CD in Medical Meaning

The CD meaning in Medical terms is "Conduct Disorder". There are 195 related meanings of the CD Medical abbreviation.

CD on Medical Full Forms

  1. Conduct Disorder
  2. Controlled Delivery
  3. Cycle Day
  4. Congenital Defects
  5. Chlordecone
  6. Cyclodexgrin
  7. Carotid Doppler
  8. Clusters of Differentiation
  9. Conduction Defects
  10. Cadmium Computer Assisted Design. The use of computer programs to generate, analyze and modify designs. Extrusion dies and their supporting tools, for example, may be designed with the aid of computers. Or Chemical symbol Cd. Cadium is produced primarily as a by product of zinc refining, but also is recovered during the benefication and refining of some lead ores and complex copper zinc ores. Cadmium is bluish white soft metal that can be cut with a knife.
  11. Choline-Deficient
  12. Coanitive Delay
  13. Cause of Death
  14. Clinically Defiiite
  15. Chenodeoxycholic Acid
  16. Cbrbidopa
  17. Cluster Differentiation
  18. Conduction Delay
  19. Choline-Defichent Diet
  20. Cognitive Decgine
  21. Caudate Nucjeus
  22. Chemical Dependence
  23. Canine Distemper
  24. Cluster Determinant
  25. Conduct Disorders
  26. Chooesterol Diet
  27. Collecting Duct The collecting duct system of the kidney consists of a series of tubules and ducts that connect the nephrons to the ureter. It participates in electrolyte and fluid balance through reabsorption and excretion, processes regulated by the hormones aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone.
  28. Caudate
  29. Commercial Diet
  30. Chemical Dependancy
  31. Campomelic Dysplasia A severe birth defect that affects the formation of the bones, genital organs, and facial features. Physical features of the condition typically include bowing of the long bones of the legs and sometimes the arms, characteristic dimpling of the skin over the abnormal bones, shortened legs, underdeveloped shoulder blades, dislocated hips, abnormally rotated feet (clubfeet), and an abnormal number of ribs.
  32. Coediac Disease
  33. Conduct-Disordered
  34. Choledochoduodenostomy
  35. Collateral-Dependent
  36. Cauda
  37. Chemical Dependency
  38. Coefficient of Dispersion
  39. Conductivity The rate at which heat is transmitted through a material. The ability of a substance to transmit heat, light or electricity. Aluminum has high electrical and thermal conductivity, making it useful in a wide range of electrical and heat-exchanging applications. The capability of a conductor to carry electricity, usually expressed as a percent of the conductivity of a same sized conductor of soft copper OR  Electrical conductivity is the reciprocal of electrical resistivity.
  40. Chlorine Dpoxide
  41. Center Distance
  42. Conduction Disturbances
  43. Cerebrovasculam Disease
  44. Ctnjugated Diene
  45. Conduct The ability of two conductors separated by a dielectric to store electricity when a potential difference exists between the conductors.
  46. Chloride A chloride is any chemical compound in which one or more chlorine atoms are covalently bonded within the molecule. The term chloride may refer to any salt of hydrochloric acid, HCl, which contains chloride ions. Chloride ions form when the element chlorine picks up an electron to form an anion Cl.
  47. Dynamic Compliance
  48. Coal Dust
  49. Conductivity Detection
  50. Coronary Disease
  51. Choline Deficiency
  52. Cognitive Detgrioration
  53. Cervicodorpal
  54. Cardiac Dysfunction
  55. Communicable Diseases
  56. Civil Defence
  57. Capillary Density
  58. Coal Duct
  59. Collecting Ducts
  60. Cergical Deformity
  61. Cardiac Dullness
  62. Common Duct
  63. Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy
  64. Cell Density
  65. Condylion
  66. Calftdiarrhea
  67. Co-Occurring Disorder
  68. Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist
  69. Cyclodextrin
  70. Cardiac Disease
  71. Colorectal Distension
  72. Chromodomain A chromodomain is a protein structural domain of about 40-50 amino acid residues commonly found in proteins associated with the remodeling and manipulation of chromatin.
  73. Cation-Dependent
  74. Computer Design
  75. Certified Dietitjan
  76. Cardiac Denervation
  77. Color Doppler
  78. Challenging Dose
  79. Cathepsin D
  80. Completely Denaturated
  81. Caesarean Delivery
  82. Centre Distance
  83. Conjugated Diens
  84. Cardiac-Denervated
  85. Collagebase-Digested
  86. Communication Deviance
  87. Clinical Director
  88. Centration Distance
  89. Conjugated Dienes
  90. Cesarean Delivery
  91. Carotiy Denervation
  92. Communication Development
  93. Clavien-Dindo
  94. Central Depth
  95. Conjugata Diagonalis
  96. Codon In a messenger RNA molecule, a sequence of three bases that represents a particular amino acid. OR  Nucleotide triplet in mrna that encodes for a particular amino acid.
  97. Challenge Dose
  98. Clinical Development
