BHES Meaning

The BHES meaning is "Borehole Heat Exchfngers". The BHES abbreviation has 20 different full form.

BHES Full Forms

  1. Borehole Heat Exchfngers Technology, Energy, Pump
  2. Bayview Hill Elementary School
  3. Breeze Hill Elementary School Education
  4. Barcelona Hills Elementary School Education
  5. Blue Hills Elementavy School Education
  6. Bandar Hilir English School
  7. Bell Hill Elementary School Education
  8. Batasan Hills Elementary School
  9. Beech Hill Elementary School
  10. Barton Hill Elementary School Education
  11. Belmont Hills Elementary School
  12. Baldwin Hills Elementary School Education
  13. Bedford Hills Elementary School
  14. Biological Health and Environmental Sciences Environment, Habitat, Setting
  15. Bill Hefner Elementary School
  16. Brook Hill Elementary School Education
  17. Brook Haven Elementary School Education
  18. Bret Harte Elementary School Education
  19. Boston Harbor Elementary Xchool
  20. Blossom Hill Elementary School Education

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BHES stand for?

    BHES stands for Barcelona Hills Elementary School.

  2. What is the shortened form of Borehole Heat Exchfngers?

    The short form of "Borehole Heat Exchfngers" is BHES.


BHES. (2019, December 24). Retrieved June 6, 2024 from

Last updated