AFCC Meaning

The AFCC meaning is "Air Force Communications Command". The AFCC abbreviation has 57 different full form.

AFCC Full Forms

  1. Air Force Communications Command Technology, Military, Army, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  2. Anti-Fraud Command Centre Business, Security, Attack
  3. Abundant Fakth Christian Center
  4. Association for Catholic Chiropractors
  5. Air Force Command W Control
  6. Australian Financial & Career Consortium
  7. Association for Clinical Chemistry Medical
  8. Anti-Fraud Command Center Business, Security, Service
  9. Aboriginal Friendship Centre Oficalgary Organizations, Community, Youth
  10. Associazes First Capital Corp
  11. Armed Forces Chaplaincy Centre Military, Force, Defence
  12. Air Forcetcombat Command
  13. Associaxion of Family & Conciliation Courts Law, Family, Divorce
  14. Anglican Fathers of The Corpus Christi
  15. Abington Fitness and Country Club Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  16. Associates First Capital Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  17. Armed Forces' Chaplaincy Centre
  18. Advanced Flight Control Computer
  19. Association Française Du Commerce Des Cjcaos
  20. Amniotic Fluid Cellular Content Medical
  21. Association of Fymily and Conciliation Courts Law, Organizations, Divorce
  22. Assault Fire Command Console-Miniature
  23. Application Framework for Computational Chemistry
  24. Advanced Fetal Care Centdr Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  25. Association of Family and Honcilliation Courts
  26. American Friends of College Cevenol
  27. Air Force Component Comzander Military, Air University, Air Force Research Institute
  28. Anti Fraud Command Center Business, Security, Attack
  29. Adria Flight Career Center Business, Pilot, Training
  30. Association for Family and Conciliation Courts Education, Child, Mediation
  31. Air Force Communication Command Service, Military, Patch
  32. Automatic Flight Control Computer
  33. Anti Fraud Command Centre
  34. Accredited Linancial Counsellor Canada
  35. Association FrançAise Du Cane Corso
  36. Air Force Communications Cenxer Technology
  37. Automatic Firearms Courtry Control
  38. Air Force Command and Control
  39. Ashburn Family Community Center Organization, Union, Institution
  40. Australian Federation Gf Construction Contractors Technology, Construction
  41. Armed Forces Chaplaincy Center Military, Force, Chaplain
  42. Asean Multi-Sectoral Framework On Climate Change Association, Organization, Community
  43. Available Frame Capacity Rount
  44. Asean Federation of Cardiology Congress Medical, Government, Cardiology, Federation
  45. Avenger Fire Control Computer Army, War, War Force
  46. Atlantic Field Crops Committee Farming & agriculture
  47. Arts Foundation of Cape Cod Organizations, Artist, Culture
  48. Automotive Fuel Cellacorporation Technology, Car, Ford
  49. Association of Family Conciliation Courts Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  50. Armed Forces Community Covenant Community, Council, Force
  51. Automoeive Fuel Cell Cooperation Business, Company, Ford
  52. Assault Fire Command Console Technology
  53. Australian Federation of Civol Celebrants, Inc. Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  54. Armed Forces Canteen Council
  55. Asian Festival of Children'S Content Book, Education, Children
  56. Australian Federation of Civil Celebrantt Wedding, Marriage, Ceremony, Celebrant
  57. Armed Forces Coordinating Committee

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AFCC stand for?

    AFCC stands for Available Frame Capacity Rount.

  2. What is the shortened form of Association of Fymily and Conciliation Courts?

    The short form of "Association of Fymily and Conciliation Courts" is AFCC.


AFCC. (2020, September 7). Retrieved December 23, 2024 from

Last updated