ART in Medical Meaning

The ART meaning in Medical terms is "Anti-Retroviral Treatment". There are 32 related meanings of the ART Medical abbreviation.

ART on Medical Full Forms

  1. Anti-Retroviral Treatment
  2. Androgen replacement therapy
  3. assuming room temperature (that is, the patient has died)
  4. Artesia
  5. Artificial Resynthesis Technology
  6. Approaching Room Temperature (dead)
  7. Acoustic Reflex Threshold
  8. antiretroviral therapy
  9. Arterial Rapid Transit
  10. Artery Artery is blood vessel that carry blood away from the heart. While most arteries carry oxygenated blood, there are two exceptions to this norm, the pulmonary and the umbilical arteries. The effective arterial blood volume is that extracellular fluid which fills the arterial system.
  11. Adaptive Radiotherapy
  12. analysis-reporting tool
  13. Anti-Retroviral Therapy
  14. Arterial Revascularisation Trial
  15. artificial Made by humans and not a natural part of the body artificial cartilage
  16. achilles reflex time
  17. Assisted Reproduction Technique
  18. Assume Room Temperature
  19. Arterial Remodeling Technologies
  20. Antiretroviral Therapy (HIV)
  21. Advanced Reproductive Technology
  22. artificial reproduction technique
  23. Achilles Tendon Reflex Test
  24. Achilles reflex test
  25. Accredited Record Technologist
  26. Assisted Reproductive Therapy
  27. Atrial reentrant tachycardia
  28. Adrenaline Response Training
  29. Atraumatic Restorative Technique
  30. Articulation In speech, the production and use of speech sounds. 2. In dentistry, the contact of the occlusal surfaces of the teeth.3. In anatomy, a joint. An articulation, or joint, is usually formed of fibrous connective tissue and cartilage. Joints are grouped according to their motion: a ball and socket joint; a hinge joint; a condyloid joint; a pivot joint; gliding joint; and a saddle joint.
  31. assuming room temperature
  32. Assisted Reproductive Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ART stand for Medical?

    ART stands for Advanced Reproductive Technology in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Antiretroviral Therapy (HIV) in Medical?

    The short form of "Antiretroviral Therapy (HIV)" is ART for Medical.


ART in Medical. (2021, October 28). Retrieved May 2, 2024 from

Last updated