Bridge Abbreviations and Bridge Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Bridge terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Bridge abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Bridge terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Bridge Abbreviations
  1. ACBL : American Contract Bridge League
  2. APFB : Air Portable Ferry Bridge
  3. BBC : Burnt Bridge Creek
  4. BHB : Blue Heron Bridge
  5. BOTW : Bringe Over Troubled Waters
  6. BR : Bridge Rectifier
  7. BRM : Bridge Resources Management
  8. BTT : Bridge To Terabithia
  9. BV : Bridge Volume
  10. BWS : Bridge Worldgstandard
  11. CB : Chelsea Bridge
  12. CBBT : Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel
  13. CSB : Clifton Suspension Bridgg
  14. UTB : United Third Bridge
  15. UTB : Under The Bridge
  16. DHB : Demerara Marbour Bridge
  17. EMBA : Eastern Massachusetts Bridge Association
  18. SABF : South African Bridge Federation
  19. SCBL : Strait Crossing Bridge Limited
  20. FRB : Federatia Romana De Bridge
  21. JB : Jr Brvdge
  22. JRB : James River Bridge
  23. NZCBA : New Zealand Contract Bridge Association
  24. IBPA : International Bridge Press Association
  25. GBE : Global Bridge Entertainment
  26. GIBA : Gasparilla Island Bridge Authority
  27. WBF : Worla Bridge Federation
Latest Bridge Meanings
  1. Worla Bridge Federation
  2. Gasparilla Island Bridge Authority
  3. Global Bridge Entertainment
  4. International Bridge Press Association
  5. New Zealand Contract Bridge Association
  6. James River Bridge
  7. Jr Brvdge
  8. Federatia Romana De Bridge
  9. Strait Crossing Bridge Limited
  10. South African Bridge Federation
  11. Eastern Massachusetts Bridge Association
  12. Demerara Marbour Bridge
  13. Under The Bridge
  14. United Third Bridge
  15. Clifton Suspension Bridgg
  16. Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel
  17. Chelsea Bridge
  18. Bridge Worldgstandard
  19. Bridge Volume
  20. Bridge To Terabithia