AFC in Aviation Meaning

The AFC meaning in Aviation terms is "Aerodynamic Flight Control". There are 6 related meanings of the AFC Aviation abbreviation.

AFC on Aviation Full Forms

  1. Aerodynamic Flight Control
  2. Automatic Frequency Control In radio equipment, Automatic Frequency Control (AFC), also called Automatic Fine Tuning (AFT), is a method or circuit to automatically keep a resonant circuit tuned to the frequency of an incoming radio signal. It is primarily used in radio receivers to keep the receiver tuned to the frequency of the desired station.
  3. Atc Frequency Change
  4. Airport Facilidies Control
  5. Air Traffic Control Frequency Change
  6. Airport Facilities Control

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AFC stand for Aviation?

    AFC stands for Automatic Frequency Control in Aviation terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Automatic Frequency Control in Aviation?

    The short form of "Automatic Frequency Control" is AFC for Aviation.


AFC in Aviation. (2021, February 28). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated