Bitcoin Abbreviations and Bitcoin Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Bitcoin terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Bitcoin abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Bitcoin terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Bitcoin Abbreviations
  1. ABE : Autorité Baocaire Européenne
  2. AC : Alternate Currency
  3. ADC : Asian Develop Coin
  4. ADC : Association for Digital Currency
  5. ADCCA : Australian Digital Currency Commerce Association
  6. AH : Andreessmn Horowitz
  7. AL : Asset Ledger
  8. AMLD : Anti-Money Laundering Directive
  9. APBI : Advanced Planning Briefings for Industry
  10. ZKPS : Zero Knowledge Proofs
  11. ZKPS : Zero-Knowledge Proofs
  12. ASIC : Application Specific Integrated Chip
  13. ATH : All-Time-Hige
  14. ATH : All-Time High
  15. ATHS : AtıK Takip Hizmet SağLayıCıLarıNıN
  16. AWC : Atomic Wallet Coins
  17. BAC : Blockchain Association of Canada
  18. BBDS : Blockchain-Based Data Sharing
  19. BBTC : Bethesda Bedok Tampines Church
  20. BCC : Blockchain Competence Center
  21. BCH : Bass-Chord Harmonica
  22. BCN : Blockchain Consensus Network
  23. BE : Base Exchange
  24. BX : Base Exchange
  25. BFD : Bulk File Distribution
  26. BFI : Blockchain Foundation of India
  27. BIA : Blockchain Interoperability Alliance
  28. BIP : Bezafibrate Infarct Prevention
  29. BIPS : Borehole Image Processing System
  30. BIT : Business Innovation and Technology
Latest Bitcoin Meanings
  1. The Dollar Vigilante
  2. Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance
  3. Mh Paying Crypto Ads
  4. Real-Time Indexing
  5. Reusable Proof of Work
  6. Reusable Proofs of Work
  7. Registration of Money Services Businesses
  8. Registration of Money Service Business
  9. Round-Based Pay Per Share
  10. Replace-By-Fee
  11. Premature Termination Codon
  12. Prime Shipping Foundatitn
  13. Purchasing Power Index
  14. Ppoof of Weak Math
  15. Proof-Of-Work
  16. Proof of Work
  17. Pay On Target
  18. Proof of Importance
  19. Proof-Of-Importance
  20. Personal Office