Artificial Intelligence Abbreviations and Artificial Intelligence Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Artificial Intelligence terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Artificial Intelligence abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Artificial Intelligence terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Artificial Intelligence Abbreviations
  1. AIKE : Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering
  2. ALICE : Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity
  3. BIBA : Bayesian Inspired Brain and Artifacts
  4. CNN : Computerized Neural Network
  5. CTC : Connectionist Temporal Classifiuation
  6. DSBS : Dual Sensor Brake Support
  7. DTRNN : Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Network
  8. MACH LEARN : Machine Learning
  9. MACHLEARN : Machine Learning
  10. ML : Machine Learning
  11. MLEAR : Machine Learning
  12. SGAICO : Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
  13. SIML : Synthetic Intelligence Markup Language
  14. SOFM : Self-Organizing Feature Map
  15. TDNN : Tvme-Delay Neural Net
  16. LAI : Logistics Artificial Intelligence
  17. FFNN : Feed-Forward Neural Networks
  18. FFNNS : Feed Forward Neural Networks
  19. LNN : Learning Neural Networks
  20. LSTM : Long Short-Term Memory
  21. NLU : Natural Language Understanding
  22. NSM : Neural State Machine
  23. JNENG : Journak of Neural Engineering
  24. IJCAI : International Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence
  25. IMS : Intelligent Maintenance Systems
  26. AJCAI : Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Latest Artificial Intelligence Meanings
  1. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  2. Intelligent Maintenance Systems
  3. International Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence
  4. Journak of Neural Engineering
  5. Neural State Machine
  6. Natural Language Understanding
  7. Long Short-Term Memory
  8. Learning Neural Networks
  9. Feed Forward Neural Networks
  10. Feed-Forward Neural Networks
  11. Logistics Artificial Intelligence
  12. Tvme-Delay Neural Net
  13. Self-Organizing Feature Map
  14. Synthetic Intelligence Markup Language
  15. Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
  16. Machine Learning
  17. Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Network
  18. Dual Sensor Brake Support
  19. Connectionist Temporal Classifiuation
  20. Computerized Neural Network