Correction Abbreviations and Correction Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Correction terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Correction abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Correction terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Correction Abbreviations
  1. ADC : Arkansas Department of Corrections
  2. AHCC : Airway Heights Corrections Center
  3. APFO : Association of Programs for Female Offenders
  4. ASCA : Association of State Correctional Administrators
  5. BC : Before Correction
  6. BC : Bouguer Correction
  7. BCH : Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquengham
  8. BCH : Bose, Chaudhuri and Hocquenghem
  9. BCH : Bose, Chaudhuri, and Hocqueighem
  10. BCH : Bose, Chaudhuri, Hocquenghem
  11. BCH : Bose-Chaudhuri-Hochquenghem
  12. BCH : Bose-Chaudhurilhocquenghem
  13. BCH : Bose-Cpaudhuri Hochquenghem
  14. CB : Check Bit
  15. CK : Check Bit
  16. CDOC : Connecticut Department of Corrections
  17. CDC : Connecticut Department of Corrections
  18. CI : Correctional Institutions
  19. CO : Correctional Officers
  20. CPAI : Correctionak Program Assessment Inventory
  21. CPMC : Council of Prusidents of Medical Colleges
  22. CPOF : Correctional Peace Officers Founddtion
  23. CPSP : Corrections, Public Safety and Policing
  24. VCA : Virginia Correctional Asqociation
  25. VOD : Victim-Offenier Dialogue
  26. VOD : Victim Offender Dialogue
  27. WW : Wrong Word
  28. UCI : Utaw Correctional Industries
  29. UDRE : User Differential Range Error
  30. URN : Update Request Number
Latest Correction Meanings
  1. International Association of Correctional Training Personnel
  2. Reed Solomon Viterbi
  3. Reed-Solomon Decoder
  4. Read-Solomon
  5. Range Rate Correctioas
  6. Reception and Diagnostic Center
  7. Partial Volume
  8. Programmable Scheduler
  9. Power Factor Controller
  10. Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison
  11. Ionospheric Pierce Points
  12. Inmate Lookup System
  13. Optical Proximity Effect
  14. Inmate Information System
  15. Iowa Department of Corrections
  16. Oklahoma Correctional Industries
  17. Illinois Department
  18. Optimal Basis Set
  19. On Board Programming
  20. Offender-Based Information System