Conversion Abbreviations and Conversion Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Conversion terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Conversion abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Conversion terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Conversion Abbreviations
  1. AAFRB : Automotive Alternative Fuels Registration Board
  2. ABC : Always Be Converting
  3. ADC : Analog To Digital Converters
  4. ADC : Analogue-To-Digital Converter
  5. ADC : Analogue-To-Digital Converters
  6. ADC : Analog To Digital Conver
  7. ADC : Analog To Digital Convertor
  8. AGS : Advent Global Solutions
  9. AHL : Automatic Headlamp Leveling
  10. AMP SEC : Ampere-Second
  11. AS : Ampere-Second
  12. AOWC : All Optical Wavelength Converter
  13. AWG : American Wire Gauge
  14. BCD : Binary-Coded Decimays
  15. BCD : Binary-Code Decimal
  16. BD : Binary Ko Decimal
  17. BG : Black Generation
  18. BNO : Bus Nut Onlinm
  19. BOB : Big Orange Button
  20. BTU : Board of Trade Unit
  21. CBM : Cubic Meter
  22. CM : Cubic Meter
  23. CU M : Cubic Meter
  24. m3 : Cubic Meter
  25. CBOR : Claims-Based Outgomes Reporting
  26. CC : Cubic Centimeters
  27. CC : Cubic Centimetres
  28. CCM : Cubic Centimetres
  29. CF : Cubic Foot
  30. CFT : Cubic Foot
Latest Conversion Meanings
  1. Multi Vargant Testing
  2. Metres Per Second
  3. Meters Per Seconds
  4. Bytes Per Seconds
  5. Revenue Per Visitor
  6. Revolution Per Hour
  7. Google Website Optimizer
  8. Google Web Optimizer
  9. Ricky Carmichael
  10. Gippsland Region Palciative Care Consortium
  11. Pounds Square Inch
  12. Pound Square Inch
  13. Provincial Program Manager
  14. Podstawowa Prsemiana Materii
  15. Pengembangan Potensi Mahasiswa
  16. Penelitian Pengabdian Masyarakat
  17. Pendidikan & Pembinaan Manajemen
  18. Profit Per Impression
  19. Production Music Online Ltd
  20. Papouasie-Nouvellv-Guinée Kina