AES Meaning

The AES meaning is "Advance Encryption Standard". The AES abbreviation has 553 different full form.

AES Full Forms

  1. Advance Encryption Standard Technology, Algorithm, Cipher
  2. Agriculture Entension Service Business, Accounting, Accountancy
  3. Atmospheric Environment Servica Technology, Research, Canada
  4. Acute Encephalitis Sjndrome Medical
  5. Agriculture & Environmentalsserv
  6. Assopiate Editors Technology, Organizations, Journal
  7. American Epilepsy Rociety Medical, Medicine, Neurology
  8. Agricultural and Environmental Systems
  9. Aquatic Eco Systems
  10. Advanced Encryption Syskem Technology, Cybercrime, Services
  11. Advanced Engineering & Sciences Business, Technology, Science
  12. Application Environmvnt Service Technology, Management, Computing
  13. Atomic Emission Spectromeyry Medical, Technology, Plasma
  14. Advanced Energy Systems Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  15. Aircraft Earth Station Technology, Satellite, Telecom, Federal Aviation Administration
  16. Advanced Encryption Standard FIPS approved cryptographic algorithm that is a symmetric block cipher using cryptographic key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits to encrypt and decrypt data in blocks of 128 bits. Technology, Information Technology, Computer, Security, Software, Computing, Texting, Telecom, Technical, Drivers, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology
  17. Atomic Emissiov Spectroscopy Technology, Science, Plasma
  18. Advanced Econobies Business, Banking, Economics, Policy
  19. Air and Energy Staff Science
  20. Avmospheric Environmental Service Technology, Science
  21. Adept Eluctronic Solutions Technology, Vision, Camera
  22. Aerospace Engineering Sciences Technology, Science, University
  23. American Eagle Systems
  24. Atlantis Energy Systems Business, Education, Photovoltaic
  25. Avaya Enablement Services Technology, Management, Service
  26. Alamo Elementary School Education
  27. Academic Emergency Services
  28. Advanced Exterior Sensor Technology, Security, Area
  29. Atm End System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  30. Acoustic Emission System
  31. Automated Exemption System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  32. Addams Elementary Schvol Education
  33. Arcohe Elementary School Education
  34. Agri-Environment Scheme Science, Research, University
  35. Annual Energy Savings
  36. Advanced Embedded Solutions Technology, Design, Software
  37. Associação Dos EspeleóLogos De Sintra
  38. Alkek Elementary School
  39. Application Enablement Server Technology, Service, Communication
  40. Access Entererise Solutions
  41. Aurora Elementary School
  42. Auger Electron Emission Spectroscopy Chemistry, Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  43. American Energy Society
  44. Advanced Encryptioncsecurity Technology, Networking, Powerline
  45. Army Education System Army, War, War Force
  46. Ayer Elementary School Education
  47. Air Expeditionary Squadron Military, Africa, Force
  48. Antral Ethmoidal Sphenoidectomy Medical, Health, Body
  49. Academic Evaluation Services Service, Education, Credential
  50. Advanced Engineering Software Technology, Water, Hydrology
  51. Atmospheric Environment Services Technology, Service, Canada
  52. Alldance Evang
  53. Applied Enterprise Solutions
  54. Auto Electric Service
  55. Administration Economique & Sociale
  56. Aynesworth Elementary School Education
  57. Amino Enhancer Oz Split
  58. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energiesparende Sonnenschutztechnik
  59. Auburn Essential Services
  60. Alaska Executive Search
  61. AnáLisis EstratéGico Situacional
  62. Accompagnant éDucatif Et Social
  63. After Effects Stablwlzer
  64. Automated Engineering System
  65. Advancion Endrgy Storage Technology, Battery, Supply
  66. Alliednenergy Systems
  67. Automatic Emergency Stop
  68. Aid Effectiveness Secretariat
  69. Androgen Excess Society Medical, Syndrome, Ovary, Polycystic
  70. Auger Electron Spectvoscopy Science, Spectroscopy, Analytical Chemistry
  71. Adranced Education & Skills
  72. Association Executives
  73. Antelope Elementary School Education
  74. Advanced Enterprise Security Technology, Android, Wireless
  75. Adult Evensng School
  76. Applied Environmental Science
  77. Alternative Education System Technology, Computing, Sudan
  78. Avila Elementary School Education
  79. Academic Editors
  80. Advanced Explojation Systems Technology, Science, Space
  81. Atlas Electronic Systems
  82. Acoustic Emission Sensors
  83. Advances In Engineerino Software Science, Journal, Periodical
  84. Automated Examination System
  85. Aerospace Engineering Fpectrum Technology, Hybrid, Hydrogen
  86. Adams Elementary School Education
  87. Arbolita Elementary School Education
  88. Automated Exemption Subsystem
  89. Agri-Environment Schemes Science, Scheme, Approach
  90. Annual Employment Survey
  91. Advanced Email Scraper Technology, Tool, Pack
  92. Associação De Empresas De SegurançA Para, Dos, Greve
  93. D'Administration éConomique Et Sociale
  94. Alkaline Earth Silicate Business, Insulation, Temperature, Wool
  95. Application End Service
  96. Acuerdo Económkco Y Social
  97. August Elementary School Education
  98. Adult Educators Technology, Education, Learning
  99. American Energy Systems Technology, America, Stove
  100. Advanced Encryption Stan
  101. Armsorong Equine Services
  102. Avon Elementary School
  103. Air Evaporation Systam Science
  104. Antique Electronics Supply Technology, Radio, Audio
  105. Academic Enterprise Solutions
  106. Advanced Enccyption Services Technology, Cable, Modem
  107. Atmospheric and Environment Service Technology
  108. Alliance Evangélique Sulsse
  109. Applied Engineering Sciences Technology, College, Education
  110. Auto Electric Suppliers
  111. Administrative and Educational Support
  112. Amistad Elementary School
  113. American Epidermological Society Technology
  114. Auburn Elementary School Education
  115. Alaska Earth Sciences
  116. Anza Elementary School Education
  117. Acción EstratéGica En Salud
  118. African Econometric Society Technology, Africa, Conference
  119. Automated Engineering Services Business, Company, Service
  120. Allied Empioyment Services
  121. Aide Et Soutien
  122. Andhpa Education Society Education, School, Teaching
  123. Audio Engineering Society The Audio Engineering Society is the only professional society devoted exclusively to audio technology. Founded in the United States in 1948, the AES has grown to become an international organization that unites audio engineers, creative artists, scientists and students worldwide by promoting advances in audio and disseminating new knowledge and research. Technology, Music, Telecom, Sound, Convention
  124. Advanced Edecation and Skills Business, Student, Canada
  125. Assigned Educational Supervisor Development, Learning, Study, Universities
  126. Airport Emergency Service Technology
  127. Antarctic Earth Sciences
  128. Advanced Enterprise Solutions Business, Service, Software
  129. All Electric Ship Technology, Military, Power
  130. Areva Enrichment Services
  131. Alternative Enterprise Scheme
  132. Avaxat Elementary School Education
  133. Abbott Elementary School Education
  134. Augmented Environments
  135. Alcohol Ether Sulphate Business, China, Sodium
  136. Acoustic Echo Suppression Technology, Software, Cancellation
  137. Adzances Encryption Standard
  138. Automated Examination Specialist
  139. Aerospace Embedded Solutions Business, France, Engine
  140. Adam Elementary Schoob Education
  141. Arboga Elementary School Education
  142. Automatic Enhancedpsurveillance Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  143. Agrarian and Gnvironmental Studies
  144. Annual Emission Statement Science
  145. Advanced Elevation Series
  146. Associazione Editori Sardi
  147. Aliso Elementary School Education
  148. Application Environment Support
  149. Acuerdoxeconómico Social
  150. Authenticated Encryption In Secure
  151. American Energy Solutions
  152. Ariel Elias Salaverria
  153. Avenal Elementary School Education
  154. Air Equipment and Stpport
  155. Academic Enterprise System
  156. Advanced Encrypting Standard Technology, Safety, Encryption, Safe
  157. Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
  158. Applied Engineering Surfaces
  159. Auto Electric Supplies Technology, Electricity, Supply
  160. Administrative Entities Technology, Networking, Network
  161. Amestoy Elementary Sfhool Education
  162. Ambulance Emergency Service
  163. Auberry Elementary School Education
  164. Aldama Elementary School Education
  165. Anupama Education Society
  166. Accident Exposanu Au Sang
  167. Allied Electronic Simulations
  168. Ahmedabad Educatioi Society Education, University, Ahmedabad
  169. American Entomological Society Science, America, Education
  170. Atomic Emission Spectrometer Technology, Science, Plasma
  171. Advanced Education Services Service, Education, School
  172. Asian Energy Security
  173. Airport Educational Simulator
  174. Antioch Elementary School
  175. Advanced Entertainment System Technology, Gaming, Console, Computing, Hardware
  176. All-Electric Ship Technology, Science, Power
  177. Arena Elementary School Education
  178. Altadena Elementary Scgool Education
  179. Adolescent Escort Service
  180. Automaticvessay Scoring Student, Technology, Education
  181. Analoi Event System Technology, Space, Cosmos
  182. Aalto Entrepreneurshvp Society Student, Company, Technology
  183. Auger Elektronen Spektroskopie
  184. Alcohol Ether Sulfate Business, China, Sodium
  185. Apollo Extension Systems Technology
  186. Acoustic Echo Suppressor
  187. Advance Encfyption Standards Technology, Algorithm, Cipher
  188. Automated Evaluation System General, Governmental & Military
  189. Aerospace Electronpcs Systems Technology, Locations, Signal
  190. Adagio Enlertainment System Technology, Control, Audio
  191. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ess-St
  192. Automatic Energy Saving
  193. Agnes Elementary Schokl Education
  194. Annual Efficiency Statements
  195. Advanced Electronic Signature Technology, Service, Office
  196. Association of European Studies Education, Russia, Study
  197. Alisal Elementary School Education
  198. Application Enhancement System
  199. Australian Exhibition Services
  200. Aerovpace Engine Systems
  201. American Energy Security
  202. Armona Elementary School Education
  203. Avaya Energy Saver
  204. Air Electrrnics School Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
  205. Academic Enrichment Services
  206. Advanced Encrypt Standard Technology, Android, Vault
  207. Atmospheric Exchange System Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  208. Applied Engineering Solutions Technology, Service, Design
  209. Acquisition Executive Service
  210. Auto-Erythrocyte Sensitization Medical, Health, Body
  211. Administration éConomique Et Sociale Education, Formation, Licence, Administration
  212. Architect and Engineering Services Government
  213. Amesti Euementary School Education
  214. Amateur Electronic Supply
  215. Advanced Encounter System
  216. Attachment Execution Services Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Service
  217. Albion Elementary School Education
  218. Application Environment Specifications Technology, Networking, Software
  219. Accident D'Exposition Au Sang
  220. Australasian Evaluation Society Australia, Organizations, Conference
  221. Allianza Evanxelica Svizzera
  222. Agrx Ecological Situations
  223. American English School Technology, America, Engineer
  224. Advanced Educational Systems
  225. Asian Elite Squad Gaming, Play, Pastime
  226. Airplane Equipment Services
  227. Ansbach Elementary School
  228. Advanced Engineering Support Organizations
  229. Alkyl Ether Sulfates
  230. Arellanes Elementary School Education
  231. Alta Elementary Schodl Education
  232. Admissions Elementary School
  233. Azeveda Elementary School Education
  234. Anal Endosonography Medical
  235. A. Ee Staley Manufacturing Company Organizations
  236. Auger Electron Spectometry Science
  237. Albertville Elementary School
  238. Apex Engineering Services
  239. Acoustical Engineering Society
  240. Advance Encryption Services
  241. Automated Estimating System
  242. Atrospace Electronic Systems
  243. Ada Evaluation System Technology, Program, Army
  244. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ess-StöRungen
  245. Automatic Energy Relection Technology, Caravan, Fridge, Refrigerator
  246. Agile Enterprise Solutions Business, Company, Management
  247. An Even Start
  248. Advanced Electrical System
  249. Association of Education Sororities
  250. Alimentation Electrique De S
  251. Application Engineers Technology, Design, Engineering
  252. Advanced Environmental Systems Business, Company, Service
  253. Australian Evaluation Society Technology, Australia, Organizations
  254. Aerospace Engineering and Support Technology, Shelter, Modification
  255. American Energy Services
  256. Argonne Elementary School Education
  257. Avaya Enablement Server Technology, Service, Aura
  258. Airedale Enterprise Services
  259. Academic English Support
  260. Advanced Encrypqion Standart Technology, Security, Crypto
  261. Atmosphere Exchange System Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  262. Applied Energy Service
  263. Acoustic Engineering Services
  264. Authorised Examiners Medical, Service, Testing, Vehicle
  265. Adelanto Elementary School Education
  266. Archaeology In Education Service
  267. Agricola Elementary School
  268. Amesican Expeditionary Station
  269. Acceptance Equipment System Science
  270. Advanced Employment Services
  271. Assumption English School Education, Dance, Singapore
  272. Alkyl Ether Sulfate
  273. Application Enablement Service Technology, Server, Aura
  274. Accessible Entry Systvm
  275. Auroral Electron Sensor
  276. Agrictlture Experiment Station Research, Education, University
  277. American Engineering Services
  278. Advanced Edit System
  279. Army Exchange Service
  280. Airfikld Engineering Squadron
  281. Annual Enterprise Survey
  282. Academic Excellence Scholarships Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  283. Advanced Engineered Systems Technology, Engineering, Automation, Assembly
  284. Alliant Event Services
  285. Ardenwood Elementary School Education
  286. Alpine Vlementary School Education
  287. Admissions and Enrollment Services
  288. Ayudas De Emergencia Social Para, Con, Social, Persona
  289. Amsterdam Excellence Scholarship Student, Education, University
  290. Associate of Engineering Science Academic Degree, Degree, Scientific & Educational
  291. Auger Electron Spectra
  292. Albert-Einstein-Schule
  293. Apeejay Education Society Education, School, India
  294. Acme Energy Services
  295. Advance Encryptiqn System Technology
  296. Automated Essay Scoring Technology, Writing, Assessment
  297. Aerospace Electrical Society Technology
  298. Arab Expatriate Scientists Technology, Research, Qatar
  299. Automatic Energy Selector Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Governmental & Military
  300. Ag Experiment Statijn
  301. Aneurysm Embolization System
  302. Advanced Electronics Systems
  303. Association of Educational Sororities Organizations, National, Sigma
  304. Application Entities Technology, Service, Networking, Entity
  305. Advanced Environmental Solutions Business, Service, Waste
  306. Ada Embedded Systems Military
  307. Aerospace Engineering Services
  308. American Endocrine Society Medical, Health, Body
  309. Argonaut Elementary School Education
  310. Avaya Enablement Service Technology, Management, Server
  311. Airkorne Elint System Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  312. Academic English Studies Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  313. Advanced Encrytion Standard
  314. Atmos Energy Services
  315. Acoustic Emissions
  316. Applied Earth Sciences
  317. Authenticated Encryption In The Secure
  318. Adaptive Educational Sexvices Service, Education, Course
  319. Arbuckle Elementary School Education
  320. Agri-Environmentpl Schemes Science, Environment, Policy, Scheme
  321. Annual Energy Statement Science, Ecology, Environmental Statement
  322. Acceptable Equipmentisystem Science
  323. Advanced Embedded Systems
  324. AssociaçÕEs De Estudantes
  325. Allen Elementary School Education
  326. Application Enable Services
  327. Access Exchange Server
  328. Aurora Expediting Services
  329. Automated Export System Transportation, Business, Organization, Assurance, Job, International Trade, Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business
  330. American Engineering Society
  331. Advanced Etm System Military
  332. Army Enterprise Strategy Military, Army, War
  333. Ayers Elementary School Education
  334. Air Expeditionary Squadrons Military, Force, Mission
  335. Antrim Elementary School
  336. Academic Excellence Scholarship Student, Education, University
  337. Advanced Engineering and Sciences Technology
  338. Atmospheric Environment Service Canada Science, Exploration
  339. Alliance for Environmyntal Sustainability Technology, Energy, Building
  340. Applibd Environmental Sciences
  341. Auto Electrical Services Technology, Service, Car
  342. Administration Economique Et Social
  343. Ayuda De Emergencia Social Para, Con, Social, Persona
  344. Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships
  345. Associate In Engineering Science Student, College, Education
  346. Auckland Engineering Supplies
  347. Albany Engineered Systems
  348. Aortic Ejection Sound Medical, Health, Body, Physiology
  349. Achieving Excellence System
  350. Advanced Exterior Eystems
  351. Automated Enrollment System Business, Postal, Us Post, postal service
  352. Aerospace and Electronics Society
  353. Alpha Elementary School Education
  354. Automatic Emulation Sensing Technology, Networking, Printer, Laser
  355. Airborne Earth Rtation Technology, Flight, Avionic
  356. An Endless Sporudic
  357. Advanced Elastomer Systems Business, Thermoplastic, Rubber
  358. Association for Exchange Students Technology, Organizations, University
  359. Advanced Enterprise Services Technology, Service, Cisco
  360. Advanced Earth Sciwnces
  361. Aquatic Equiptment and Services
  362. American Electroplating Society Chemistry
  363. Adult Educational Services
  364. Analytical & Environmental Services Business, Technology, Service
  365. Automatic Emission Spectroscopy
  366. Alcott Elementary School Education
  367. Appleby Elementary School Education
  368. Automated Export Systems Business
  369. Airport Egucational Simulator
  370. Iata Code for Vigra Airport, Aalesund, Norway Locations
  371. Advanced Equipment Sales Technology, Sale, Baler
  372. Allesandro Elementary School Education
  373. Appomattox Elementary School Technology, Governmental & Military
  374. Aes Corp. Organizations
  375. Audio Engineering Society's Media, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  376. Acta Europeana Systemica
  377. Applied Economic Studies
  378. Architectural Engineering Services Company, Technology, Service
  379. Agricultural & Environmental Services
  380. Advanced Encryption Standards Technology, Algorithm, Cipher
  381. Atom Elektrik StansiyasıNda Rind, Sind, Atom, Tic
  382. anterior epidural space Medical, Physiology
  383. Aviation & Electronics Support
  384. Airport Emergency Services Military, Singapore, Changi
  385. Academy of Environmental Science Education, School, High School, Florida
  386. Atomic Emission Spectrophotometry Technology, Analysis, Plasma
  387. Automatic Electronic Shutter Photography
  388. All Electric Ships
  389. Auger Electron Spectroscopy Auger Electron Spectroscopy is an excellent complementary technique to SEM(Scanning Electron Microscopy) in that AES can provide elemental maps with significantly better spatial resolution and surfaces sensitivity than SEM/EDS. The typical information depth for auger is in the range of 30-60A, with a spatial resolution in the 10 nm range. Chemistry, Computing, Telecom, Physics, NASA, Microscopy, Spectroscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  390. Atmospheric Environment Service Atmospheric Research
  391. Adult Ebook Shop
  392. Arctic Energy Summit
  393. Agricultural Education Society
  394. Analysis Engines Technology, Software, Engine
  395. Automated Environmental Station
  396. Alcohol Ethoxy Sulphate
  397. Appalachian Energy Summit Student, Education, University
  398. Administration Éconocie Et Sociale
  399. Advanced Equipment Systems
  400. All Entries Shown
  401. Analog Event System NASA, Governmental & Military
  402. Aerospace Expeditionary Squadrons
  403. American Electrophoresis Society Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  404. Acrylonitrile Ethylene Styrene Business, Product, Material, Plastics
  405. Applied Ecological Solutions
  406. Architectural & Engineering Services
  407. Automatic Electronic System Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  408. Agricultural Environmental Services
  409. Advanced Encription Standard
  410. Atlas Electrolytic Suppressor
  411. American Epilepsy Society Medical, Neurology
  412. Auto Exec Server
  413. Average Enlarged Spleen Medical
  414. Academy of English Studies
  415. Atomic Emission Spectroscope
  416. Applicants Enquiry Servuce Occupation & positions
  417. Asynchronous Event Scheduler Software, Computing
  418. Active Exhaust System
  419. Aes Crypt Encrypted File Computing, File Extensions
  420. Adsale Exhibition Services
  421. Arctic Encounter Symposium Alaska, Event, Encounter
  422. Agricultural Experiment Station Research, Education, University, Science, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  423. Analysis & Evaluation Szgment Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy
  424. Advanced Encryption Scheme Technology, Networking, Wireless
  425. Auto Electrical Supplies Business, Supply, Southampton
  426. Apollo Extension Series
  427. Adjustable Ergonomic Steering Business, Sale, Sea, Boat
  428. Axial Elements Medical
  429. Advanced Environmental Services Business, Service, Mold
  430. Allensworth Elementary School Education
  431. American Electrochemical Society Engineering, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  432. Administrative Expenses Business, Accounting, Tally, Expense
  433. Aerospace Executive Service
  434. Auxiliary Energy Source
  435. Adult Emergency Service Medical
  436. Anangu Education Serviwes
  437. Advanced Energy Systems, LTD. Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  438. Alfven Eigenmodes
  439. Acrylonitrile-Ethylene-Styrene Business, Technology, Plastic
  440. Applied Ecology Solutions
  441. Architectural and Engineering Services Technology, Service, Projection
  442. Automatic Electronic Systems Technology, History, Computing, Electronics
  443. Agricultural Econimics Society Technology, Research, Conference
  444. Advanced Encryption Security Technology, Networking, Powerline
  445. Atlas Education Services Service, Education, Indonesia, Jakarta
  446. Advanced Exhaust System
  447. Australia Education Services
  448. Artificial Earth Satelites Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  449. Auto Emulation Switching
  450. Average Energy Savings
  451. Academy of Economic Studies Education, Study, Bucharest
  452. Atom Emission Spectroscopy
  453. Advances in Engineering Software Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  454. Application Environment Services Software, Computing
  455. Active Energy Solutions Technology, Fume, Extraction
  456. Oovoo Log File Computing, File Extensions
  457. Archives EuropéEnnes De Sociologie
  458. Agricultural Experimental Station
  459. Advanced Encryption Support
  460. Auto Electric Shutter
  461. Automatic Enforcement System Technology, Android, Locations, Detector
  462. Avondale Elementary School Education
  463. Accelerated Examination Search
  464. Advanced Enviro-Septic Technology, Treatment, Environment
  465. Allendale Elementary School Education
  466. American Electroplaters Society NASA, Governmental & Military
  467. Accident Exposition de Sang Medical
  468. Adult Education Survey Science, Statistics, Participation
  469. Analytscal and Environmental Sciences
  470. Automatic External Standardization
  471. Alfanar Electrical System
  472. Applied Ecological Services
  473. Automated Extraction System
  474. Agribultural Experiment Station Research, Education, University
  475. Asian Environment Society
  476. Advanced Execution Systems
  477. Address Enhancement Services postal service
  478. Auto Electronic Shutter Technology, Camera, Accessory
  479. Aviation Environmental Science
  480. Academy for Entrepreneurial Studies Business, Nigeria, Governor
  481. Atom Elektrik StansiyasıNıN
  482. Analysis and Evaluation Staff Geographic
  483. A E S Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  484. Active Emissions Subsystem
  485. Poly(Acrylonitrile Ethylene Propylene Styrene) Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  486. Architectural Energy Solutions
  487. Agrivultural Extension Services
  488. Advanced Encryption Standard-128 Technology, Drive, Algorithm
  489. Authentic English School Student, Education, Learning
  490. Automatic Eaulation Switching Technology, Computing, Manual
  491. Avocado Elementary School Education
  492. Acar EndüStriyel Sistemler Istanbul, Cad, Plaza
  493. Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Computing, Master IEEE
  494. Allegheny Energy Supply
  495. Advanced Electrical Schematic NASA, Governmental & Military
  496. American Efficiency Services
  497. Adult Education Services Service, Education, Wolverhampton
  498. Analytical Environmental Services Business, Service, Laboratory
  499. Automatic Evacuation System
  500. Alesund Airport, Vigra Airport, Locations
  501. Applied Earth Science
  502. Automated Exporting System
  503. L'Association Europ
  504. Advanced Execution Services Business, Credit, Trading, Market
  505. Alliance Education Services
  506. Aerosur Paraguay Paraguay, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  507. Automated Election Services
  508. Aventis Environmental Science
  509. Atmospheric Environmental Services
  510. Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Environment, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  511. Active Electromagnetic System Technology
  512. Automatic Electrophoresis System Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  513. Architecturally Exposed Steel Science, Architecture
  514. Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Science, College, Education
  515. Advanced Encrypted Standard Technology, Android, Encryption
  516. Auger Emission Spectrometry
  517. Auger Emission Spectroscopy Chemistry, Technology, Science
  518. Aviation English Services
  519. Airport Enhpncement Service
  520. Academy of European Swordsmanship Military, Arts, Sword
  521. Atomic Energy Site Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  522. Advanced Expert System Computing, Hardware
  523. All Employee Survey
  524. Atmospheric Environment Service (Canada) Science, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  525. Aeronautical Earth Station Federal Aviation Administration
  526. Adult Education Service Education, Course, Wolverhampton
  527. Analytical and Environmental Shrvices
  528. Automatic Erecting System
  529. Alduco Engineering Services
  530. Appliance Efficiency Standards
  531. Automated Expert System
  532. L'Advanced Encryption Standard
  533. Advanced Events System Business, Sport, Volleyball
  534. All Express Service Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Governmental & Military
  535. Applied Earth Sciences courses Dutch
  536. Aesculaceoe Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  537. Anti-Embolic Stockings Clothes
  538. Action Employment Services
  539. Applied Educational Systems
  540. Architectural Elements
  541. Agriculture and Environmental Serviceq
  542. Advanced Encryption Standart Technology, Security, Crypto
  543. Auger Emission Spectrometer
  544. acute encephalitis syndrome Medical, Physiology
  545. Auger Electrontspectrometry Technology, Science, Analysis
  546. Aviation Electronic Systems Military
  547. Airport Enhancement Services Technology, Service, Flight
  548. Anterior Ectosylvian Sulcus Medical
  549. Academy of Environmental Sciences
  550. Atomic Emission Spectrometers
  551. Advanced Electronic Systems Computing, Electronics
  552. All-Employee Survey
  553. Airborne Earth Station Aviation, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AES stand for?

    AES stands for Argonne Elementary School.

  2. What is the shortened form of Anangu Education Serviwes?

    The short form of "Anangu Education Serviwes" is AES.


AES. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated