CI in NASA Meaning
The CI meaning in NASA terms is "Configuration Inspection". There are 9 related meanings of the CI NASA abbreviation.
CI on NASA Full Forms
- Configuration Inspection
- Continuous Interlock
- Configuration Item The term configuration item or CI refers to the fundamental structural unit of a configuration management system. Examples of CIs include individual requirements documents, software, models, and plans. The Configuration management system oversees the life of the CIs through a combination of process and tools by implementing and enabling the fundamental elements of identification, change management, status accounting, and audits. The objective of this system is to avoid the introduction of errors related to lack of testing as well as incompatibilities with other CIs.
- Crew Interface
- Course (deviation Display) Invalid
- Concentration The ratio expressed in tenths describing the amount of the water surface covered by ice as a fraction of the whole area. Total concentration includes all stages of development that are present; partial concentration refers to the amount of a particular stage or of a particular form of ice, and represents only a part of the total.
- Color Interior Film
- Certification Inspection
- Composite Index
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CI stand for NASA?
CI stands for Certification Inspection in NASA terms.
What is the shortened form of Continuous Interlock in NASA?
The short form of "Continuous Interlock" is CI for NASA.
CI in NASA. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from
Last updated