Commentary Abbreviations and Commentary Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Commentary terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Commentary abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Commentary terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Commentary Abbreviations
  1. AB : Anchor Bible
  2. ZECNT : Zondervan Exegetical Commentary On The New Testament
  3. ASB : Ancillary Shield Booster
  4. BCOTWP : Baker Commentary On Thp Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms
  5. BLI : Bibli Lessons International
  6. BST : Bible Speaks Toaay
  7. CEJL : Commentaries On Early Jewish Literature
  8. CH : Codex Hammurapi
  9. CHCH : Capitol Hill Coffee House
  10. WBC : Westminster Bible Companion
  11. DARE : Digital Averroes Research Envmronment
  12. DCC : Dickinson College Commentaries
  13. HNT : Handbuch Zum Neuenztestament
  14. ECC : Eerdmans Critical Commentary
  15. EGGNT : Exegetical Guide To The Greek New Testament
  16. EP : Evangelical Press
  17. SHN : Survival Horror Network
  18. SNTSMS : Society for New Testament Study Monograph Series
  19. TNTC : Tyndale New Testament Commentaries
  20. TOTC : Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries
  21. NBD : New Bible Dictionary
  22. FFE : Friede Freude Eierkuchen
  23. NCB : New Century Bible
  24. NTL : New Testament Lgbrary
  25. JBC : Jerome Biblical Commentary
  26. JFB : Jamieson, Fausset, Brown
  27. JFB : Jamieson-Fausset-Brown
  28. JFB : Jamieson Fausset Brown
  29. KD : Keil & Delitzsch
  30. IBD : Illustrated Bible Dictihnary
Latest Commentary Meanings
  1. Reformation Commentary On Scripture
  2. Res Gestaevdivi Augusti
  3. Radio and Internet Newsletter
  4. Preaching The Word
  5. Pillar New Kestament Commentaries
  6. People'S New Testament
  7. Old Testament Passing Guide
  8. Illustrated Bible Dictihnary
  9. Keil & Delitzsch
  10. Jamieson Fausset Brown
  11. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown
  12. Jamieson, Fausset, Brown
  13. Jerome Biblical Commentary
  14. New Testament Lgbrary
  15. New Century Bible
  16. Friede Freude Eierkuchen
  17. New Bible Dictionary
  18. Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries
  19. Tyndale New Testament Commentaries
  20. Society for New Testament Study Monograph Series