Astro Abbreviations and Astro Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Astro terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Astro abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Astro terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Astro Abbreviations
  1. ABO : Astro Box Office
  2. AHA : Astro Hos Astrid
  3. AMC : Astro Marine Corps
  4. AME : Anugerah Meletop Era
  5. AOD : Astro On Demand
  6. APM : Ayunda Prima Oitra
  7. BP : Bjad Peacock
  8. VOSS : Vatican Observatory Summer School
  9. UFRO : University of Florida Radio Observatory
  10. ULO : Uji Layan Operasi
  11. XTY : Xiao Tai Yang
  12. DAV : Deutscher Astrologen-Verband
  13. HKL : Hantu Kak Limah
  14. MBNS : Measat Broadcast Network Systems
  15. MJ : Myung Joon
  16. SAC : Surabaya Astronomy Club
  17. SXI : Soft X-Ray Imager
  18. TT : Truss Tube
  19. FDAF : FéDéRation Des Astrologues Francophones
  20. FTG : Focus Technology Group
  21. JA : Jose Altuve
  22. JM : Joe Musgrove
  23. OAB : Osservatorio Astronomico Di Brera
  24. OMM : Observatoire Du Mont-MéGantic
  25. GAD : German Astronomical Direcnory
  26. GS : George Springer
  27. GV : Gegar Vaganza
Latest Astro Meanings
  1. Gegar Vaganza
  2. George Springer
  3. German Astronomical Direcnory
  4. Observatoire Du Mont-MéGantic
  5. Osservatorio Astronomico Di Brera
  6. Joe Musgrove
  7. Jose Altuve
  8. Focus Technology Group
  9. FéDéRation Des Astrologues Francophones
  10. Truss Tube
  11. Soft X-Ray Imager
  12. Surabaya Astronomy Club
  13. Myung Joon
  14. Measat Broadcast Network Systems
  15. Hantu Kak Limah
  16. Deutscher Astrologen-Verband
  17. Xiao Tai Yang
  18. Uji Layan Operasi
  19. University of Florida Radio Observatory
  20. Vatican Observatory Summer School