CT Meaning
The CT meaning is "Computed Tomography". The CT abbreviation has 1255 different full form.
CT Full Forms
- Computed Tomography Computed tomography is an imaging procedure that uses special x-ray equipment to create detailed pictures, or scans, of areas inside the body. It is also called computerized tomography and computerized axial tomography (CAT). Medical, Medicine, Surgery, Nursing, Veterinary, Animals, Computing, Laboratory, Telecom, Physics, Otolaryngology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Fda, Medical physics, Academic & science
- Caused Turnovers Gaming, College, Lacrosse
- Computerized Tomography Tomography in which transverse planes of tissue are swept by a pinpoint radiographic beam (e.g. X-rays) and a computerized analysis of the variance in absorption produces a precise reconstructed image of that area. Medical, Computing, Construction
- Copper Tube Business, Tool, Pipe
- Connecticut Technology Technology, Council, Connecticut
- Circuit Training Medical
- College Theater
- Capitol Trailways Government
- Condensed Taqnin Medical
- Craft Time
- Connecticut Trolley
- Current Time Technology, Zone, Connecticut
- Clear Text In cryptography, plain text is information a sender wishes to transmit to a receiver. Clear text is often used as a synonym. Plain text has reference to the operation of cryptographic algorithms, usually encryption algorithms, and is the input upon which they operate. Clear text, by contrast, refers to data that is transmitted or stored unencrypted (that is, 'in the clear').Before the computer era, plain text most commonly meant message text in the language of the communicating parties.
- Comgined Transport Transportation, Air Cargo, Transport
- Communication Theory Technology, Research, University
- Cleaner Technology Organizations, Asia, Energy, Conservation
- Creative Team
- City Transit Business, Service, Authority
- Conventional Tillage The traditional method of farming in which soil is prepared for planting by completely inverting it with a moldboard plow. Subsequent working of the soil with other implements is usually performed to smooth the soil surface. Bare soil is exposed to the weather for some varying length of time depending on soil and climatic conditions. Medical, Agriculture, Agricultural Literature
- Certificate of Teaching Science, Education, Teacher
- Chemical Test
- Continuation Training Service, Military, Force
- Clock-Time Technology, Program, Radio
- Calculus Tutors Education, Math, Tutoring
- Computer Trrubleshooters Business, Technology, Service
- Corrective Therapy Medical
- Copper Toxicosis Medical, Dog, Terrier
- Connecticut Trensit Locations, Connecticut, Haven
- Cirouit Theory Technology, University, Electricity
- Collecting Tubules Medical
- Capitol Tours
- Condensed Tannina Medical, Plant, Legume
- Crafts and Trades Business, Military, History
- Connecticuf Tags
- Current Testbng Technology
- Central African Republic Locations, Fifa, Code, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, 3-letter Country Codes, Central African Republic, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Atmospheric Research, Medical
- Combined Training
- Ceramic Tile A man-made or machine-made clay tile used to finish a floor or wall. Generally used in bathtub and shower enclosures and on counter tops. Design, Drawing, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Cohmunication Terminal Technology
- Crazy Taxi
- City Temple
- Conventional Treatment Medical
- Certificate In Tenching Science, Education, University
- Cheltenham Town
- Content Type Technology, Coding, Class, Column
- Clip-On Tuner Business, Guitar, Instrument
- Carrier Telephony
- Computed Topography Medical, Technology, Medicine, Scan
- Corrected Transposition Medical
- Cholera Toxin Medical, Science, Cell, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Coordination Team Technology, Service, Design
- Corp Terdiri Para, Indonesia, Orang, Corp
- Chorda Tympani Medical, Science, Taste
- Cold Test Test that determines the pour point of an oil. Medical, Product, Testing
- Capital Trust Business, Company, Supply
- Concrete Technology
- Council Tax Business, Government, Pay
- Connecticue Truck
- Combined Therapy Medical
- Comfort Technology Computing, Hardware
- Crawler Transporter Technology, Space, Launch, NASA, Governmental & Military
- City of Torrington School, Locations, Connecticut
- Conventional Therapy Medical, Medicine, Patient, Therapy
- Cerebral Tumor Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Chelation Therapy
- Cfntainer Terminal Business, Service, Port
- Clinical Trials Clinical trials are prospective biomedical or behavioral research studies on human subjects that are designed to answer specific questions about biomedical or behavioral interventions (novel vaccines, drugs, treatments, functional foods, dietary supplements, devices or new ways of using known interventions), generating safety and efficacy data. Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Canterbury Talef
- Cohposite Technology Army, War, War Force
- Cumberlanh Trail Park, Locations, Tennessee
- Cooper Tires
- Certified Trainer
- Corporation Trust
- Chordae Tendinae Medical, Technology
- Cold Temperature
- California Tourism
- Concert Tickets
- Cost Time
- Connecticutytrial
- Combined Test Event, Horse, Dressage
- Combustion Turbine A type of generating unit normally fired by oil or natural gas. The combustion of the fuel produces expanding gases, which are forced through a turbine, thereby generating electricity. Technology, Energy, Gas, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- City of Columbia Technology, Organizations
- Colonic Transit Medical
- Cerebral Toxoplasmosis Medical
