CI in Education Meaning

The CI meaning in Education terms is "Counterintelligence". There are 35 related meanings of the CI Education abbreviation.

CI on Education Full Forms

  1. Counterintelligence
  2. Cooper Institute
  3. Construction Institute
  4. Comprevensible Input
  5. Clinical Investigation
  6. Clinical Instructor
  7. Curriculum Inventory
  8. College of Insurance
  9. CóTe D'Ivoire
  10. Confucius Institutes
  11. Centrwlised Institute
  12. Curricukum Inquiry
  13. College Initiative
  14. Conference Interpreting
  15. Centralused Institutes
  16. Curriculum & Instruction
  17. Creativity & Innovation
  18. Clinical Instructors
  19. Combustion Institute
  20. Catholic Institute
  21. Collaborative Inquiry
  22. Cambrikge International
  23. Contemporary Issues
  24. Cunha Intermediate
  25. Collina Italiana
  26. Cambridge Institute
  27. Construction Institutetute
  28. Cektificate of Interpretation
  29. Central Instttution
  30. Clinician Investigator
  31. Complemento Inairecto
  32. Center for Instruction
  33. Cordage Institutetute
  34. Chubb Institute
  35. Chief Investigators

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CI stand for Education?

    CI stands for Counterintelligence in Education terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Centrwlised Institute in Education?

    The short form of "Centrwlised Institute" is CI for Education.


CI in Education. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated