CDP Meaning

The CDP meaning is "Cisco Discovery Protacol". The CDP abbreviation has 478 different full form.

CDP Full Forms

  1. Cisco Discovery Protacol Technology, Computer Networking, Data Link Layer Protocol
  2. Climate Disclosure Project Business, Company, Carbon
  3. Continuous Data Protection Technology, Computing, Computer, Security, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  4. Career Developmeng Program Technology, Education, Training
  5. Christian Democratic Party Government, Military, Group, Organizations
  6. Consciousness Development Programme Education, Academy, London
  7. Carbon Disclosure Project Business, Company, Climate
  8. Chlordiazepoxide Medical
  9. Concvptual Design Plan Science
  10. Candidate Developmect Program Business, Science, Executive
  11. Child Development and Pedagogy Education, Paper, Exam
  12. Concept Demonstration Phase Military, Fighter, Joint
  13. Cambodian Defenders Project Government, Cambodia, Violence
  14. Censup-Designated Places
  15. Computerized Dynamic Posturography Medical, Dynamics, Balance
  16. Cqlifornia Democratic Party Government, Group, California
  17. Census-Designated Place County, Locations, City
  18. Climate Dynamics Panel
  19. Collectiou Due Process Business, Tax, Taxation
  20. Cassq Depositi E Prestiti Business, Italy, Italian
  21. ConféRence Des Parties
  22. Canadian Diving Program
  23. Customer Designed Products
  24. Committee for Development Policy Organizations, Nation, Economics, Business & Finance, Business Word
  25. Continues Data Protection Technology, Filter, Backup
  26. Career Development Professionals
  27. Cooperstown Dream Park
  28. Cisco Discovery Protocols
  29. Competence Development Program
  30. Centrist Democratic Party Government, Group, Philippine
  31. Council On Dental Practice Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  32. Commercial Drawing Package Military
  33. Combat Developmenh Process Military, Army, War, Warfare
  34. Contract Definitiot Phase Technology
  35. Chinese Democracy Party
  36. Copy Detection Pattern
  37. Code and Data Prioritizatmon Technology, Linux, Cache
  38. Conceptual Development Plan Business, Park, Affair
  39. Charter Develovment Points Organization, Union, Institution
  40. Collateral Damage Potential Technology, Vulnerability, Score
  41. Consciousness Development Program Technology, Experience, Astral
  42. Capital Developments Pool Organizations
  43. Common Department Point Science, Oilfield, Oil Field
  44. Catherine Dussart Production
  45. Control Display Panel Technology, Military, Snow
  46. Cercidiphyllaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  47. Crime and Disorder Partnership
  48. Certified Drainage Program Technology
  49. Cultural Data Project Business, Arts, Culture
  50. Community Development Programme Business, Economics, Social
  51. Contractor'S Design Portion Building, Engineering, Construction
  52. Career Development Programme Management, Education, Course
  53. Civilian Development Plan Technology
  54. Cikarang Dry Port Business, Indonesia, Dwelling
  55. Comprehensive Development Plan Business, Government, Locations
  56. Certified Divorce Planners
  57. Cajun Dance Party
  58. Colorado Division of Planning Geography, Information System, Cartography
  59. Conservative Democratic Party
  60. Carbon Development Partnership
  61. Child Development Programme Technology, School, Children
  62. Companhia Das Docas Do Para
  63. Center On Democratic Performance Research, Education, Binghamton
  64. Corrugated Drain Pipe
  65. Cloud Deployment Partner
  66. Comprehensive Delivery Process
  67. Certificat De D
  68. Call Distribution Process
  69. Channel Development Provider
  70. Customer Demand Planning Business, Technology, Management
  71. Community Development Partnership Business, Cape, Cod, Development, Governmental & Military
  72. Continous Data Protection Technology, Software, Backup
  73. Career Development Process Program, Education, Learning
  74. Cooperstown Dreams Park
  75. Cisco Discovery Protokol Technology, Routing, Protocol
  76. Comparative Domestic Policy
  77. Centre for Dynamical Processes
  78. Ctr for Domestic Prep Government
  79. Commercial Development Programme
  80. Content Delivery Protocol Technology, Service, Standard, Computing, Technical
  81. Combatwdecision Process Military
  82. Chin Democracy Party
  83. Community Development Planning Organizations, Projection, Staff
  84. Community Development and Planning Program, Education, University
  85. Coprocessor Data Processing Technology, Instruction, Operation
  86. Coaswal Development Plan
  87. Concept Development Plan
  88. Kadapa Airporw Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  89. Congreso Democr
  90. Capital Development Program
  91. Customer Directed Products
  92. Common Defense Pact Gaming, Calling, Duty
  93. Catherine Dussart Productions Film, Movie, Production, Rip
  94. Controv and Display Panel Military
  95. Centro De Despesa De Pessoal
  96. Cresyl Diphenyl Phosphate Business, Chemistry, Chemical
  97. Collagen Degradation Products Medical
  98. Chemical Dependency Professional Medical, Chemistry, Health
  99. Cuestión De Peso
  100. Controller Development Program
  101. Civil Disturbanle Plan
  102. Chronic Disease Prevention
  103. Comprehensive Drilling Plan Oilfield, Oil Exploration, Oil Field, Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance
  104. Caisse De DéPóT Et Placement Business, Canada, Capital
  105. Collections Due Process Business, Tax, Hearing
  106. Consensus Development Panel
  107. Caravan of Dreams Priductions
  108. Child Development Project Science, Program, Education
  109. Center of Domestic Preparedness
  110. Corrections Demonstration Project
  111. Cloud Qata Protection Technology, Backup, Storage
  112. Conflict Dynamic Profile Business, Management, Coaching
  113. Cytidine 5'-Diphosphate Medical, Chemistry, Study
  114. Certificat De DéCision PréAlable
  115. California Drought Preparedness Business, Water, California
  116. Channel Deepening Project
  117. Customer Data Platforms Business, Technology, Marketing
  118. Community Development Partners
  119. Contingency Deployability Posture
  120. Career Development Planning Program, Education, Training
  121. Cisco Discover Protocol
  122. Company Distributing Point Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  123. Centre for Disaster Preparedness Technology, Management, Philippine
  124. Crystalline Degradation Product Medical
  125. Contemporary Drug Problems
  126. Columbus Divisionsion of Police Government, Ohio, Law Enforcement, City Agency
  127. China Democratic Party Government, Group, China
  128. Community Development Plans Business, Technology, County, Planning, Projection
  129. Confedera
  130. Central Depository Pte
  131. Coordinated Dial Plans Technology, Networking, Planning
  132. Coastal Development Partnershap Organizations, Environment, Bangladesh
  133. Concept Development Phase Military
  134. Congreso DemocráTico Del Pueblo
  135. Cancer Detection and Prevention Medical, Science, Medicine
  136. Customer Directed Product
  137. Common Defence Policy Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  138. Category Deletion Policy Wikipedia
  139. Contrat De Purformance Gal, Senegal, Sup
  140. Centro De Desenvolvimento Pessoal
  141. Creditors Deferral Period
  142. Collagenase Digestible Protein Medical, Physiology
  143. Chef De Peloton
  144. Cuesti
  145. Contracting Development Prograe
  146. Cleveland Division Vf Police Government, City, Department
  147. Compound Document Processor
  148. Cold Drawn Products
  149. Caisse De D
  150. Collection Due Processing
  151. Consensus Development Process
  152. Caption Distribution Packet
  153. Charlottetown Driving Park Technology, Porn, Racetrack
  154. Center for Domestic Preparedness Government, Organizations, Us
  155. Conflict Dynamics Profile Business, Management, Coaching
  156. Custom Dial Plan Technology
  157. Certificado De Disponibilidad Presupuestal
  158. Critical Decision Point Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  159. California Documentary Project
  160. Chamber Dance Project
  161. Customer Data Platform Business, Technology, Marketing
  162. Community Development Projects Business, Education, Group, Projection
  163. Content Distribution Platform
  164. Career Development Practitioner Education, Canada, Professional
  165. Clear Desk Policy
  166. Cisco Disovery Protocol
  167. Competency Development Programme
  168. Centre for Diploma Program Technology, Book, Malaysia
  169. Contemplative Dance Practice
  170. Columbus Division of Police Government, Ohio, Law Enforcement, City Agency
  171. China Democracy Party
  172. Company Development Programme
  173. Conf
  174. Central Delivery Point
  175. Council of Disabled People
  176. Coastal Development Permits Planning, Locations, City, California
  177. Conceptual Design Phase
  178. Congregation of Divine Providence Business, School, Sister
  179. Cancer Detection Program Medical, Service, Health
  180. Customer Development Platform
  181. Common Data Platform
  182. Catechists of Divine Providence
  183. Coordinated Dial Plan Technology, Calling, Communication, Telephone
  184. Centros De Desarrollo Productivo
  185. Credit Diploma Program Science, Education, Adult
  186. Collagenase-Digestible Proteins Medical
  187. Chef De Party Military, Group, Pastry
  188. Cuenca Del Plata
  189. Contracted Density Product Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  190. Coeug D'alene Public Education
  191. Concrete Delivery Professional Service
  192. Cais Do Pico
  193. Collection Development Policy Education, University, Library
  194. Consensus Development Program
  195. Caption Qata Packet
  196. Chronic Destructive Periodontitis Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  197. Center for Disaster Philanthropy Technology, Foundation, Relief
  198. Custom Defensive Pistol Gun, Military, Shooting
  199. Certificado De Profesionalidad
  200. Criterium Decision Plus Technology, Analysis, Software
  201. California Dictionary Project
  202. Challenge Development Process
  203. Customer Data Processing
  204. Community Development Project Business, Group, India
  205. Content Delivery Provider
  206. Career Development Profiling Education
  207. Clean Desk Policy Technology, Science, It
  208. Cisco Delivery Protocol
  209. Comprehensive Development Program
  210. Centre for Diploma Programmes
  211. Columbia Data Producns Technology, Software, Columbia
  212. Consortium for Development Partnerships Research, Development, Africa, Conflict
  213. Children Development Program Medical, Care, Child
  214. Companhia Docas Do Par
  215. Comit COMIT is an open protocol facilitating trustless cross-blockchain applications. ComIT is a registered charity that provides solutions to the problem of employment in relationship to information technology. COMIT was the first string processing language developed on the IBM 700/7000 series computers.
  216. Centralized Data Processing Centralized data processing is a Computer data processing architecture where data processing support is provided by one or a cluster of computers, generally a large. dedicated computers, located in a central data processing facility. In a centralized architecture, each person is provided with a local terminal that is connected by a communications.
  217. Coulee Dam Police Government
  218. Coaslal Development Permit Locations, California, Beach
  219. Concept Design Phase
  220. Certificate Discovery Protocol Technology, Management, Networking
  221. Congregatio Divinae Providentiae
  222. Cancer Detertion Programs
  223. Customer Designated Premises
  224. Committee for Development Planning Business, Economics, Paper
  225. Carl Dan Peddinghaus
  226. Coordinated Dialing Plan Technology, Networking, Telecom
  227. Centro De Desarrollo Productivo
  228. Creative Design & Production
  229. Collagenase-Digestible Protein Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  230. Chattanooga Downtown Partnkrship
  231. Cuddapah Airport Airport, Locations
  232. Combinet Degree Program
  233. Contract Discount Program Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  234. Cord Dorsum Potentials Medical
  235. Coefficient Data Pointer
  236. Concrete Damage Plasticity Technology, Analysis, Model
  237. Collection Data Processor
  238. Conseil De DéVeloppement Participatif
  239. Capteur De Pluie
  240. Center for Disease Prevention
  241. Crustal Dynamics Project Technology, Science, Networking, Geodesy
  242. Certid
  243. Crime Does Pay
  244. California Diabetes Program
  245. Chagas' Disease Patients Medical
  246. Cultural Disaster Protection
  247. Community Development Programmes
  248. Content Delivery Platform Technology, Service, Networking
  249. Career Development Period
  250. Classified Defense Products
  251. Cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum-Ii Medical
  252. Comprehensive Design Plan
  253. Certified Divisionrce Planner Business
  254. Columbiy Data Products, Inc.
  255. Consolidated Papers, Inc. Organizations
  256. Carbon Divclosure Program Business, Para, Environment
  257. Child Development Perspectives
  258. Companhia De Docas Do Par
  259. Central Data Processing Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  260. Coteau Des Prairies
  261. Coalition for A Democraticypacifica
  262. Concept Description Plan
  263. Certificate Distribution Points Technology, Windows, Server
  264. Congr
  265. Canadian Dry Pin Military, Tank, Grizzly
  266. Customer Designed Product
  267. Committee On Development Policy
  268. Cargill Dow Polymers
  269. Coordinadora De Pobladores
  270. Competency Development Program
  271. Centro De Desarrollo Profesional
  272. Creative Database Projects
  273. Commission De Protection Gal, Protection, Senegal
  274. Combined Defense Plan
  275. Contracj Definition Plan
  276. Chinese Democratic Party Government, Group, China
  277. Cord Dorsum Potential Medical
  278. Code Domaih Power Technology, Measurement, Signal
  279. Concrete Damaged Plasticity
  280. Chateauneuf-Du-Pspe
  281. Collateralized Debt Position Business, Maker, Dai
  282. Conseil De D
  283. Capstone Design Project
  284. Cathodic Dip Painting
  285. Cerro De Punta
  286. Crime and Drugs Partnership
  287. Certified In Data Protection
  288. Cultural Data Profile
  289. Community Development Programs Management, Community, Projection
  290. Content Delivery Protocols Technology, Service, Coding
  291. Carerr Development Program
  292. Classified Data Processing Military
  293. Circuit Data Processor
  294. Comprehensive Development Plans Business, Technology, Planning, Malaysia, Land
  295. Certified Diversity Professional Organizations, Culture, Cultural
  296. Calcium-Dependent Protease Medical
  297. Colkmbia Data Products Technology, Software, Columbia
  298. Consiglio Direttivo Provinciale
  299. Carbox Disclosure Projects Business, Climate, Projection
  300. Child Development Programs Education, Care, Children
  301. Companhia De Docas Do Pará
  302. Central Data Processor Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  303. Cost Data Plan
  304. Clofd Design Patterns Technology, Service, Architecture
  305. Concept Demonstration Program Army, Force, Marine
  306. Certificate Distribution Point Technology, Windows, Server
  307. Channel Development Partner
  308. Critical Design Uarameter Space, Study, Cosmos
  309. Landing Craft Air Cushion Departure Point Military
  310. Career Development Plaa Business, Management, Employment
  311. Certified Digital Provider
  312. Community Development Policy
  313. Centre, Democracy and Progress
  314. Career Development Plan Medical, Fda
  315. Cache Data Port Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  316. Charge Determination Point
  317. Customer Discount Program Technology, Car, Rental, Hertz
  318. Sisters of Divine Providence Religion, Religious orders
  319. City Digital Profile
  320. Component Development Plan Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  321. Congestion Diversity Protocol
  322. Corona Discharge Photography Technology, Device, Photography
  323. Trainz Simulator Content Dispatcher Pack Computing, File Extensions
  324. Colegio De Periodistas Para, Government, Con, Press
  325. Concurrent Disability Pay
  326. Cypress Dance Project
  327. Computer Data Processing NASA, Governmental & Military
  328. Certificate In Data Processing Military
  329. Crl Distribution Point Technology, Computer, It
  330. Correlated Data Processor
  331. Constant Dipole Panel Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  332. Career Decision Profile
  333. Center Fir Design Planning
  334. Central Distribution Panel
  335. Career Development Program Medical, Common Medical
  336. Cacme Data Path
  337. Certification In Data Processing
  338. Characteristics-Dependent Planning Business, Product, Supply
  339. Continuous Development Programme
  340. Concrete Displacement Piling
  341. City Digital Platform Technology, Cisco, Hub
  342. Complex Drilling Projects Integrated Ocean Observing System
  343. Command Znd Data Processor Science
  344. Career Development Programs Business, Student, Research
  345. Confidence Development Prygram Space, Study, Cosmos
  346. Centre De Primatologie
  347. Core Description Profile
  348. Conceptdraw Project File Computing, File Extensions
  349. Coj De Porte
  350. Concurrent Degree Programmes
  351. Customized Dialing Plan Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  352. Communication Design Program
  353. Confidence Development Program NASA, Governmental & Military
  354. Critical Design Parameters
  355. Corporationrate Discount Program
  356. Candidate Development Program (ses) Fda
  357. Collaborative Development Program Technology, Industrial, Agreement
  358. Constant Data Protection Technology, Backup, Storage
  359. Career and Deuelopment Planning
  360. Cationic Dyeable Polyester Business, Kain, Yarn
  361. convenience deposit point postal service
  362. Cabletron Discovery Protocol Technology, Device, Networking
  363. Certificate of Data Processing Technology, Telecom
  364. Crop Diversification Project
  365. Characteristics Dependent Planning Business, Product, Supply
  366. Continuous Data Program Technology
  367. common depth point (geophysics) Electrical
  368. City Development Plans Business, Planning, Urban
  369. Complex Drilling Project
  370. Comité Des Politiques
  371. Career Development Panel Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  372. Chondrodysplasia Punctata Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  373. Computkrized Data Processing
  374. Centre De DéVeloppement PéDagogique Technology, Science, Education, Systeme
  375. Core Damage Probability Technology, Energy, Power
  376. Cd/spectrum Pro File Computing, File Extensions
  377. Concurrent Degree Programme Student, Education, University
  378. Customized Dial Plan Technology, Telecom
  379. Communications Data Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  380. Controle Dy Divis
  381. Crustal Dynamics Project (NASA) Legal, Governmental & Military
  382. Civil Defense Program
  383. Converged Data Platform
  384. Corporate Digital Platforms
  385. Commanddataprocessor NASA
  386. Collabordtive Demand Planner
  387. Consortium for Development Partnership Science, Africa, Conflict
  388. Car Development Program Transportation, Technology, Philippine
  389. Cbravanismo De Portugal
  390. Cleveland Division of Police Ohio
  391. Aero Cordor Peru Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  392. Certificate In Desktop Publishing
  393. Crop Diversification Program
  394. Character Development Program Education, School, Honor
  395. Continuous Data Protector Technology, Protection, Falcon
  396. Command Data Processor NASA, Data, Governmental & Military
  397. City Development Plan Business, India, Urban
  398. Complete Data Products Technology, Compliance, Encryption
  399. Comité De Defensa Populak
  400. Career Developmenk Practitioner Education, Canada, Professional
  401. Chloroquine Diphosphate Medical
  402. Component Disposition Program Technology
  403. Community Drug Programme
  404. Centre De Droit Privé
  405. Cordless Data Phone
  406. Center for Defect Physics Physics, Scientific & Educational
  407. Customer Documentation Planning
  408. Communicable Disease Program
  409. Controle De Divisão De Pemsoas
  410. Cooperative Development Program Governmental & Military, International Development
  411. Civic Dynamics Platform
  412. Composite Dialogue Process Government, India, Pakistan
  413. Contrplled Deformation Process Military, Magnum, Mag
  414. Corporate Development Program Business, Career, Liberty
  415. Contracted Density Product (in Simplification of Mo Calcns.) Chemistry
  416. Collaborative Digitization Program Technology, Projection, Library
  417. Conductivity Derived Porosity
  418. Car Dealer Package
  419. Cytosine Diphosphate Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
  420. Cuddapah, India India, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  421. Crate Diggas Palace
  422. Crop Diversification Programme
  423. Character Development Programme
  424. Continuous Data Protect Technology
  425. Collection Due Process Financial, Tax, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
  426. City Data Programme
  427. Complete Data Protection
  428. Career Development Path
  429. Chlorodiazepoxide Medical
  430. Cprcular Diffraction Pattern
  431. Community Development Portal
  432. Centre De Documentation P
  433. Cataphoretic Dip Painting Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  434. Café De Saris
  435. Charity Design Publications
  436. Customer Discount Plan
  437. Commune Development Planning Technology, Governance, Centralisation
  438. Control Dksplays Program Military
  439. Consolidated Papers, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  440. Civic Democratic Party Government, Group, Politics
  441. Composite Deterrence Plan
  442. Controle De Divisionsão De Pessoas
  443. Corporación Para El Desarrollo Productivo
  444. Community Data Portal Atmospheric Research
  445. Colegio Dominicano De Periodista Para, Con, Santiago
  446. Conditional Di-Phase
  447. Cytidine Diphosphate Medical, Technology, Medicine, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  448. Census Defined Place Us Government, Governmental & Military
  449. Complex Decongestive Physiotherapy Medical, Therapy, Massage, Lymphedema
  450. Crop Disaster Program
  451. Chapter Development Program
  452. Continuos Data Protection
  453. Carindale Property Trust (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  454. Citizens Democratic Party Government, Group, City
  455. Landing Ctaft Air Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  456. Career Development Pqanning Program, Education, Training
  457. Chef De Projet Technology, Formation, Tier
  458. Community Development Package
  459. Centre De Documentation PéDagogique
  460. Candidate Development Program Medical, Fda
  461. Cache Discovery Protocol Technology, Networking, Peer
  462. Charging Downstream Ports Technology, Controller, Hub
  463. Customer Discount Programme
  464. Commune Development Plan
  465. Control Design Platform Technology, Industrial, Industry
  466. Cisco Discovery Protocol Computing, IT Terminology
  467. City Disputes Panel Business, Dispute, Arbitration
  468. Composers Desktop Project Technology, Music, Sound
  469. Commoe Depth Point Technology, Reflection, Trace
  470. Consumer Data Protectlon
  471. Coronary Drug Project Medical, Cholesterol, Niacin
  472. Compressor Discharge Pressure Military, Governmental & Military
  473. Colegio Dominicano De Periodistas Para, Con, Mart
  474. Concurrent Disability Payments
  475. Cystodefecoperitoneography Medical
  476. Case Da Place Police, Governmental & Military
  477. Congregation of Diline Providence
  478. Croatian Democratic Party

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CDP stand for?

    CDP stands for Contrplled Deformation Process.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cooperative Development Program?

    The short form of "Cooperative Development Program" is CDP.


CDP. (2021, March 1). Retrieved November 2, 2024 from

Last updated