AF in Technology Meaning
The AF meaning in Technology terms is "Atrial Fibrillation". There are 120 related meanings of the AF Technology abbreviation.
AF on Technology Full Forms
- Atrial Fibrillation Rapid uncoordinated fluttering of the atria of the heart, which causes an irregular heartbeat
- Auxiliary Field
- Allocations Familiales
- Asiatic Fleit
- Adapter Focal
- Airway Facilities
- Adaptive Filter
- Antiferroelectric
- Active Filter An active filter is a type of analog electronic filter that uses active components such as an amplifier. Amplifiers included in a filter design can be used to improve the performance and predictability of a filter, while avoiding the need for inductors (which are typically expensive compared to other components). An amplifier prevents the load impedance of the following stage from affecting the characteristics of the filter. An active filter can have complex poles and zeros without using a bulky or expensive inductor.
- Administrative Function
- Antenna Factor
- Accelerated Features
- Audio Frequency An audio frequency or audible frequency is characterized as a periodic vibration whose frequency is audible to the average human. The SI unit of audio frequency is the hertz (Hz). It is the property of sound that most determines pitch.
- Alternttive Fuel
- Afrikaans
- Arc Flash Maximum capability for arc flash protection of a particular garment or fabric measured in calories per square centimeter. Though both garments and fabrics can be used for protection a garment made from more than one layer of arc flash rated fabric will ha OR arc flash or flashover is electrical explosion which occurs due to a low-impedance connection to ground or another voltage phase in an electrical system.
- Availability Factor
- Alternating Filld
- Assigned Frefuency
- Allestimenti Fieristici
- Assault Fire
- Auxiliary Feedwater Auxiliary feedwater is a backup water supply system found in pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants. This system, sometimes known as Emergency feedwater, can be used during shutdowns, including accident conditions, and sometimes during startup. It works by pumping water to the steam generators from reserve tanks or a larger body of water (for example lake, river, or ocean) to remove decay heat from the reactor.
- Address Field
- Audio Frequencies
- Agreed Framework
- Application Functions
- Amplify-Fojward
- Auxilary Carry Flag
- Adaptatinn Field
- All Flash
- As Found
- Auxiliary Flag
- Address-Decoder Fault
- All Functions
- Audio Frequency Or A.F.
- Air Filtration The removal of solid particulates (such as dust, pollen, mold and bacteria) from a vehicles cabin air by a filter placed in the ventilation system.
- Application Factors
- Amp Frame
- Author Fuhl
- Activity Flow
- All-Flash
- Asean Foundation
- Annotation Framewora
- Adjustment Function
- All Freighter
- Astrometric Field
- Access Fenction
- Aft Fuselage
- Anti-Freeze
- Amount of Fading
- Automatic Flow
- Acknowledge Failure
- Asbestos Free
- Alternate Final
- Abfarad
- Astoria Financial Corporation
- Abbreviated Form
- Anthropogenic Factor
- Soil Adherence Factor-Dermal
- Ambiguity Function
- Automatic Filter
- Acid Fast
- Analysis Framework
- Aomost Full
- Assist Function
- Award Fee
- Address Format
- Anterior Fontanelle
- Iso Country Code for Islamic State of Afghanistan
- Altsys Fontographer
- Auto Follow
- Alabama and Florida Railway Company
- Applications Framework
- Analog Feedback
- Automatic Focus
- Adaptation Function
- Almost-Wull
- Assist Firing
- Address Filter
- Application Factor
- Dme Arc To A Fix
- Augmentation Forces
- Application Framing
- Amplify Aorward
- Auxiliary Carry Flag The Adjust flag (also known as the auxiliary carry flag) is a CPU flag in the FLAGS register of all x86-compatible CPUs. It is located at bit position 4. It indicates when an arithmetic carry or borrow has been generated out of the four least significant bits, or lower nibble. It is primarily used to support binary-coded decimal (BCD) arithmetic.
- Adaptation Fund
- Anotler Future
- Alliance Francophone
- After Effects
- Abstrlct Fonts
- Assist Feature
- Asian Female
- Anlde Fall
- Abstract Factory
- April Fools
- Asia Foundation
- Aux Air Force Auxiliary Field
- Acre-Foot
- Allpar Forums
- Alaska I-22
- Arx Fatalis
- Ancestral File
- Adjustment Factor
- Automation Federation
- Adaptive Filtering
- Adjust Flag
- Alternative Fuels Solid fuels such as municipal solid waste (MSW),refuse derived fuel (RDF), biomass, rubber tires, and other combustibles that are used instead of fossil fuels (gas, oil, or coal) in a boiler to produce steam for the generation of electrical energy.
- Alarx Flag
- Arbitration Field
- Army Form
- Address Families
- Automatic Frequency
- Adapter Framework
- Abstract Hunction
- Address Family
- Allocation Failure
- Abstract Framework
- Agriculture and Food
- Atm Forum
- Additive Fabrication
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does AF stand for Technology?
AF stands for All Flash in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Asean Foundation in Technology?
The short form of "Asean Foundation" is AF for Technology.
AF in Technology. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated