AFES Meaning

The AFES meaning is "Aggregate Field Expense Study". The AFES abbreviation has 51 different full form.

AFES Full Forms

  1. Aggregate Field Expense Study Business
  2. Authorizations for Expenditures Business, Management, Oil
  3. Armed Forces Emergency Services Service, Military, Cross
  4. Authorization for Expenditures Business, Oil, Gas, Expenditure
  5. Agcm for The Earth Simulator Science, Earth Science, Geoscience, Geosciences
  6. Arab Fund for Economic & Social
  7. Authority for Expenditures
  8. Active Front Ends Technology, Power, Electricity
  9. Anti-Fraud Enterprise Solution Technology, Service, Design, Foundation
  10. Active Fitness Education System
  11. Analog Front End Subsystem Technology
  12. Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station
  13. Analog Front Ends Technology, Design, Power
  14. Army Frequency Engineering Software Military
  15. Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society Technology, Conference, Oil
  16. Analog Front-Ends Technology, Power, Sensor
  17. Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Science, University, Alaska
  18. Automated Fire Extinguishing Systems
  19. Army and Air Force Exchange Service Military, Army, Military Jargon, Air Force, Postal, Us Post, Us Army, General, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business, Military Slang
  20. Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students Australia, Education, University
  21. Americus Fire and Emergency Services Government, Fire, Ambulance Service
  22. Agrarian, Food and Environmental Studies Technology, Study, Social
  23. Automated Financial Entitlements System
  24. Armed Forces Emergency Service
  25. Automatic Fire Extinguisher System
  26. Ahmedabad Fire and Emergency Services
  27. Asean Federation of Endocrine Societies Organizations, Society, Congress
  28. Air Force Expeditionary Service
  29. Athletics for Education and Success
  30. Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems Technology, Vehicle, Protection
  31. Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station
  32. Arts for Every Student
  33. Air Force Exchange Service
  34. Athletics for Education & Success Technology, Service, Basketball, Homework
  35. Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Sation
  36. Automatic Fire Extinguishing System Military, Army, Vehicle
  37. Application Front Ends
  38. Army Frequency Engineering System Military
  39. Air Force Engineering and Services
  40. Association FrançAise De L'Etude Des Sols
  41. Automated Fire Extinguishing System
  42. Air Force Engineering & Services
  43. Association FrançAise Pour L'Etude Du Sol
  44. L'Association Fran
  45. Air Force Electronic Systems
  46. Asian Forum On Enterprise for Society
  47. Ação Franciscana De Ecologia E Solidariedade
  48. Aims for Future of Engineering Science Technology, Conference, Traffic
  49. Alternative Fluorocarbons Environmental Acceptability Study Business, Technology, Science, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  50. Ashley Falls Elementary School Education
  51. Alpharetta Fire & Emergency Services Government, Fire, Ambulance Service

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AFES stand for?

    AFES stands for Armed Forces Emergency Service.

  2. What is the shortened form of L'Association Fran?

    The short form of "L'Association Fran" is AFES.


AFES. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from

Last updated