CD in NASA Meaning

The CD meaning in NASA terms is "Candela". There are 15 related meanings of the CD NASA abbreviation.

CD on NASA Full Forms

  1. Candela Unit of luminous intensity since 1948. One candela is one lumen per steradian. Formerly called the candle.
  2. Compact Disc
  3. Circuit Design
  4. Current Density The amount of electrical current flowing per unit area of cross-section. Or The current flowing to or from a unit area of an electrode surface. 
  5. Coin Dimple
  6. Call Director
  7. Coefficient of Drag A number used in calculating the aerodynamic drag acting on a vehicle. The drag coefficient is a function of factors like the shape of the vehicle, airflow through the vehicle for ventilation and cooling. The number is determined in a wind-tunnel or by coasting tests performed on the vehicle. The lower the drag coefficient the less drag on the vehicle and the more aerodynamic is the vehicle.
  8. Carbon Dioxide A colorless, odorless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds and by respiration.
  9. Center Director (ksc Directorate)
  10. Candella (luminous Intensity)
  11. Command An instruction that causes a program or computer to perform a function A command may be given by means of a special keystroke, or the command may be chosen from a menu.
  12. Central Database
  13. Countdown  A count in inverse numerical order, in hours, minutes and finally seconds, of time remaining before the launch of a rocket.
  14. Cold Drawn
  15. Command Decoder Mdm

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CD stand for NASA?

    CD stands for Circuit Design in NASA terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Command Decoder Mdm in NASA?

    The short form of "Command Decoder Mdm" is CD for NASA.


CD in NASA. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated