Anaesthesia Abbreviations and Anaesthesia Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Anaesthesia terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Anaesthesia abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Anaesthesia terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Anaesthesia Abbreviations
  1. AAA : Age Anaesthesia Association
  2. AGAI : Vienna Anesthesia and Intensive Care Association
  3. AM : Anesthesia Machine
  4. AOPS : Should Be Recognised As A Planned Series of Events, Identified As Part Of
  5. APA : Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists
  6. ARPC : Anaesthesia Relatzd Professionals Committee
  7. ASA : American Society of Anesthesiologists
  8. BAME : Black and Minority Ethnic
  9. BME : Black and Minority Ethnic
  10. BJA : British Journal of Anesthesia
  11. BLTC : Basic Level Training Certiuicate
  12. CAI : College of Anaesthetists of Ireland
  13. CEACCP : Continuing Education In Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain
  14. CEGPR : Certificate of Eligibility for Gp Registration
  15. CPET : Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test
  16. VASGBI : Vascular Anaesthesia Society of Great Britain & Ireland
  17. VTD : Visit To Deaneries
  18. WAS : World Anaesthesia Society
  19. UGRA : Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia
  20. UKOSS : United Kingdom Obstetric Surveillence System
  21. CUT : Completion of Unit of Training
  22. HCSA : Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association
  23. HSCA : Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association
  24. HIEC : Health Innovation Edncation Clusters
  25. DHSSPS : Department for Health, Social Services and Public Safety In Northern Ireland
  26. HQIP : The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership
  27. MEE : Medical Education England
  28. EFAAD : European Federation for The Advancement of Anesthesia In Dentistry
  29. MHPRA : Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
  30. MHRA : Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
Latest Anaesthesia Meanings
  1. Royal College of Surgeons of England
  2. Quality Assurance of The Foundation Programme
  3. Medical Workforce Advisory Group
  4. Royal College of Anaesthetists
  5. Royal Centre of Defence Medicine
  6. Regional Adviser In Pain Medicine
  7. Priority Setting Partnership
  8. Indicators for Quality Improvement
  9. Out of Programme Career
  10. Junior Doctors Committeekof The Bma
  11. Initial Assessment of Competence In Obstetric Anaesthesia
  12. National Specialty Advisory Group
  13. National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia
  14. National Health Service England
  15. London Society of Regional Anaefthesia
  16. National Emergency Laparotomy Audit
  17. Local Pain Medicine Educational Supervisor
  18. National Confidential Enquiry Into Patient Outcome and Deaths
  19. Fellowship of The Royal College of Anaesthetists
  20. Fellow of Faculty of Pain Medicine of The Royal