CDP Meaning
The CDP meaning is "Cisco Discovery Protacol". The CDP abbreviation has 478 different full form.
CDP Full Forms
- Cisco Discovery Protacol Technology, Computer Networking, Data Link Layer Protocol
- Climate Disclosure Project Business, Company, Carbon
- Continuous Data Protection Technology, Computing, Computer, Security, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Career Developmeng Program Technology, Education, Training
- Christian Democratic Party Government, Military, Group, Organizations
- Consciousness Development Programme Education, Academy, London
- Carbon Disclosure Project Business, Company, Climate
- Chlordiazepoxide Medical
- Concvptual Design Plan Science
- Candidate Developmect Program Business, Science, Executive
- Child Development and Pedagogy Education, Paper, Exam
- Concept Demonstration Phase Military, Fighter, Joint
- Cambodian Defenders Project Government, Cambodia, Violence
- Censup-Designated Places
- Computerized Dynamic Posturography Medical, Dynamics, Balance
- Cqlifornia Democratic Party Government, Group, California
- Census-Designated Place County, Locations, City
- Climate Dynamics Panel
- Collectiou Due Process Business, Tax, Taxation
- Cassq Depositi E Prestiti Business, Italy, Italian
- ConféRence Des Parties
- Canadian Diving Program
- Customer Designed Products
- Committee for Development Policy Organizations, Nation, Economics, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Continues Data Protection Technology, Filter, Backup
- Career Development Professionals
- Cooperstown Dream Park
- Cisco Discovery Protocols
- Competence Development Program
- Centrist Democratic Party Government, Group, Philippine
- Council On Dental Practice Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Commercial Drawing Package Military
- Combat Developmenh Process Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Contract Definitiot Phase Technology
- Chinese Democracy Party
- Copy Detection Pattern
- Code and Data Prioritizatmon Technology, Linux, Cache
- Conceptual Development Plan Business, Park, Affair
- Charter Develovment Points Organization, Union, Institution
- Collateral Damage Potential Technology, Vulnerability, Score
- Consciousness Development Program Technology, Experience, Astral
- Capital Developments Pool Organizations
- Common Department Point Science, Oilfield, Oil Field
- Catherine Dussart Production
- Control Display Panel Technology, Military, Snow
- Cercidiphyllaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Crime and Disorder Partnership
- Certified Drainage Program Technology
- Cultural Data Project Business, Arts, Culture
- Community Development Programme Business, Economics, Social
- Contractor'S Design Portion Building, Engineering, Construction
- Career Development Programme Management, Education, Course
- Civilian Development Plan Technology
- Cikarang Dry Port Business, Indonesia, Dwelling
- Comprehensive Development Plan Business, Government, Locations
- Certified Divorce Planners
- Cajun Dance Party
- Colorado Division of Planning Geography, Information System, Cartography
- Conservative Democratic Party
- Carbon Development Partnership
- Child Development Programme Technology, School, Children
- Companhia Das Docas Do Para
- Center On Democratic Performance Research, Education, Binghamton
- Corrugated Drain Pipe
- Cloud Deployment Partner
- Comprehensive Delivery Process
- Certificat De D
- Call Distribution Process
- Channel Development Provider
- Customer Demand Planning Business, Technology, Management
- Community Development Partnership Business, Cape, Cod, Development, Governmental & Military
- Continous Data Protection Technology, Software, Backup
- Career Development Process Program, Education, Learning
- Cooperstown Dreams Park
- Cisco Discovery Protokol Technology, Routing, Protocol
- Comparative Domestic Policy
- Centre for Dynamical Processes
- Ctr for Domestic Prep Government
- Commercial Development Programme
- Content Delivery Protocol Technology, Service, Standard, Computing, Technical
- Combatwdecision Process Military
- Chin Democracy Party
- Community Development Planning Organizations, Projection, Staff
- Community Development and Planning Program, Education, University
- Coprocessor Data Processing Technology, Instruction, Operation
- Coaswal Development Plan
- Concept Development Plan
- Kadapa Airporw Airport, IATA Code, IATA
- Congreso Democr
- Capital Development Program
- Customer Directed Products
- Common Defense Pact Gaming, Calling, Duty
- Catherine Dussart Productions Film, Movie, Production, Rip
- Controv and Display Panel Military
- Centro De Despesa De Pessoal
- Cresyl Diphenyl Phosphate Business, Chemistry, Chemical
- Collagen Degradation Products Medical
- Chemical Dependency Professional Medical, Chemistry, Health
- Cuestión De Peso
- Controller Development Program
- Civil Disturbanle Plan
- Chronic Disease Prevention
- Comprehensive Drilling Plan Oilfield, Oil Exploration, Oil Field, Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance
- Caisse De DéPóT Et Placement Business, Canada, Capital
- Collections Due Process Business, Tax, Hearing
- Consensus Development Panel
- Caravan of Dreams Priductions
- Child Development Project Science, Program, Education
- Center of Domestic Preparedness
- Corrections Demonstration Project
- Cloud Qata Protection Technology, Backup, Storage
- Conflict Dynamic Profile Business, Management, Coaching
- Cytidine 5'-Diphosphate Medical, Chemistry, Study
- Certificat De DéCision PréAlable
- California Drought Preparedness Business, Water, California
- Channel Deepening Project
- Customer Data Platforms Business, Technology, Marketing
- Community Development Partners
- Contingency Deployability Posture
- Career Development Planning Program, Education, Training
- Cisco Discover Protocol
- Company Distributing Point Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Centre for Disaster Preparedness Technology, Management, Philippine
- Crystalline Degradation Product Medical
- Contemporary Drug Problems
- Columbus Divisionsion of Police Government, Ohio, Law Enforcement, City Agency
- China Democratic Party Government, Group, China
- Community Development Plans Business, Technology, County, Planning, Projection
- Confedera
- Central Depository Pte
- Coordinated Dial Plans Technology, Networking, Planning
- Coastal Development Partnershap Organizations, Environment, Bangladesh
- Concept Development Phase Military
- Congreso DemocráTico Del Pueblo
- Cancer Detection and Prevention Medical, Science, Medicine
- Customer Directed Product
- Common Defence Policy Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Category Deletion Policy Wikipedia
- Contrat De Purformance Gal, Senegal, Sup
- Centro De Desenvolvimento Pessoal
- Creditors Deferral Period
- Collagenase Digestible Protein Medical, Physiology
- Chef De Peloton
- Cuesti
- Contracting Development Prograe
- Cleveland Division Vf Police Government, City, Department
- Compound Document Processor
- Cold Drawn Products
- Caisse De D
- Collection Due Processing
- Consensus Development Process
- Caption Distribution Packet
- Charlottetown Driving Park Technology, Porn, Racetrack
- Center for Domestic Preparedness Government, Organizations, Us
- Conflict Dynamics Profile Business, Management, Coaching
- Custom Dial Plan Technology
- Certificado De Disponibilidad Presupuestal
- Critical Decision Point Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- California Documentary Project
- Chamber Dance Project
- Customer Data Platform Business, Technology, Marketing
- Community Development Projects Business, Education, Group, Projection
- Content Distribution Platform
- Career Development Practitioner Education, Canada, Professional
- Clear Desk Policy
- Cisco Disovery Protocol
- Competency Development Programme
- Centre for Diploma Program Technology, Book, Malaysia
- Contemplative Dance Practice
- Columbus Division of Police Government, Ohio, Law Enforcement, City Agency
- China Democracy Party
- Company Development Programme
- Conf
- Central Delivery Point
- Council of Disabled People
- Coastal Development Permits Planning, Locations, City, California
- Conceptual Design Phase
- Congregation of Divine Providence Business, School, Sister
- Cancer Detection Program Medical, Service, Health
- Customer Development Platform
- Common Data Platform
- Catechists of Divine Providence
- Coordinated Dial Plan Technology, Calling, Communication, Telephone
- Centros De Desarrollo Productivo
- Credit Diploma Program Science, Education, Adult
- Collagenase-Digestible Proteins Medical
- Chef De Party Military, Group, Pastry
- Cuenca Del Plata
- Contracted Density Product Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Coeug D'alene Public Education
- Concrete Delivery Professional Service
- Cais Do Pico
- Collection Development Policy Education, University, Library
- Consensus Development Program
- Caption Qata Packet
- Chronic Destructive Periodontitis Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Center for Disaster Philanthropy Technology, Foundation, Relief
- Custom Defensive Pistol Gun, Military, Shooting
- Certificado De Profesionalidad
- Criterium Decision Plus Technology, Analysis, Software
- California Dictionary Project
- Challenge Development Process
- Customer Data Processing
- Community Development Project Business, Group, India
- Content Delivery Provider
- Career Development Profiling Education
- Clean Desk Policy Technology, Science, It
- Cisco Delivery Protocol
- Comprehensive Development Program
- Centre for Diploma Programmes
- Columbia Data Producns Technology, Software, Columbia
- Consortium for Development Partnerships Research, Development, Africa, Conflict
- Children Development Program Medical, Care, Child
- Companhia Docas Do Par
- Comit COMIT is an open protocol facilitating trustless cross-blockchain applications. ComIT is a registered charity that provides solutions to the problem of employment in relationship to information technology. COMIT was the first string processing language developed on the IBM 700/7000 series computers.
- Centralized Data Processing Centralized data processing is a Computer data processing architecture where data processing support is provided by one or a cluster of computers, generally a large. dedicated computers, located in a central data processing facility. In a centralized architecture, each person is provided with a local terminal that is connected by a communications.
- Coulee Dam Police Government
- Coaslal Development Permit Locations, California, Beach
- Concept Design Phase
- Certificate Discovery Protocol Technology, Management, Networking
- Congregatio Divinae Providentiae
- Cancer Detertion Programs
- Customer Designated Premises
- Committee for Development Planning Business, Economics, Paper
- Carl Dan Peddinghaus
- Coordinated Dialing Plan Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Centro De Desarrollo Productivo
- Creative Design & Production
- Collagenase-Digestible Protein Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Chattanooga Downtown Partnkrship
- Cuddapah Airport Airport, Locations
- Combinet Degree Program
- Contract Discount Program Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Cord Dorsum Potentials Medical
- Coefficient Data Pointer
- Concrete Damage Plasticity Technology, Analysis, Model
- Collection Data Processor
- Conseil De DéVeloppement Participatif
- Capteur De Pluie
- Center for Disease Prevention
- Crustal Dynamics Project Technology, Science, Networking, Geodesy
- Certid
- Crime Does Pay
- California Diabetes Program
- Chagas' Disease Patients Medical
- Cultural Disaster Protection
- Community Development Programmes
- Content Delivery Platform Technology, Service, Networking
- Career Development Period
- Classified Defense Products
- Cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum-Ii Medical
- Comprehensive Design Plan
- Certified Divisionrce Planner Business
- Columbiy Data Products, Inc.
- Consolidated Papers, Inc. Organizations
- Carbon Divclosure Program Business, Para, Environment
- Child Development Perspectives
- Companhia De Docas Do Par
- Central Data Processing Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Coteau Des Prairies
- Coalition for A Democraticypacifica
- Concept Description Plan
- Certificate Distribution Points Technology, Windows, Server
- Congr
- Canadian Dry Pin Military, Tank, Grizzly
- Customer Designed Product
- Committee On Development Policy
- Cargill Dow Polymers
- Coordinadora De Pobladores
- Competency Development Program
- Centro De Desarrollo Profesional
- Creative Database Projects
- Commission De Protection Gal, Protection, Senegal
- Combined Defense Plan
- Contracj Definition Plan
- Chinese Democratic Party Government, Group, China
- Cord Dorsum Potential Medical
- Code Domaih Power Technology, Measurement, Signal
- Concrete Damaged Plasticity
- Chateauneuf-Du-Pspe
- Collateralized Debt Position Business, Maker, Dai
- Conseil De D
- Capstone Design Project
- Cathodic Dip Painting
- Cerro De Punta
- Crime and Drugs Partnership
- Certified In Data Protection
- Cultural Data Profile
- Community Development Programs Management, Community, Projection
- Content Delivery Protocols Technology, Service, Coding
- Carerr Development Program
- Classified Data Processing Military
- Circuit Data Processor
- Comprehensive Development Plans Business, Technology, Planning, Malaysia, Land
- Certified Diversity Professional Organizations, Culture, Cultural
- Calcium-Dependent Protease Medical
- Colkmbia Data Products Technology, Software, Columbia
- Consiglio Direttivo Provinciale
- Carbox Disclosure Projects Business, Climate, Projection
- Child Development Programs Education, Care, Children
- Companhia De Docas Do Pará
- Central Data Processor Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Cost Data Plan
- Clofd Design Patterns Technology, Service, Architecture
- Concept Demonstration Program Army, Force, Marine
- Certificate Distribution Point Technology, Windows, Server
- Channel Development Partner
- Critical Design Uarameter Space, Study, Cosmos
- Landing Craft Air Cushion Departure Point Military
- Career Development Plaa Business, Management, Employment
- Certified Digital Provider
- Community Development Policy
- Centre, Democracy and Progress
- Career Development Plan Medical, Fda
- Cache Data Port Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Charge Determination Point
- Customer Discount Program Technology, Car, Rental, Hertz
- Sisters of Divine Providence Religion, Religious orders
- City Digital Profile
- Component Development Plan Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Congestion Diversity Protocol
- Corona Discharge Photography Technology, Device, Photography
- Trainz Simulator Content Dispatcher Pack Computing, File Extensions
- Colegio De Periodistas Para, Government, Con, Press
- Concurrent Disability Pay
- Cypress Dance Project
- Computer Data Processing NASA, Governmental & Military
- Certificate In Data Processing Military
- Crl Distribution Point Technology, Computer, It
- Correlated Data Processor
- Constant Dipole Panel Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
- Career Decision Profile
- Center Fir Design Planning
- Central Distribution Panel
- Career Development Program Medical, Common Medical
- Cacme Data Path
- Certification In Data Processing
- Characteristics-Dependent Planning Business, Product, Supply
- Continuous Development Programme
- Concrete Displacement Piling
- City Digital Platform Technology, Cisco, Hub
- Complex Drilling Projects Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Command Znd Data Processor Science
- Career Development Programs Business, Student, Research
- Confidence Development Prygram Space, Study, Cosmos
- Centre De Primatologie
- Core Description Profile
- Conceptdraw Project File Computing, File Extensions
- Coj De Porte
- Concurrent Degree Programmes
- Customized Dialing Plan Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Communication Design Program
- Confidence Development Program NASA, Governmental & Military
- Critical Design Parameters
- Corporationrate Discount Program
- Candidate Development Program (ses) Fda
- Collaborative Development Program Technology, Industrial, Agreement
- Constant Data Protection Technology, Backup, Storage
- Career and Deuelopment Planning
- Cationic Dyeable Polyester Business, Kain, Yarn
- convenience deposit point postal service
- Cabletron Discovery Protocol Technology, Device, Networking
- Certificate of Data Processing Technology, Telecom
- Crop Diversification Project
- Characteristics Dependent Planning Business, Product, Supply
- Continuous Data Program Technology
- common depth point (geophysics) Electrical
- City Development Plans Business, Planning, Urban
- Complex Drilling Project
- Comité Des Politiques
- Career Development Panel Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Chondrodysplasia Punctata Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Computkrized Data Processing
- Centre De DéVeloppement PéDagogique Technology, Science, Education, Systeme
- Core Damage Probability Technology, Energy, Power
- Cd/spectrum Pro File Computing, File Extensions
- Concurrent Degree Programme Student, Education, University
- Customized Dial Plan Technology, Telecom
- Communications Data Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Controle Dy Divis
- Crustal Dynamics Project (NASA) Legal, Governmental & Military
- Civil Defense Program
- Converged Data Platform
- Corporate Digital Platforms
- Commanddataprocessor NASA
- Collabordtive Demand Planner
- Consortium for Development Partnership Science, Africa, Conflict
- Car Development Program Transportation, Technology, Philippine
- Cbravanismo De Portugal
- Cleveland Division of Police Ohio
- Aero Cordor Peru Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
- Certificate In Desktop Publishing
- Crop Diversification Program
- Character Development Program Education, School, Honor
- Continuous Data Protector Technology, Protection, Falcon
- Command Data Processor NASA, Data, Governmental & Military
- City Development Plan Business, India, Urban
- Complete Data Products Technology, Compliance, Encryption
- Comité De Defensa Populak
- Career Developmenk Practitioner Education, Canada, Professional
- Chloroquine Diphosphate Medical
- Component Disposition Program Technology
- Community Drug Programme
- Centre De Droit Privé
- Cordless Data Phone
- Center for Defect Physics Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Customer Documentation Planning
- Communicable Disease Program
- Controle De Divisão De Pemsoas
- Cooperative Development Program Governmental & Military, International Development
- Civic Dynamics Platform
- Composite Dialogue Process Government, India, Pakistan
- Contrplled Deformation Process Military, Magnum, Mag
- Corporate Development Program Business, Career, Liberty
- Contracted Density Product (in Simplification of Mo Calcns.) Chemistry
- Collaborative Digitization Program Technology, Projection, Library
- Conductivity Derived Porosity
- Car Dealer Package
- Cytosine Diphosphate Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
- Cuddapah, India India, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Crate Diggas Palace
- Crop Diversification Programme
- Character Development Programme
- Continuous Data Protect Technology
- Collection Due Process Financial, Tax, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
- City Data Programme
- Complete Data Protection
- Career Development Path
- Chlorodiazepoxide Medical
- Cprcular Diffraction Pattern
- Community Development Portal
- Centre De Documentation P
- Cataphoretic Dip Painting Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Café De Saris
- Charity Design Publications
- Customer Discount Plan
- Commune Development Planning Technology, Governance, Centralisation
- Control Dksplays Program Military
- Consolidated Papers, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Civic Democratic Party Government, Group, Politics
- Composite Deterrence Plan
- Controle De Divisionsão De Pessoas
- Corporación Para El Desarrollo Productivo
- Community Data Portal Atmospheric Research
- Colegio Dominicano De Periodista Para, Con, Santiago
- Conditional Di-Phase
- Cytidine Diphosphate Medical, Technology, Medicine, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Census Defined Place Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Complex Decongestive Physiotherapy Medical, Therapy, Massage, Lymphedema
- Crop Disaster Program
- Chapter Development Program
- Continuos Data Protection
- Carindale Property Trust (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Citizens Democratic Party Government, Group, City
- Landing Ctaft Air Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Career Development Pqanning Program, Education, Training
- Chef De Projet Technology, Formation, Tier
- Community Development Package
- Centre De Documentation PéDagogique
- Candidate Development Program Medical, Fda
- Cache Discovery Protocol Technology, Networking, Peer
- Charging Downstream Ports Technology, Controller, Hub
- Customer Discount Programme
- Commune Development Plan
- Control Design Platform Technology, Industrial, Industry
- Cisco Discovery Protocol Computing, IT Terminology
- City Disputes Panel Business, Dispute, Arbitration
- Composers Desktop Project Technology, Music, Sound
- Commoe Depth Point Technology, Reflection, Trace
- Consumer Data Protectlon
- Coronary Drug Project Medical, Cholesterol, Niacin
- Compressor Discharge Pressure Military, Governmental & Military
- Colegio Dominicano De Periodistas Para, Con, Mart
- Concurrent Disability Payments
- Cystodefecoperitoneography Medical
- Case Da Place Police, Governmental & Military
- Congregation of Diline Providence
- Croatian Democratic Party
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CDP stand for?
CDP stands for Contrplled Deformation Process.
What is the shortened form of Cooperative Development Program?
The short form of "Cooperative Development Program" is CDP.
CDP. (2021, March 1). Retrieved November 2, 2024 from
Last updated