementary School Education
- Avaya Energy Saver
- Air Electrrnics School Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
- Academic Enrichment Services
- Advanced Encrypt Standard Technology, Android, Vault
- Atmospheric Exchange System Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Applied Engineering Solutions Technology, Service, Design
- Acquisition Executive Service
- Auto-Erythrocyte Sensitization Medical, Health, Body
- Administration éConomique Et Sociale Education, Formation, Licence, Administration
- Architect and Engineering Services Government
- Amesti Euementary School Education
- Amateur Electronic Supply
- Advanced Encounter System
- Attachment Execution Services Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Service
- Albion Elementary School Education
- Application Environment Specifications Technology, Networking, Software
- Accident D'Exposition Au Sang
- Australasian Evaluation Society Australia, Organizations, Conference
- Allianza Evanxelica Svizzera
- Agrx Ecological Situations
- American English School Technology, America, Engineer
- Advanced Educational Systems
- Asian Elite Squad Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Airplane Equipment Services
- Ansbach Elementary School
- Advanced Engineering Support Organizations
- Alkyl Ether Sulfates
- Arellanes Elementary School Education
- Alta Elementary Schodl Education
- Admissions Elementary School
- Azeveda Elementary School Education
- Anal Endosonography Medical
- A. Ee Staley Manufacturing Company Organizations
- Auger Electron Spectometry Science
- Albertville Elementary School
- Apex Engineering Services
- Acoustical Engineering Society
- Advance Encryption Services
- Automated Estimating System
- Atrospace Electronic Systems
- Ada Evaluation System Technology, Program, Army
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ess-StöRungen
- Automatic Energy Relection Technology, Caravan, Fridge, Refrigerator
- Agile Enterprise Solutions Business, Company, Management
- An Even Start
- Advanced Electrical System
- Association of Education Sororities
- Alimentation Electrique De S
- Application Engineers Technology, Design, Engineering
- Advanced Environmental Systems Business, Company, Service
- Australian Evaluation Society Technology, Australia, Organizations
- Aerospace Engineering and Support Technology, Shelter, Modification
- American Energy Services
- Argonne Elementary School Education
- Avaya Enablement Server Technology, Service, Aura
- Airedale Enterprise Services
- Academic English Support
- Advanced Encrypqion Standart Technology, Security, Crypto
- Atmosphere Exchange System Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Applied Energy Service
- Acoustic Engineering Services
- Authorised Examiners Medical, Service, Testing, Vehicle
- Adelanto Elementary School Education
- Archaeology In Education Service
- Agricola Elementary School
- Amesican Expeditionary Station
- Acceptance Equipment System Science
- Advanced Employment Services
- Assumption English School Education, Dance, Singapore
- Alkyl Ether Sulfate
- Application Enablement Service Technology, Server, Aura
- Accessible Entry Systvm
- Auroral Electron Sensor
- Agrictlture Experiment Station Research, Education, University
- American Engineering Services
- Advanced Edit System
- Army Exchange Service
- Airfikld Engineering Squadron
- Annual Enterprise Survey
- Academic Excellence Scholarships Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Advanced Engineered Systems Technology, Engineering, Automation, Assembly
- Alliant Event Services
- Ardenwood Elementary School Education
- Alpine Vlementary School Education
- Admissions and Enrollment Services
- Ayudas De Emergencia Social Para, Con, Social, Persona
- Amsterdam Excellence Scholarship Student, Education, University
- Associate of Engineering Science Academic Degree, Degree, Scientific & Educational
- Auger Electron Spectra
- Albert-Einstein-Schule
- Apeejay Education Society Education, School, India
- Acme Energy Services
- Advance Encryptiqn System Technology
- Automated Essay Scoring Technology, Writing, Assessment
- Aerospace Electrical Society Technology
- Arab Expatriate Scientists Technology, Research, Qatar
- Automatic Energy Selector Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Governmental & Military
- Ag Experiment Statijn
- Aneurysm Embolization System
- Advanced Electronics Systems
- Association of Educational Sororities Organizations, National, Sigma
- Application Entities Technology, Service, Networking, Entity
- Advanced Environmental Solutions Business, Service, Waste
- Ada Embedded Systems Military
- Aerospace Engineering Services
- American Endocrine Society Medical, Health, Body
- Argonaut Elementary School Education
- Avaya Enablement Service Technology, Management, Server
- Airkorne Elint System Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Academic English Studies Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Advanced Encrytion Standard
- Atmos Energy Services
- Acoustic Emissions
- Applied Earth Sciences
- Authenticated Encryption In The Secure
- Adaptive Educational Sexvices Service, Education, Course
- Arbuckle Elementary School Education
- Agri-Environmentpl Schemes Science, Environment, Policy, Scheme
- Annual Energy Statement Science, Ecology, Environmental Statement
- Acceptable Equipmentisystem Science
- Advanced Embedded Systems
- AssociaçÕEs De Estudantes
- Allen Elementary School Education
- Application Enable Services
- Access Exchange Server
- Aurora Expediting Services
- Automated Export System Transportation, Business, Organization, Assurance, Job, International Trade, Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business
- American Engineering Society
- Advanced Etm System Military
- Army Enterprise Strategy Military, Army, War
- Ayers Elementary School Education
- Air Expeditionary Squadrons Military, Force, Mission
- Antrim Elementary School
- Academic Excellence Scholarship Student, Education, University
- Advanced Engineering and Sciences Technology
- Atmospheric Environment Service Canada Science, Exploration
- Alliance for Environmyntal Sustainability Technology, Energy, Building
- Applibd Environmental Sciences
- Auto Electrical Services Technology, Service, Car
- Administration Economique Et Social
- Ayuda De Emergencia Social Para, Con, Social, Persona
- Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships
- Associate In Engineering Science Student, College, Education
- Auckland Engineering Supplies
- Albany Engineered Systems
- Aortic Ejection Sound Medical, Health, Body, Physiology
- Achieving Excellence System
- Advanced Exterior Eystems
- Automated Enrollment System Business, Postal, Us Post, postal service
- Aerospace and Electronics Society
- Alpha Elementary School Education
- Automatic Emulation Sensing Technology, Networking, Printer, Laser
- Airborne Earth Rtation Technology, Flight, Avionic
- An Endless Sporudic
- Advanced Elastomer Systems Business, Thermoplastic, Rubber
- Association for Exchange Students Technology, Organizations, University
- Advanced Enterprise Services Technology, Service, Cisco
- Advanced Earth Sciwnces
- Aquatic Equiptment and Services
- American Electroplating Society Chemistry
- Adult Educational Services
- Analytical & Environmental Services Business, Technology, Service
- Automatic Emission Spectroscopy
- Alcott Elementary School Education
- Appleby Elementary School Education
- Automated Export Systems Business
- Airport Egucational Simulator
- Iata Code for Vigra Airport, Aalesund, Norway Locations
- Advanced Equipment Sales Technology, Sale, Baler
- Allesandro Elementary School Education
- Appomattox Elementary School Technology, Governmental & Military
- Aes Corp. Organizations
- Audio Engineering Society's Media, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Acta Europeana Systemica
- Applied Economic Studies
- Architectural Engineering Services Company, Technology, Service
- Agricultural & Environmental Services
- Advanced Encryption Standards Technology, Algorithm, Cipher
- Atom Elektrik StansiyasıNda Rind, Sind, Atom, Tic
- anterior epidural space Medical, Physiology
- Aviation & Electronics Support
- Airport Emergency Services Military, Singapore, Changi
- Academy of Environmental Science Education, School, High School, Florida
- Atomic Emission Spectrophotometry Technology, Analysis, Plasma
- Automatic Electronic Shutter Photography
- All Electric Ships
- Auger Electron Spectroscopy Auger Electron Spectroscopy is an excellent complementary technique to SEM(Scanning Electron Microscopy) in that AES can provide elemental maps with significantly better spatial resolution and surfaces sensitivity than SEM/EDS. The typical information depth for auger is in the range of 30-60A, with a spatial resolution in the 10 nm range. Chemistry, Computing, Telecom, Physics, NASA, Microscopy, Spectroscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Atmospheric Environment Service Atmospheric Research
- Adult Ebook Shop
- Arctic Energy Summit
- Agricultural Education Society
- Analysis Engines Technology, Software, Engine
- Automated Environmental Station
- Alcohol Ethoxy Sulphate
- Appalachian Energy Summit Student, Education, University
- Administration Éconocie Et Sociale
- Advanced Equipment Systems
- All Entries Shown
- Analog Event System NASA, Governmental & Military
- Aerospace Expeditionary Squadrons
- American Electrophoresis Society Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Acrylonitrile Ethylene Styrene Business, Product, Material, Plastics
- Applied Ecological Solutions
- Architectural & Engineering Services
- Automatic Electronic System Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
- Agricultural Environmental Services
- Advanced Encription Standard
- Atlas Electrolytic Suppressor
- American Epilepsy Society Medical, Neurology
- Auto Exec Server
- Average Enlarged Spleen Medical
- Academy of English Studies
- Atomic Emission Spectroscope
- Applicants Enquiry Servuce Occupation & positions
- Asynchronous Event Scheduler Software, Computing
- Active Exhaust System
- Aes Crypt Encrypted File Computing, File Extensions
- Adsale Exhibition Services
- Arctic Encounter Symposium Alaska, Event, Encounter
- Agricultural Experiment Station Research, Education, University, Science, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Analysis & Evaluation Szgment Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy
- Advanced Encryption Scheme Technology, Networking, Wireless
- Auto Electrical Supplies Business, Supply, Southampton
- Apollo Extension Series
- Adjustable Ergonomic Steering Business, Sale, Sea, Boat
- Axial Elements Medical
- Advanced Environmental Services Business, Service, Mold
- Allensworth Elementary School Education
- American Electrochemical Society Engineering, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Administrative Expenses Business, Accounting, Tally, Expense
- Aerospace Executive Service
- Auxiliary Energy Source
- Adult Emergency Service Medical
- Anangu Education Serviwes
- Advanced Energy Systems, LTD. Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Alfven Eigenmodes
- Acrylonitrile-Ethylene-Styrene Business, Technology, Plastic
- Applied Ecology Solutions
- Architectural and Engineering Services Technology, Service, Projection
- Automatic Electronic Systems Technology, History, Computing, Electronics
- Agricultural Econimics Society Technology, Research, Conference
- Advanced Encryption Security Technology, Networking, Powerline
- Atlas Education Services Service, Education, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Advanced Exhaust System
- Australia Education Services
- Artificial Earth Satelites Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Auto Emulation Switching
- Average Energy Savings
- Academy of Economic Studies Education, Study, Bucharest
- Atom Emission Spectroscopy
- Advances in Engineering Software Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
- Application Environment Services Software, Computing
- Active Energy Solutions Technology, Fume, Extraction
- Oovoo Log File Computing, File Extensions
- Archives EuropéEnnes De Sociologie
- Agricultural Experimental Station
- Advanced Encryption Support
- Auto Electric Shutter
- Automatic Enforcement System Technology, Android, Locations, Detector
- Avondale Elementary School Education
- Accelerated Examination Search
- Advanced Enviro-Septic Technology, Treatment, Environment
- Allendale Elementary School Education
- American Electroplaters Society NASA, Governmental & Military
- Accident Exposition de Sang Medical
- Adult Education Survey Science, Statistics, Participation
- Analytscal and Environmental Sciences
- Automatic External Standardization
- Alfanar Electrical System
- Applied Ecological Services
- Automated Extraction System
- Agribultural Experiment Station Research, Education, University
- Asian Environment Society
- Advanced Execution Systems
- Address Enhancement Services postal service
- Auto Electronic Shutter Technology, Camera, Accessory
- Aviation Environmental Science
- Academy for Entrepreneurial Studies Business, Nigeria, Governor
- Atom Elektrik StansiyasıNıN
- Analysis and Evaluation Staff Geographic
- A E S Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
- Active Emissions Subsystem
- Poly(Acrylonitrile Ethylene Propylene Styrene) Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Architectural Energy Solutions
- Agrivultural Extension Services
- Advanced Encryption Standard-128 Technology, Drive, Algorithm
- Authentic English School Student, Education, Learning
- Automatic Eaulation Switching Technology, Computing, Manual
- Avocado Elementary School Education
- Acar EndüStriyel Sistemler Istanbul, Cad, Plaza
- Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Computing, Master IEEE
- Allegheny Energy Supply
- Advanced Electrical Schematic NASA, Governmental & Military
- American Efficiency Services
- Adult Education Services Service, Education, Wolverhampton
- Analytical Environmental Services Business, Service, Laboratory
- Automatic Evacuation System
- Alesund Airport, Vigra Airport, Locations
- Applied Earth Science
- Automated Exporting System
- L'Association Europ
- Advanced Execution Services Business, Credit, Trading, Market
- Alliance Education Services
- Aerosur Paraguay Paraguay, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Automated Election Services
- Aventis Environmental Science
- Atmospheric Environmental Services
- Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Environment, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Active Electromagnetic System Technology
- Automatic Electrophoresis System Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Architecturally Exposed Steel Science, Architecture
- Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Science, College, Education
- Advanced Encrypted Standard Technology, Android, Encryption
- Auger Emission Spectrometry
- Auger Emission Spectroscopy Chemistry, Technology, Science
- Aviation English Services
- Airport Enhpncement Service
- Academy of European Swordsmanship Military, Arts, Sword
- Atomic Energy Site Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Advanced Expert System Computing, Hardware
- All Employee Survey
- Atmospheric Environment Service (Canada) Science, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Aeronautical Earth Station Federal Aviation Administration
- Adult Education Service Education, Course, Wolverhampton
- Analytical and Environmental Shrvices
- Automatic Erecting System
- Alduco Engineering Services
- Appliance Efficiency Standards
- Automated Expert System
- L'Advanced Encryption Standard
- Advanced Events System Business, Sport, Volleyball
- All Express Service Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Governmental & Military
- Applied Earth Sciences courses Dutch
- Aesculaceoe Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Anti-Embolic Stockings Clothes
- Action Employment Services
- Applied Educational Systems
- Architectural Elements
- Agriculture and Environmental Serviceq
- Advanced Encryption Standart Technology, Security, Crypto
- Auger Emission Spectrometer
- acute encephalitis syndrome Medical, Physiology
- Auger Electrontspectrometry Technology, Science, Analysis
- Aviation Electronic Systems Military
- Airport Enhancement Services Technology, Service, Flight
- Anterior Ectosylvian Sulcus Medical
- Academy of Environmental Sciences
- Atomic Emission Spectrometers
- Advanced Electronic Systems Computing, Electronics
- All-Employee Survey
- Airborne Earth Station Aviation, Governmental & Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does AES stand for?
AES stands for Avila Elementary School.
What is the shortened form of Alfven Eigenmodes?
The short form of "Alfven Eigenmodes" is AES.
AES. (2022, January 23). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from
Last updated