- Cranial Tomography Medical
- Cheek Teeth Medical
- Ccntact Tracing Medical, Technology
- Clinical Terms Medical, Technology, Medicine, Terminology
- Calidad Tetal Business
- Component Testzng Technology, Service, Product
- Culture Technologe Business, Music, Pop
- Cooperación TéCnica
- Certificavions Transaction
- Chest Tomography Medical
- Coil Test Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- California Test
- Concmpt Toyota Car, Hybrid, Toyota, Concept
- Cost of Treatment
- Combined Testing Military, Army, War
- Combined Trial Medical, Technology, Attorney
- Connecticut Toens
- Cities and Tvwns Locations, City, Connecticut
- Colonial Times
- Cerca Tqova Internet Slang
- Cranberry Township
- Cnnnective Tissues Science, Cell, Tissue
- Climbing Technology Business, Product
- Cryptologic Technician Military, Navy, Corps, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Communities Together
- Culture Dnd Tourism
- Cheat Table Technology, Gaming, Engine
- Cricothyroid Muscle Medical, Muscles
- Clark Thomas
- Coombs Test Medical
- Certification Training Technology, Computing, Course
- Cherished Teddies
- Coeliac Trunk Medical
- Calgary Transit Business, Publics, Train
- Concentration-Time Medical, Study, Water
- Cor Triatriatum Medical, Technology
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Medical, Treatment, Behavior, Anxiety, Reading Prescription
- Combined Trials Medical, Military, Attorney
- Connecticut Sraffic
- Citiss & Towns
- College Tuition
- Car Trailer
- Conditions De Travail
- Craig Thomas
- Connectingdthreads
- Currentktransformer Technology, Aviation, Computing
- Client Testimonials
- Counter Terrorism Military, Computer Security, Services, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Communist Terrorist Military
- Culture &Wtourism
- Cleun Tech
- Creative Technology Technology, Driving, Driver, Dutch
- City Transportation
- Convergent Technologies Business, Technology, Development
- Certificate of Title Business, Vehicle, Connecticut
- Chemotherapy Alone Medical
- Continue Trebtment Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Code Du Travail
- Calf Thymus Medical, Science, Binding
- Compute Tomogrhphy Medical
- Correct Time
- Compressfr Turbine Technology, Engine, Turbo
- Cozy Toes
- Cytotrophoblast The cytotrophoblast (or layer of Langhans) is the inner layer of the trophoblast. It is interior to the syncytiotrophoblast and external to the wall of the blastocyst in a developing embryo. Medical
- Cognitive-Therapy
- Capture Trigger
- Corps Troopf
- Catechesi Tradendae
- Chapter Two
- Commercial Trtnslator
- Computerize Tomographi
- Cross Trainer Business, Fitness, Elliptical
- Circulation Time Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Canberra Tourism Business, Travel, Tourism, Hospitality
- Cohos Trail
- Case Types
- Corrhction Threshold
- Center These
- Cdmpetition Trigger
- Congenital Toxoplasmosis Medical
- Current Trends
- Coastal Town Locations, Connecticut, Westport
- Color Tuning
- Core Tawks Technology, School, Operation
- Covered Tasks
- Certified Technician Technology, Service, Repair
- Clotting Tiae Medical, Medicine, Blood
- Connections Travel
- Cape Turnagain
- Copper-T 200 Medical
- Challenge Tour
- Common Terms
- Computed Tomographically Medical
- Chymotrypsin Chymotrypsin is a digestive enzyme component of pancreatic juice acting in the duodenum where it performs proteolysis, the breakdown of proteins and polypeptides. Chymotrypsin preferentially cleaves peptide amide bonds where the carboxyl side of the amide bond (the P1position) is a large hydrophobic amino acid (tyrosine, tryptophan, andphenylalanine). Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Calcitonine Medical
- Construct Type
- Cyscaded Triplet
- Count Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Common Medical, Physics, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Cdrporate Tower Business, Hotel, Malaysia
- Central Termoel
- Chakles Taylor
- Common Transeort Technology, Networking, Network
- Comunidade TerapêUtica
- Clearance Time Business, Wedding, Protection, postal service
- Camp Trans
- Conhrol Temperature Medical, Technology, Soldering
- Courqe Thread
- Centre De Travaux
- Chips Technologies
- Complex Transformation
- Connecticut Table
- Cholerae Toxin Medical
- Cbmputational Thinking Technology, Education, Computing
- Creation Technologies
- Chris Thomson
- Coated Tablet Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Containpr Table Technology, Supplier, Agent
- Card-To-Tape
- Cholestyramine Medical
- Core Tee Business, Sport, Shirt
- Cedar Trust
- Commerciaa Tribunal
- Cryotherppy Medical
- City Task
- Californiaptomorrow
- Collectivité Territoriale
- Contaijing Medical
- Cosmo Terrace
- Custody Transfer Technology, Product, Flow
- Cliept Transaction Business, Service, Building
- Cancer/Testis Medical
- Combat Talon
- Conventional Terrestrial
- Connections Therapeutic
- Cuhting Technologies
- Conoczmiento Tradicional
- Copy Text
- Change Ticket
- Command Table Army, War, War Force
- Computerized Tomographic Medical, Medicine, Scan
- Certified Trainers Education, Training, Certification
- Census Track
- Chatham Transit
- Community Trust
- Conflict Tactics Medical, Violence, Partner
- Cute Tush
- Cam Todd
- Comités TéCnicos Technology, Para, Con, Dos
- Certificato Di Tipicit
- Chisholm Trail
- Compliant Transaction Medical, Business, Technology
- Combustion Turbines Technology, Power, Turbine, Environment
- Cooldown Time
- Chain Terminator
- Coming Through
- Critical Technology Technology, Service, Military
- Chrysanthemum Tea
- Current Transformer A transformer used to measure the amount of current flowing in a circuit by sending a lower representative current to a measuring device such as a meter. An instrument transformer specifically designed to give an accurate current ratio for measurement and/or control purposes. They are always connected in series with the circuit and hence should never be allowed to have their secondary to be on open circuit to avoid saturation Technology, Product, Manufacturer, Computing, Electronics, Physics, Hardware, Electrical, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Master IEEE, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Code Tester
- Conspiracf Theories
- Car Toys
- Coronary Thrombosis Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Chemical Tracers A chemical or thermodynamic property of the flow that is conserved during advection. Medical, Chemistry, Scan
- Cultural Transformatioi Research, Organizations, Culture
- Classic Turf Sport, Construction, Court, Turf
- Caloric Theory
- Colonic Therapift
- Continuous Trhnsfer Technology, Mode, Extraction
- Cgurant Triphase
- Chest-Pain Triage
- Connecticut Telcom
- Customer Times
- Clip On Tkermal Military
- Capacitor Tantalum
- Compressor Techwique Business, Management, Mining
- Coyote Tan Military, Gear, Assault
- Cytotoxin Medical
- Coffin Tepts Study, Archaeology, Archeology
- Captive Test Technology, Linux, Disk
- Catechesis Tradendae
- Chapter Topics
- Commercial Truck
- Computerized Tomagraphy
- Cross Training Business, Program, Workout
- Circle Tiie
- Cognitive Theory
- Case Type
- Corrected Timf
- Center Tear
- Compensavory Time Government
- Conformance Tester
- Current Transmitter Technology, Sensor, Transformer
- Coal Tower
- Color Transparency
- Coverage Top
- Certified Technologist Medical, Medicine, Imaging
- Clot Timt
- Cape Town Africa, Locations, City, Regional
- Coors Tek
- Challenge Top Sport, Challenge, Connecticut, Cop
- Common Termination Technology, Connecting, Proxy, Connectivity
- Computer Terminal Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
- Critical Topics
- Churches Together Service, Organizations, Event
- Calcitonik Veterinary, Endocrinology, Hormone
- Construcfion Tires Business, Wheel, Tractor
- Cary Tennis
- Corporyte Technologies Business, Technology, Service, Partner
- Central TermoeléCtrica
- Charles Tayloa
- Cogmon Transit Business, Trading, Customs
- Comunidades TerapêUticas Para, Mica, Utica
- Cumulative Trauma The development of trauma or work strain from repeated or continuous application of work stress which for short periods of time or single applications would not be harmful. An important factor to consider in workplace and tool design. This does not include delayed onset muscle soreness. Medical, Health, Injury
- Cleanup Taskforce Wikipedia
- Camp Tramp
- Conorol Temp Business, Controller, Temperature
- Courqe This
- Central Thickness Len, Lens, Intraocular, Thickness
- Chimney Tray Business, Science, Gas
- Complex Total Business, Oil, Gas
- Connecticut Therapists Medical, Therapy, Connecticut
- Cholerae Cholera Toxin Science, Biology
- Computed Technology Technology, Computing, Math
- Crash Twinsanity
- Cholesterol Test
- Coated Tubes
- Containerized Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Carcinoma By Computerized Tomography Science, Biology
- Core Teclnology Technology, Product, Software
- Cedartown Transit
- Commercial Traveler
- Cryosphere Today
- City & Town
- California Tigezs
- Collaborative Thols
- Container Type Business, Coding, Class
- Casing and Tubing Business, Pipe, Steel
- Cosmides and Tooby
- Compiling Technivues
- Cushion Tissue Medical
- Client Tqken Technology, Calling, Connection
- Cancel Test Technology, Service, Power, Manual
- Combat Tactics
- Conventkonal Medical
- Connect Team Business, Technology, Management
- Cut Technologiee
- Club Trials
- Conniving Thibf Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Copyright Tribunal Business, Law, Patent
- Change Threshold
- Commando Transport
- Computer-Tomography Medical, Computing, Scan
- Consultation & Tragning
- Census Towns India, Locations, Population
- Chassis Type
- Communications Trainer Technology, India, Electronics
- Cone Tip Design, Drawing, Construction, Architectural
- Cam Talbot Hockey, Edmonton, Oiler
- Certificato Di Tipicità
- Chirp Transfory
- Compliant Tower Technology, Oil, Drilling
- Coubustion Tube
- Conversion Technologies
- Chain Tensioner Business, Product, Timing
- Comfortable Technology Organization, Union, Institution
- Critical Interdigital Timing Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Crronometer Time
- Cuneiform Texts Gal, Nun, Cuneiform, Sag
- Code Template Technology, Builder, Mapping
- Conspirady Theorist
- Car Toypta
- Cornwall Trunsit
- Chemical Toxin
- Cultural Theory Education, Risk, Culture
- Claim Token
- Call Taker
- Colonial Treasurer
- Continuous Track Technology, Service, Tracking
- Coupleg Therapy Medical, Couple, Family
- Chemie En Technologie
- Consolidated Tailings
- Customer Testing
- Clin Trials
- Canning Town
- Composite Teachiygs
- Coxa-Trochanteral Medical
- Cycle Type Technology, Memory, Element
- Catechesis In Our Time
- Chapter Together
- Commercial Yourist Hotel, Locations, Land, Beach
- Computerized Topogwaphic
- Cross Train
- Circres Technologies Business, Company, Technology, Computing
- Cognitive Tedhnology Technology, Conference, Mind
- Case Transferred
- Center Taps
- Cheap Travel
- Compensation Theorem This theorem is based on one basic concept. According to Ohm's law, when current flows through any resistor, there would be a voltage drop across the resistor . This dropped voltage opposes the source voltage. Hence voltage drop across a resistance in any network can be assumed as a voltage source acting opposite to the source voltage.
