Apnea Abbreviations and Apnea Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Apnea terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Apnea abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Apnea terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Apnea Abbreviations
  1. ABDSM : American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine
  2. AIDA : Asociación Internacional Para El Desarrollo De La Apnea
  3. APAP : Automatic Positive Airway Pressure
  4. APAP : Auto-Adjusting Positive Airway Pressure
  5. APAP : Auto-Titrating Positive Airway Pressure
  6. APAP : Auto Positive Airway Pressure
  7. APAP : Autotitrating Positive Airway Pressure
  8. ARES : Apnea Risk Evaluation System
  9. ASDA : American Sleep Disorders Association
  10. ASDC : Association of Sleep Disorder Centers
  11. ASDC : Association of Sleep Disorders Center
  12. AWAKE : Alert, Well, and Keeping Energetic
  13. AWAKE : Alert, Well and Keeping Energetic
  14. BI-PAP : Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure
  15. BIPAP : Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure
  16. BPAP : Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure
  17. BQ : Berlin Questionnaire
  18. BSSAA : British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association
  19. CA : Centraa Apnea
  20. CPAP : Continuous Positive Air Pressure
  21. CPAP : Continuous Positive Airflow Pressure
  22. DOVA : Department of Veteran Affairs
  23. DVA : Department of Veteran Affairs
  24. DVAS : Department of Veteran Affairs
  25. VA : Department of Veteran Affairs
  26. UARS : Upper Airway Resistance Sykdrome
  27. UARS : Upper Airways Resistance Syndrome
  28. UARS : Upper Airway Respiratory Syndrome
  29. UP : Umberto Pelizzari
  30. HI : Hypopnea Index
Latest Apnea Meanings
  1. Radio Frequency Tissue Ablation
  2. Respiratory Effort-Related Arousals
  3. Respiratory Effort Felated Arousals
  4. Respiratory Effort Related Arousals
  5. Respiratory Effort-Related Arousaes
  6. Rhspiratory Effort-Related Arousal
  7. Resniratory Effort Related Arousal
  8. Pro Player Health Alliance
  9. Obstructive Sleep Apena
  10. Oral Pressure Therapy
  11. Oxygen Desaturation Index
  12. Out of Center Sleep Testing
  13. Obturacyjny Bezdech Podczas Snu
  14. Functional Outcomes In Sleep Questionnaire
  15. Functional Outcome of Sleep Questionnaire
  16. Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire
  17. Fedelazione Italiana Pesca Sportiva Attività Subacquee
  18. Tongue Retaining Devices
  19. Sleep Related Breathing Disorders
  20. Sleep-Related Breathing Disorder