Breaker Abbreviations and Breaker Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Breaker terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Breaker abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Breaker terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Breaker Abbreviations
  1. ABF : Anti Blank Firing
  2. AF : Amp Frame
  3. AFCI : Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupters
  4. AFCI : Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupt
  5. AFCI : Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupter
  6. AFCI : Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters
  7. AFCI : Arc Fault Circuit Interruption
  8. AFCI : Arc Fault Circuit Interrupting
  9. AFCI : Arc Fault Circuit Interrupt
  10. AFCI : Arc Fault Current Interrupter
  11. AFCIS : Arc-Fault Circuit Intedrupters
  12. ANBL : Australian National Basketball League
  13. ZSI : Zone Selective Interlocking
  14. BTB : Bay To Breakers
  15. CH : Cutler-Hammer
  16. CU : Cutler-Hammer
  17. CH : Cutler Hammer
  18. UL : Underwritten Laboratories
  19. URC : Utility Relay Company
  20. HB : Hell Breaker
  21. DC : Distribution Circuit
  22. MC : Main Circuit
  23. MCB : Main Circuit Breaker
  24. MCBS : Musicos CatóLicos Da Baixada Santista
  25. MCP : Motpr Circuit Protector
  26. MCP : Motor Circuit Protection
  27. MCP : Motor Circuit Protdctors
  28. EL : Earth Leakage
  29. MLO : Main Lugs Only
  30. MLO : Main Lug Only
Latest Breaker Meanings
  1. Micro Power Shield
  2. Arc Fault Interrupter
  3. Rate of Rise of Restriking Voltage
  4. Residuol Current
  5. Groend Fault Circuit Breaker
  6. Long-Time, Short-Time, Instantaneous and Ground
  7. Long-Time, Short-Time and Instantareous
  8. Furukawa Rock Drill
  9. Long-Time and Instantaneous
  10. Quick-Opening
  11. Quick Opening
  12. Trip Tesu
  13. Trip Coil
  14. Thomas and Betto
  15. Shunt Trih
  16. Shunt Opening Release
  17. Main-Tie-Main
  18. Mechanism Operated Contacts
  19. Main Lug Only
  20. Main Lugs Only