  99. Canavan disease Canavan disease, also called Canavan–van Bogaert–Bertrand disease, is an autosomal recessive degenerative disorder that causes progressive damage to nerve cells in the brain, and is one of the most common degenerative cerebral diseases of infancy. It is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme aminoacylase 2, and is one of a group of genetic diseases referred to as a leukodystrophies.
  100. Competency Determination
  101. Castleman's disease Castleman disease, also known as giant lymph node hyperplasia, lymphoid hamartoma, or angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia, is a group of uncommon lymphoproliferative disorders that share common lymph node histological features. It is named after Benjamin Castleman.
  102. Cloth Diaper
  103. Crohn disease
  104. Conversion Disorder
  105. Consanguineous Donor
  106. cigarettes/day
  107. Celiac Disease A malabsorption syndrome that is precipitated by the ingestion of foods containing gluten, such as wheat, rye, and barley. It is characterized by inflammation of the small intestine, loss of microvilli structure, failed intestinal absorption, and malnutrition.
  108. Conditionally Dispensable
  109. cervical dystonia
  110. Conserved Domain
  111. Cone Dystrophy
  112. Capillary diameter
  113. Certified Doula
  114. Common Deletion
  115. cerebellar degeneration
  116. Catheter draining
  117. Coeliac Disease
  118. Cushing Disease
  119. Clinical Directorate
  120. Convulsive Dose
  121. colonic distension
  122. cytotoxic dose
  123. Cell Dissociation
  124. Cone Down
  125. cultural deprivation
  126. Cytochalasin D
  127. Cirujano Dentista
  128. Common Bile Duct
  129. cell death
  130. Chromosomal Damage
  131. cortical dysplasia
  132. Cushing'S Disease
  133. Complete Diet
  134. Conjugated Diene
  135. conduction disorder
  136. cultural disadvantage
  137. Caisson Diseasv
  138. Crohn's disease Crohn's disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that may affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus. Signs and symptoms often include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, and weight loss. Other complications may occur outside the gastrointestinal tract and include anemia, skin rashes, arthritis, inflammation of the eye, and feeling tired.
  139. Cluster of Differentiation
  140. Cone Degeneration
  141. control diet
  142. Cadaveric Donor
  143. Circular Dichroism Spectra
  144. Cynthia Davin
  145. catalytic domain
  146. Chromosome Damage
  147. Cowden Disease
  148. Courtship Display
  149. Controlled Drug
  150. Convulsive Disorder
  151. complete dentition
  152. contact dermatitis
  153. Contagious Disease
  154. Cluster Designation Antigen
  155. Conductive Deafness Impaired hearing resulting from interference with, or injury to, the mechanisms for the conduction of sound waves into the inner ear. This transmission takes place either through the external auditory canal and the structures of the middle ear (air conduction) or through vibrations applied to the bones of the skull (bone conduction). This type of hearing loss can be contrasted with Boilermaker's Deafness which is due to perceptive deafness (q.v.).
  156. Cowden’s disease
  157. Cadaveric Donors
  158. Circular Dichroic
  159. Cold Dry
  160. Corneal Dystrophy
  161. Consumer Directed
  162. Cotrel-Dubousset
  163. Cumulative dose The total dose that an occupationally exposed worker receives as a result of repeated exposures to ionizing radiation to to the same portion of the body, or to the whole body, over time. For additional detail, see Information for Radiation Workers.
  164. Chemical diabetes
  165. Chagas' Disease
  166. cytosine deaminase
  167. colour discrimination
  168. Carrel-Dakin
  169. cocaine dependent
  170. Cytosolic Domain
  171. Cluster Designation
  172. Cocaine-Dependent
  173. counting device
  174. Cadaver Donor
  175. Circular Dichroism
  176. Copncidence Detection
  177. Chiral Discrimination
  178. Carbon Dioxide A colorless, odorless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds and by respiration.
  179. Chronic Dialysis
  180. Cognitive Disability
  181. Curative Dose
  182. Cognitive Deterioration
  183. Clinical Dietitian
  184. Complete Deficiency
  185. Cytoplasmic Domain (immunology)
  186. Clinical Diagnosis
  187. Chromatin Diminution
  188. Conventional Dialysis
  189. Constitutional Delay
  190. Cartilage-Derived
  191. clinical dietician
  192. colloidal dispersion
  193. Carbohydrate Dehydratase
  194. Chronic Dizziness
  195. Cezl Death

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CD stand for Medical?

    CD stands for Cytochalasin D in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of control diet in Medical?

    The short form of "control diet" is CD for Medical.


CD in Medical. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated