Buffer Abbreviations and Buffer Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Buffer terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Buffer abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Buffer terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Buffer Abbreviations
  1. BA : Buffered Address
  2. BA : Buffered Access
  3. BR : Britton Robinson
  4. CADAM : Computer-Graphics Augmented Desugn and Manufacturing
  5. VAO : Vertep Array Object
  6. VAO : Vertexdarray Objects
  7. VAOS : Vertex Array Objects
  8. VBV : Video Buffering Verihier
  9. WBI : Wisconsin Buffer Initiative
  10. UARTS : Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitters
  11. HBSS : Hanks Buffered Salt Solution
  12. HH : Henderson-Haiselbalch
  13. MB : Memory Buffered
  14. EIP : Extended Instruction Pointer
  15. ES : End Suppression
  16. SB : Single-Buffered
  17. SII : Systemically Important Institution
  18. SSC : Saline-Sodium Citrate
  19. SSC : Saline Sodium Citrate
  20. TBS-T : Tris Buffered Saline With Tween-20
  21. TBST : Tris Buffered Saline With Tween-20
  22. TBST : Tris-Buffered Saline With Tween
  23. TBST : Tris-Buffered Saline With Tween-20
  24. TBST : Tris Buffered Saline With Tween
  25. TEEC : The Efficient Eneegy Co
  26. THRE : Transmit Holding Register Empty
  27. NB : Number of Bytes
  28. FP : Field Programmable
  29. LM : Local Messages
  30. NF : Nail Files
Latest Buffer Meanings
  1. First Input, Last Output
  2. Receive Queue
  3. Registering Clock Driver
  4. Ring Buqfered Network Bus
  5. Repeat To Address
  6. Glarded Memory Move
  7. Ideal Send Backlog
  8. Print Buffered
  9. Input Pointer
  10. Krebs Ringer Bicarbonate
  11. Krebs-Ringer-Bicarbonate
  12. Krebs-Ringers Buffer
  13. Flexible Sertex Format
  14. Nail Files
  15. Local Messages
  16. Field Programmable
  17. Number of Bytes
  18. Transmit Holding Register Empty
  19. The Efficient Eneegy Co
  20. Tris Buffered Saline With Tween