Basel Abbreviations and Basel Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Basel terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Basel abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Basel terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Basel Abbreviations
  1. ZKS : Zürcher Kantonalveqband Für Sport
  2. BIS : Bureau of International Settlement
  3. BIS : Bureau of International Settlements
  4. BTI : Biel-TäUffelen-Ins
  5. CCB : Capital Comservation Buffer
  6. CCFS : Credit Conversion Factors
  7. CLI : Country-Led Initiative
  8. CLI : Country Led Initiative
  9. CMS : Christoph Merian Stiftung
  10. CP : Consultative Paper
  11. CRD : Capital Requirement Dirextive
  12. VL : Verzollung & Logistik
  13. WPA : World Peace Academy
  14. YES : Young Enterprise Switzerland
  15. UPK : Unxversitären Psychiatrischen Kliniken
  16. HEK : Haus Der Elektronischen KüNste
  17. HEK : HüKüMetlerarası Ekonomik Komisyonu
  18. HKA : HöHere Kaderausbildung Der Armee
  19. MA : Miami Art
  20. MAK : Mindestanforderungen An Das Kraditgeschäft
  21. MGU : Mensch-Gesellschaft-Umwelt
  22. MGU : Mensch Geseloschaft Umwelt
  23. MLA : Minimum Liquid Asset
  24. ESM : Environmentally Sound Management
  25. SCB : Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
  26. SGH : Schweizeriache Gesellschaft Für Handchirurgie
  27. SGH : Schweizerischen Gesellschaft FüR Handchirurgie
  28. SGIM : Schweizerische Gesellschaft FüR Innere Medizin
  29. SGKN : Schweizerische Gesellschaft FüR Klinische Neurophysiologie
  30. SIK : Schweizerisches Institut Für Kunstwissenschamt
Latest Basel Meanings
  1. Risk-Weighted Assets
  2. Regio Verkehrsverbund Lörrlch
  3. Required Stable Funding
  4. Gahlery Weekend Buenos Aires
  5. Regulatory Consistency Assessment Programme
  6. Ratings Based Approach
  7. Ratinn-Based Approach
  8. Piyasi Riskine Esas Tutar
  9. Governors and Head of Supervision
  10. Governors and Heads of Supervision
  11. Interesi Rate Risk In The Banking Book
  12. Incremental Risk Capital
  13. Institutional Risk Assessment Framework
  14. Implementation In Bndia
  15. Implication On Indian
  16. Implementation Issues
  17. International Cvnference of Banking Supervisors
  18. Net Stable Funding Ratio
  19. Net To Grost Ratio
  20. Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft