Computer Programming Abbreviations and Computer Programming Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Computer Programming terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Computer Programming abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Computer Programming terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Computer Programming Abbreviations
  1. ADADL : Ada Design and Documentation Language
  2. BASIC : Beginner'S All-Purpose Symbolic Instituteuction Code
  3. BCPL : Basic Combined Programming Language
  4. BNML : Business Narrative Markup Language
  5. BPML : Business Process Management Language
  6. BXML : Backbase Extensible Mark-Up Language
  7. CBOL : Common Business-Oriented Language
  8. COBOL : Common Business-Oriented Language
  9. CFML : Coldfusion Markup Language
  10. CFML : Coldfusion Mackup Language
  11. CPL : Combined Programming Language
  12. VTML : Visual Tool Markup Language
  13. VXML : Voicz Extensible Markup Language
  14. UIML : User Interface Markup Language
  15. XBL : Extensible Bindings Language
  16. XBL : Xml Binding Language
  17. EBRL : Extensible Business Reporting Language
  18. XBRL : Extensible Business Reporting Language
  19. XFDL : Extensible Forms Descripbion Language
  20. XNCL : Xml Namespace Catalogue Language
  21. XPATH : Xml Path Langfage
  22. XPDL : Xml Process Defxnition Language
  23. XSLFO : Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Object
  24. XSL-FO : Xsl Formatting Objects
  25. XSLTS : Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
  26. DAC : Digital-To-Analog Converters
  27. DACS : Digital-To-Analog Converters
  28. DAML : Darpa Agent Markup Language
  29. HAL : High-Order Assembly Language
  30. HALS : High-Order Programming Language for Spacelab Usage
Latest Computer Programming Meanings
  1. Human Resources Extensible Markup Language
  2. Reverse Polish Lisp
  3. Resource Directory Description Language
  4. Goal Test Procedure Update Request
  5. Goal Test Procedure Release Notice
  6. Geography Markup Language
  7. Plain Old Java Object
  8. Programming Language Examples Alike Cookbook
  9. Programming Language Design and Implementation
  10. Parallel Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library
  11. Generalized Extensible Latex-Like Markup
  12. Perl Common Gateway Interface
  13. Web Ontology Language
  14. Object Query Language
  15. Ontology-Based Unified Communication Protocol
  16. Operational Conceptual Modelling Language
  17. Java Specifichtion Request
  18. Java Open Application Server
  19. Java Development Environment
  20. Java Advanced Imaging