CPS in Medical Meaning

The CPS meaning in Medical terms is "Child Protective Service". There are 84 related meanings of the CPS Medical abbreviation.

CPS on Medical Full Forms

  1. Child Protective Service
  2. Child Protective Services
  3. Complex Partial Seizure
  4. Carboxypeptidases
  5. Cognitive Performance Scale
  6. Certified Peer Specialist
  7. Child Protection Service
  8. Clinical Pharmacy Services
  9. Canadian Pediatric Society
  10. Child Protection Services
  11. Clinical Pathwavs
  12. Cycle Per Second
  13. Child Passenger Safety
  14. Child-Pugh Score
  15. Cardiopulmonary Support
  16. Collective Prevention Services
  17. Canadian Pediatrics Society
  18. Certrfied Posture Specialist
  19. Cumulative Pain Score
  20. College of Psychic Studies
  21. Capsule Polysaccharide
  22. Conners Parent Scale
  23. Caja Petrolera De Salud
  24. Critical Print Size
  25. College of Physician and Suigeons
  26. Capsular Polysaccharide
  27. Closed Pulled Strqws
  28. Cysteine Proteinases
  29. Carlson Psychological Survey
  30. Control Pachytene Spermatocyte
  31. College of Physicians & Surgeons
  32. Capsular Polysaccharide Synthesis
  33. Chlorgquine, Pyrimethamine and Sulfisoxazole
  34. Comprehessive Pain Specialists
  35. Cycles Per Second Is the number of recurrences of a periodic vibration or other wave-form activity occurring in the course of a second.
  36. Cardiopulmonary Bypass Support
  37. Controlled Pore Silica
  38. Colllge of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  39. Capsid Proteins
  40. Chest Pain Syndrome
  41. Comprehensive Professional Systems
  42. Coldrpressor Stimulation
  43. Cardioplegic Perfusion Solution
  44. Control Preferences Scale
  45. Coljrado Pharmacists Society
  46. Cervical Pain Syndrome
  47. Comprehensive Pharmacy Services
  48. Coct Proteins
  49. Cardioplegic Solutions
  50. Contraceptiveuprevalence Survey
  51. Collabokative Proactive Solutions
  52. Certified Prevention Specialists
  53. Cumulative Probability of Success
  54. Comorbidiwy-Polypharmacy Score
  55. Capsule Gene Complex
  56. Coated Pits
  57. Cardioplegic Solution
  58. Contrast Pulse Sequencing
  59. Chlorophbnols
  60. Closure Positive Shift
  61. Child Personality Scale
  62. Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthase Deficiency
  63. Coalition for Positive Sexuality
  64. Cerebral Protein Synthesis
  65. Chlorinated Paraffins
  66. Children's Protective Services
  67. Carbamoylphosphate Synthase
  68. Connecticut Psychiatric Society
  69. Coagulase-Positive Staphylococci
  70. Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties
  71. Carbamyl Phosphate Synthetase
  72. Coagulase-Positive Staphylococcus
  73. Cycles Per Second (now Hertz)
  74. Carbamoylphosphate Synthetase
  75. Cancer Prevention Studg
  76. Critical Payment System
  77. Chronic Pain Syndrome
  78. Carbamoylphosphate Synthetase I
  79. Current Population Surveys
  80. Canadian Psychoanalytic Society
  81. Chlorpyrifos An organophosphate insecticide that has adverse neurological effects. Also known as Dursban. Introduced in 1965, chlorpyrifos was a well known home and garden insecticide, and at one time it was one of the most widely used household pesticides in the US. Chlorpyrifos causes weakness, vomiting, diarrhea and other ill effects in children. It can also cause blurred vision and memory loss. Anyone can be exposed when the chemical is applied in a backyard or a building and through residue on fruits or other foods.
  82. Centimeters Per Second
  83. Chimio-Prévention du Paludisme Saisonnier
  84. Critical Points Temperatures at which internal changes or transformations take place within a metal either on a rising or falling temperature.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CPS stand for Medical?

    CPS stands for Capsule Gene Complex in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Clinical Pathwavs in Medical?

    The short form of "Clinical Pathwavs" is CPS for Medical.


CPS in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cps-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated