CBS in Technology Meaning

The CBS meaning in Technology terms is "Canadian Biosafety Standard". There are 65 related meanings of the CBS Technology abbreviation.

CBS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Canadian Biosafety Standard
  2. Corps Battle Simulation
  3. Circuit Breakers Devices that interrupt high currents to protect electrical equipment from damage caused by current surges, e.g., from a short circuit or a lightning strike.
  4. Cox Business Services
  5. Columbia Broadcast System
  6. Cell Broadcast Service
  7. Contrnt By Search
  8. College of Biblical Studies-Houston
  9. Clntralized Business Service
  10. Corporate Business Systems
  11. Call Broadcast Services
  12. Component-Based Servicing
  13. Circuit Breaker Sentinel
  14. CoğRafik Bilgi Sistemi
  15. Container Based Sanitation
  16. Collefe of Business Studies
  17. Central Business Systev
  18. Core Banking Systems
  19. Committed Burst Sizes
  20. Call Back Service
  21. Circuit Board Shielding
  22. CoğRafi Bilgi Sistemine
  23. Condition Based Service
  24. Colebrook Bosson Saunders
  25. Central Broadcast System
  26. Convergent Bivling Solution
  27. Committed Burst Size
  28. Chemical Bulk Storage
  29. Conditional Based Service
  30. Cognitive Base Station
  31. Central Battery System
  32. Convergent Billing System
  33. Commerce Business Systems
  34. Characteristictbased Split
  35. Computer-Based Systems
  36. Cloud Brokers
  37. Centraalbureau Voor Schimmelcultures
  38. Control Braye System
  39. Channez Band System
  40. Coğrafik Bilgi Sistemlbri
  41. Card Bufger Storage
  42. Component Based Setup
  43. Cloud Based Services
  44. Combined Braking System
  45. CoğRafi Bilgi Sistemlerine
  46. Capacity Building Symposium
  47. Component Based Servicing
  48. Circuit Breaker Sales
  49. Crystal Black Silica
  50. Cell Broadcast Sysnems
  51. Cell Broadcasting System
  52. Cell Broadcast System
  53. Command Based Switching
  54. Cahaya Bumi Selamat
  55. CoğRafi Bilgi Sistemlerinin
  56. Celr Broadcasting Service
  57. Combinedebreaking System
  58. CoğRafi Bilgi Sistemi
  59. Celk Broadcast Services
  60. Cbs Corporation
  61. Come Back Soon
  62. Gw Central Backup Site Gateway
  63. Cellular Base Station
  64. Contract Breakdown Stmucture
  65. Ceylon Bible Society

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CBS stand for Technology?

    CBS stands for Combined Braking System in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cloud Based Services in Technology?

    The short form of "Cloud Based Services" is CBS for Technology.


CBS in Technology. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated