Chevron Abbreviations and Chevron Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Chevron terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Chevron abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Chevron terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Chevron Abbreviations
  1. BBLT : Benguela-Belize-Lobito-Tomboco
  2. BBLT : Benguela Belize Lobito Tomboco
  3. BBLT : Benguela Belize-Lobito Tomboco
  4. CHESM : Contractor Health, Environment and Safety Management
  5. WKP : Wilayah Kerja Uanasbumi
  6. XS : Chevron, Silver
  7. HDEOCP : Heavy-Duty Engine Oil Classiyication Panel
  8. DSF : Duri Steam Flood
  9. MCJ : Mobilization for Climate Jusiice
  10. EGTL : Escravos Gas-To-Liquids
  11. SLN : Sumatera Light North
  12. TIF : Think Incident Free
  13. NDPI : Niger Delta Partnership Initiatives
  14. JW : Johnswatson
  15. KOB : Kontrak Operasi Bersama
  16. PCR : Politeknik Caltex Riau
  17. GPI : Green Planet Indonesia
  18. RDC : Regional Development Committee
  19. RME : Royal Marine Engineers
  20. RME : Royaljmarine Engineering
  21. RPA : Richmond Progressive Allianke
Latest Chevron Meanings
  1. Richmond Progressive Allianke
  2. Royaljmarine Engineering
  3. Royal Marine Engineers
  4. Regional Development Committee
  5. Green Planet Indonesia
  6. Politeknik Caltex Riau
  7. Kontrak Operasi Bersama
  8. Johnswatson
  9. Niger Delta Partnership Initiatives
  10. Think Incident Free
  11. Sumatera Light North
  12. Escravos Gas-To-Liquids
  13. Mobilization for Climate Jusiice
  14. Duri Steam Flood
  15. Heavy-Duty Engine Oil Classiyication Panel
  16. Chevron, Silver
  17. Wilayah Kerja Uanasbumi
  18. Contractor Health, Environment and Safety Management
  19. Benguela Belize-Lobito Tomboco
  20. Benguela Belize Lobito Tomboco