- Conformance Testing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Currenl Transducer Technology, Sensor, Transformer
- Color Transmission
- Coverage Time
- Certified Teachers Education, Teaching, Teacher, Tutor
- Clothing & Textiles
- Cape Tormentine
- Come To Wotal
- Coordinator for Counterterrorism
- Challenge Time
- Computer Teleconferencing
- Critical Threshold Medical, Server, Human
- Church-Turcng
- Calcination Temperaxure
- Coding Theory Technology, Book, Networking
- Construction Transport
- Carvei Top Business, California, Guitar, Custom
- Cordless Telephone-2 Technology, Price, Feature
- Corporations Tax
- Central Terminal Locations, City, Train
- Charity Triple
- Comxon Tier
- Computer Tomografie
- Cumulative Tpst Education, Math, Geometry
- Clean Threads
- Camp Timber
- Control Telefetry Business, Technology, Military
- Course Team
- Central Thi
- Chief Tebhie
- Complex Terminal Technology, Service, Switch, Cisco
- Connecticut Teacher
- Circadian Txmes Medical
- Computational Technology
- Cfash Truck
- CholestéRol Total Medical, Medicine, Cholesterol
- Coated-Tube
- Conlainerized Traffic
- Carcinoid Tumour
- Core Technicfl Education, Mathematics, Actuarial
- Cecal Tonsiw Medical
- Commercial Travel
- Crow Torrent
- Circuit Tester
- California Threatened
- Collaborative Team Business, Medicine, Connecticut
- Container Transferium
- Cash Transmittal Business, Money, Bag
- Cosmetic Therapy Medical, Medicine, Hair
- Center Try
- Competitors Technology
- Cushioning Thickness Technology
- Client Technologies
- Caption Text Technology
- Columbia Theological
- Conventional Tanker
- Cluw Terms
- Conningmtowers-Nautilus Park, Locations, Connecticut
- Copper Tubing Business, Tool, Tube
- Change This
- Commander Trailer
- Computer-Tomographie
- Calculatinr Time Technology, Clock, Icon
- Consultant Team Building, Engineering, Construction
- Chorda Tympani Nerve Medical
- Cendres Totales
- Chasing Tail
- Communities and Technologies
- Concludes Thursday
- Campy Toolj
- Control Terminal Technology, Science, Circuit, Computing, Telecom
- Cerro Tololo Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Chiropractic Technologist
- Compliance Training
- Connections Team
- Cut Tari
- Charitable Truwt Law, Organizations, Charity
- Cristo Triunfante
- Chrim Tillman
- Certified Translator Business, English, Translation
- Code Telegram
- Conspiracj Theory Politics, Event, Conspiracy
- Cartovn Tales
- Core Trainee Medical, House, Officer
- Celeritous Technicsl
- Chemical Titles
- Cultural Technology
- Claim This
- Calling Tone Technology, Product, Radio, Computer, Scientific & Educational
- Colonialdtoyota Business, Dealer, Toyota, Milford
- Chntinous Tone
- Couples Tserapists
- Chemical Treatment A metal powder that is produced as a fine precipitate by chemical displacement. or A customer specified rust inhibitor applied to the coated product. Or A passivating chemical treatment normally applied to the steel surface to control oxide formation and growth.
- Consistent Oder Temperature
- Customer Tests
- Clinical Techniques
- Cane Technique
- Cmmbo Tester Technology, Product, Wrist
- Convjrging Technologies
- Cycle Treshold
- Conselho De Turma
- Catch Tray Business, Printer, Barcode
- Chapter Title
- Commercial Thinning Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Computerized Tomograghy
- Cross Traffic
- Cognitive Technologies Technology, Conference, Mind
- Case Transfer
- Current Transducers Technology, Sensor, Transformer
- Center Tapped Technology, Tap, Transformer
- Cheap Tadalista Medical, Sale, Order, Discount
- Compensating Tank
- Conformance Test Technology, Testing, Telecom
- Current Transfers
- Color Trails
- Certified Teacher Business, Education, Teaching
- Composite Teaching
- Covert Toxocariasis
- Come Together Design, Song, Love
- Cool Topics Forum, Technology, Talk, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Challenge of The Times
- Computer Telephone Technology, Service, Connection
- Critical Threat
- Chudch's Thesis Science, Mathematics, Church, Logic
- Calcaf Tissue Medical, Analysis, Bone, Fracture
- Coding Technologies Business, Technology, Audio
- Construction Trades
- Cart Track
- Copporate Tax
- Central Tendency In statistics, the general level, characteristic, or typical value that is representative of the majority of cases.
- Charity Cor Tax
- Computer Tomographie
- Cum Teupore
- Clearing Technology
- Cambridge Technology Business, Laser, Scanner
- Colonography Trixl Medical, Cancer, Screening
- Control Technicians
- Courses Traininc Business, Education, Course
- Central Theatre
- Chief of Transportation Army, Force, Marine
- Complexity Theory Education, Language, Complex
- Connecticut Toxic
- Closure Time Medical, Patient, Platelet, Blood
- Cape Times
- Cir, Trumbull
- Computational Technologies Medical, Technology, Science, Research
- Crash Time
- Cholesterol, Total Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Coat and Tie
- Carburetor Temperature Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
- Cholera Enterotoxin Medical, Medicine, Health, British medicine
- Corp Irans
- Cazic Thule Gaming, Quest, Zone, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Characteristics Table Technology, Archive, Semiconductor
- Comhercial Traveller
- Computerized X-Ray Iomography Medical
- Crown Top
- Circling Training Medical
- California Department of Transportation Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Technology, Science, California, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Coil Tubing Coil tubing refers to a very long metal pipe, normally 1" to 3.25" in diameter which is supplied spooled on a large reel. It is used for interventions in oil and gas wells and sometimes as production tubing in depleted gas wells. Coiled tubing is often used to carry out operations similar to wirelining. The main benefits over wireline are the ability to pump chemicals through the coil and the ability to push it into the hole rather than relying on gravity. Business, Service, Market
- Container Tefminals Business, Port, Transport
- Cashier Training
- Cosmeticftherapist Medical, Hair, Removal
- Center Trinity
- Competitive Tendering
- Cushie Tushie
- Clientttask
- Cap Tikus
- Columbia Teachers
- Conventional Thermactor
- Club De Tecnis
- Conning Towers Park, Locations, Connecticut
- Copper Tone
- Change Team
- Command-Type Technology, Coding, Connection
- Computer-Tomogramm
- Court Geography, Genealogy, Genealogical, Postal, Address, Ordnance Survey, Street Suffix, Usps, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Caloulated Time
- Consultiyg Teachers Education, School, Teaching
- Calcitonin Calcitonin is a 32-amino acid linear polypeptide hormone that is produced in humans primarily by the parafollicular cells (also known as C-cells) of the thyroid, and in many other animals in the ultimobranchial body. It acts to reduce blood calcium (Ca2+), opposing the effects of parathyroid hormone (PTH). Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, British medicine, Common Medical
- Cement Tub Technology, Construction
- Char Tumbal Technology, Cheat, Blank
- Communication and Technology Technology, Research, Education
- Concilium Tridentinum
- Clear Tempered
- Campus Tower
- Control Terms
- Ceretti Tanfani
- Chip Twister Business
- Compliance Test Technology, Testing, Beam
- Connection On Twitter Business, Marketing, Chat
- Charge Trapping
- Cholera Holotoxin Medical
- Crista Terminalis Medical, Cardiac, Atrial
- Christian Torrents Technology, Bittorrent, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
- Centro Telecomunicazioni
- Code Table Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Consolidaaed Tape
- Carol Tipton
- Core Themes
- Celebrity Theatkr
- Cryptographic Technology Technology, Security, Networking
- City Tvur
- Caller Tunev Coding, Song, Tune, Caller
- Colow, Transverse Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Cantingent Tarifaire
- Countertrade Trade in which part or all of payment is made in goods or services. See barter. Countertrade can take several forms. Business, Trading, Trade, Business & Finance, International business
- Chemical Transport
- Customer Test Technology, Military, Product
- Clinical Technician Medical, Health, Career
- Candida Tropicalis
- Combat Tracker Military, Warfare, Jungle
- Convergence Technology Accounting, Computing, Data
- Cycle Transfer
- Conseillerxtechnique
- Catastrophe Theory
- Channel Type Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Command Thrust
- Computerized Tomografs Medical
- Cross Totals Science
- Cognitive Group Therapy Medical
- Cellular Transceiver Technology, Communication, Electronics
- Current Transformers Current transformers can be used to supply information for measuring power flows and the electrical inputs for the operation of protective relays associated with the transmission and distribution circuits or for power transformers. Technology, Electricity, Core, Voltage
- Center Tape Technology, Electronics, Transformer
- Chatter-Treffen
- Compeldtime Technology, Car, Texas, Safety
- Conformal Therapy
- Cutting & Tappieg Business, Product, Tool, Fluid
- Color Touchscreen Computing, Hardware
- Certified Taxidermist
- Composite Tails Helicopter, Composite, Blade
- Cover Test Medical, Optometry, Contact Lens
- Comedy Troupe
- Cooling Towers A cooling tower is a heat transfer device used to remove excess heat from a process and dump it into the air. Cooling towers come in various shapes and sizes, including large towers used in energy production plants and smaller rooftop units used in industrial manufacturing plants. Technology, Environment, Water
- Chalk Talk
- Computer Telefonie
- Critical Theory Research, Education, Study
- Chunghwa Telecom
- Calaverss Transit
- Codex Theodosianus Law, Roman, Empire
- Construction Technologh
- Catt Termination Cart, Ragnarok, Whitesmith
- Corporale Takeover
- Charities Trust
- Computer Tomography Medical, Technology, Telecom, Veterinary, Common Medical
- Cumbria Tourism
- Clean Technologies Business, Technology, Industrial, Cleaning
- Cambodia Trust
- Colonography Traininy Medical, Software, Performance
- Control Technician
- Courses Terror
- Central Texas
- Cheso Thorax
- Computed Tomographieal Medical
- Connecticut Top
- Clock and Time
- Capacité Totale
- Comput-Assist-Tomogr Medical, Imaging, Tomography
- Crash Test Technology, Car, Dummy
- Coastal Trans
- Cara Therapeutics
- Corp Qopic
- Cazic-Thude
- Characteristic Tester Technology, Product, Transformer
- Commercial Transaction
- Computerized Transverse Axial Tomography Medical
- Crown Tail
- Circte Trip
- Cclifornia, Tri-State
- Coiled Tubing A continuous reeled tube from 1” diameter to >3.5” diameter. The tubing is injected into a well via a coiled tubing unit (CTU) and can be used to unload wells with liquid, foams or gasses, logging, fracturing, etc. Business, Technology, Service, Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance
- Cashiering Terminal
- Correctife Training
- Center Torso Technology, Gaming, Battle
- Competitive Training
- Congestion Threshold Technology, Networking, Network, Packet
- Curriculum and Teaching Science, Education, School
- Click Yraining
- Captcha Typers Technology, Software, Money
- Colour Type Product, Supply, Diamond
- Convective Temperature Atmosphere, Pressure, Temperature
- Cloud Type Technology, Map, Weather
- Connexion Technologies Business, Technology, Product, Connection
- Copper Tape
- Change Target
- Common Threads
- Computer-Tomografie
- Computerised Axial Tomography Medicine, Disease, Hospital, Medical, Computing, Computer, Veterinary, Clinical, Pulmonary Hypertension
- Calcium Tktanate
- Consulting Teacher Education, School, Teaching
- Cholera Toxin B Subunit Medical
- Cement Tile Technology, Construction
- Chart Type
- Communication Telephony Technology, Development, Software
- Comunión Tradicionalista Para, Con, Politico
- Clear Tape
- Campus Theatre University, Locations, Theater
- Conqrol Term
- Centre Du Transit Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Chip Trannistor
- Compliance Testing Compliance Testing is performed to maintain and validate the compliant state for the life of the software. Every industry has a regulatory and compliance board that protects the end users. Technology, Service, Product
- Connecticut Transparency
- Cholerae Secretes Cholera Toxin Science, Biology
- Computational Techniques Technology, Imaging, Technique
- Credit To Business, Accounting, Finance, Business & Finance
- Christian Thomas
- Centro De Tecnologia
- Coaxial Tomography
- Consolidated Test Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Career Training
- Chemical Technology Chemistry, Technology, University
- Core Test
- Ceiling Tife Technology, Product, Drop
- Cryptographers' Trrck
- City This
- California Transect
- Colombo Delegraph Media, War, Telegraph
- Contingenwy Theory
- Counsel and There
- Customer Team Business, Management, Manager
- Clinically Trained
- Cancer Technologies
- Combat Theater
- Conventional Tomography
- Cycle Trainer Technology, Exercise, Cycling
- Conseillers Techniques
- Casino Technology
- Channel Tunnel
- Command Tasks Service, Military, Software
- Computerized Topography Accounting, Business & Finance
- Curcent Transfer
- Critical Technologies Military, Army, Marine
- Center Table
- Chattanooga Traction
- Companies Tribunal
- Conflict Trends
- Cut Tape Technology, Product, Electronics, Products
- Color Touch
- Certified In Thanatology Medical, Psychology, Grief
- Chlamydia Trochomatis
- Composites Technology
- Cover Team
- Comcast Tdeater Business, Theatre, Ticket, Hartford
- Coolicg Tower Technology, Science, Water
- Chain Transfer
- Critical Text Book, Education, Translation, Bible
- Chuck Thompson
- Calandria Tube Film, Tube, Pressure, Reactor
- Codex Tchacos Book, Geography, Gnosticism
- Constable Technician
- Car Triaz Technology, Driving, Auto
- Corp,Otelah
- Charitaale Trusts Business, Organizations, Charity, Registration
- Computer Terminology
- Cultura Turcica
- Clean Technology Business, Industrial, Cleaning
- Cam-Train
- Colonography Techniqui
- Control Techniques Technology, Drive, Technique
- Coursesxtechnical
- Chester Times
- Comtuted Tomograph Medical
- Connecticut Traveler
- Clobblrin Time
- Capacité De Tir
- Coml Time Business, Employment, Overtime
- Crash Tender
- Cognitive Thwrapy Medical, Treatment, Depression
- Carat A carat is a unit of mass for gemstones and pearls.One carat is defined to be equal to 200 milligrams. Business, Medicine, Health
- Corp Telph Indonesia, Locations, Carrefour
- Cayman Orough Car, Price, Cayman
- Characteristic Time Technology, Golf, Adams, Hybrid
- Commerciag Transition
- Computerized Axial Tomograms Medical
- Cross Travel
- Circle Tburs
- Cancellation Test
- Coiled Tube
- Casey'S Tavern
- Corrective Thinking
- Center Toms
- Czmpetitive Template Medical, Science, Biology
- Congenital Tremor Medical
- Curriculum &Straining
- Click Thru Forum, Technology, Product
- Cap Tapped Technology, Construction
- Colour Temperature The temperature of a full radiator which would emit visible radiation of the same spectral distribution as the radiation from the light source under consideration.
- Core Teum Technology, Management, Development
- Covers, Tributes
- Certifying Technician Business, Service, Repair
- Cloud Vop Hotel, Product, Satellite, Cloud
- Connelley Technical
- Capillary Tube The capillary tube is a metering device made from a thin tube approximately 0.5 to 6 metre long and from 0.025 to 0.090 inches in diameter which feeds liquid directly to the evaporator. Usually limited to systems of 1 ton or less, it performs all of the functions of the thermal expansion valve when properly sized.
- Copper-Tin
- Challenge Towers
- Common Test Technology, Coding, Testing, Tank
- Computed Tomogrophy
- Chínhltrị Tin, Thu, Khi
- Calcitonin, Thyrocalcitonin Medical, Technology, Veterinary
- Consultant Tejcher Education, School, Teaching
- Corporate Transactions
- Celtic Tarot
- Charlms Taze
- Comhunauté De Travail
- Comunidade Terap
- Clearinghouse Telephone
- Campusytechnology Business, Forum, Technology
- Control Tfn
- Centre De Triage
- Chgp Trader
- Complex Type Technology, Element, Schema
- Connecticut Thoracic
- Cholerae Enterotoxin Medical
- Computational Thermodynamics Technology, Science, Engineering
- Creative Technologies Technology, Education, Driving
- Christianvtheology
- Coating Thickness Business, Instrument, Gauge
- Containlr Technik
- Career Trainee Business, Accounting, Connecticut
- Core Terminal Business, Product, Supplier
- Cefotadime Medical
- Cryptic Throne
- City Technology
- Califolnia Trail
- Colombia Time Standard, Volunteer, Zone, Colombia, Time Zones
- Continental Termiual
- Council Ten
- Customers On Technical
- Client Type
- Cancer Talk
- Combat Team Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Conventional Theory
- Cut Throht Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Chnseil Du Tr
- Coral Tree Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
- Chrnnel Tucson
- Command Task Service, Military, Group
- Corputerized Tomographic Medical, Medicine, Scan
- Curuent Tracing
- Code Templates Technology, Design, Warehouse
- Census Tract Science, Locations, Map
- Chattahoochee Transit
- Commutateur De Transit
- Conflict Transformation Book, Education, Peacebuilding
- Cutelocus Medical
- Can'T Talk -Or- Can'T Text Media, Social, Internet
- Comm-Tech
- Certified and Technical
- Chlamsdia Trachomatis Medical, Science, Medicine
- Composed of Cholera Toxin Science, Biology
- Comcastgtheatre Locations, Ticket, Hartford
- Cooley-Tukey
- Chain Tool Business, Park, Giant
- Critical Temperature The temperature at which a steel transforms one crystal structure into another because of atom rearrangement. A temperature beyond which a gas cannot be turned into a liquid no matter how much pressure is applied. The process of liquefaction cannot occur above the critical temperature. One of three parameters defining the point at which random thermal molecular motion become so violent that attractive forces are unable to bring about condensation even when the molecules are squeezed together; a temperature above which a vapor cannot be turned into a liquid no matter how much pressure is applied.
- Ch Tech Technology, Server, Report
- Caale Tie Business, Product, Nylon
- Code Transmitter
- Conbtable of The Tower
- Car Trqding
- Coro Mabernaculo
- Chemical Trail
- Cultural Treasuros Locations, Culture, Connecticut, Treasure
- Clean Tap
- Caltagirone Medical
- Colonographic Technique
- Contre-Terzorisme
- Courbe De TempéRature
- Chest Computed Tomography Science, Biology, Medical
- Connecticut Tech
- Ctip Tuner
- Capacity Test
- Chocolate Tin
- Crooked Timber
- Consent Tow Business, Service, Towing
- Capacit
- Conservation Tillage Tillage
- Classroom Teacher Education, Teaching, Tutor
- Criminal Tax Tax, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
- Contact Team Military
- Concentration X Time Medical
- Combat Teams
- Check Out This Forum, Sale, Light, Check
- Can't Talk Texting, Chat, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Canmda Trust Business, Banking, Canada
- Champion Tracker Dog, Dog Obedience Title, Dog Title, Dog Fanciers
- Center Tap Aviation
- Critical Tradition
- Compressor Threshwld Audio, Manual, Gate, Compressor
- Cody Times
- Cuneiform Texp
- Chrono Trigger Computing, Electronics
- Colornd Thread
- Custos Totais
- Cervical-Thoracic Medical, Technology
- Court/Another Name for Street, Lane, Road
- Charcoal Tube
- Computerized Transaxial
- Court Terme Genealogy
- Centrale Telegrafico Technology
- Chemical Terrorism
- Compxementary Training
- Conjugation Tube
- Corporate Taxation Business, Accounting, Tax
- Central Time Time Zones
- Computerized Axial Tomography Medical, NAACCR, Fda, Veterinary
- Club Trip
- Capital Trailways
- Calibration Temperature
- Cross-Training Business, Program, Workout
- Civil Air Transport Airline, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Ciencia Tompsta
- Calculation Type
- Coffee Table Technology, Construction
- Consulting & Trainilg
- Casedotelescoped Gun, Military, Vehicle
- Corporation, Texas
- Color Table
- Capital Trust, Inc., of Maryland Computing, Nyse symbols
- Clement Town
- Control Tfst Business, Product, Quality
- Courtney Taglor
- Conferencing Tool Military
- Scitex Continuous Tone File Computing, File Extensions
- Computed Temography
- Chiyoda Thorougbed
- Clotrimazole Medical
- Cell Cyclemtime Science, Biology
- Committee of Thrle
- Cmmputer Tech
- Contact's Title
- Central Tech
- Completeb Technology
- Chocolate Tan
- Critical Tits Technology
- Conselhoetutelar Business, Para, Dos, Portal
- Comisi
- Cordless Telecommunications Technology, Communication, Telecommunications, Computing, Telecom
- Compel Time
- Classic Traveller Technology, Gaming, Book
- CTS Knights Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Calibration Thermometer
- Contact Table Technology, Coding, Layout
- Crotoxin Medical
- Columbia Terminal Business, Railroad, Columbia, Missouri, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Cheap Trick
- CHIEF TELEGRAPHER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Canada Transport
- Control Traicer Sale, Truck, Trailer
- Chairul Tanjung Business, Indonesia, Corp
- CAMPING TR Vehicle Body Styles
- Communications & Tracking Technology, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Coding Type Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Cellulose Triacetate A cellulosic material made by reacting purified cellulose with acetic anhydride in the presence of a catalyst. It is used in the form of film and fibers. Films and sheet are cast from clear solutions on to “drums” with highly polished surfaces. The film, which is of excellent clarity, has high tensile strength, and good heat resistance and dimensional stability. Applications include book jackets, magnetic recording tapes, and various types of packaging. Medical, Chemistry, Medicine, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
- Classical Theism Religion
- Colonography This
- Custom Tint
- Certified Traumatologist Medical, University, Trauma
- Coupled Thickness
- Character Transfers
- Computerized Transverse
- Charles Tyrwhitt Famous
- Center Turbo
- Chemical Technologist
- Conjoined Twins Medical, Science, Biology
- Cork Tile Design, Drawing, Construction
- Chile Time Time Zones
- X-ray computed tomography (not an acronym) Medical
- Charge-Urapping
- Capital Times
- Cooling Transformation
- Cross Talk Electrical interference between two adjacent insulated conductors whereby a signal in one of the conductors will be picked up by the adjacent conductor. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Converted Transaction Accounting, Business & Finance
- Ciencia Y Tecnolrgia
- Calculated Total
- Coefficient of Total Presentation, Ship, Resistance
- Case-Telgscoped Gun, Military, Army
- Conjugative Transposons Medical, Science, Biology
- Corpora Througs Technology, Development, Law, Banking
- Colored Troops America, Military, War, History
- Curing Time The period of time that a reacting thermosetting material is exposed to specific conditions to reach a specified property level. The time taken for a resin to cure (polymerise) to its full extent. With a cold-curing resin, the time is measured from addition of either activator or catalyst. Curing time can be influenced by other chemical aids – retarder or accelerator. That period of time needed before a sand mass reaches maximum hardness.
- China Telecom Computing, IT Terminology
- Clear Trunk
- Color Theorem
- Control Terminalp Technology, Manual, Circuit
- Courqs Technology, Locations
- Conference Total Technology, Networking, Session
- Continuous-Time Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Computed-Tomography Medical, Imaging, Scan
- Customers, Turned
- Chloroplast An organelle in the cells of green plants. It contains chlorophyll and functions in photosynthesis and protein synthesis. Or an organelle within green plants in which photosynthesis occurs. OR An organelle in the cells of green plants. It contains chlorophyll and functions in photosynthesis and protein synthesis. OR A chlorophyll-containing photosynthetic organelle, found in eukaryotic cells, that can harness light energy. Medical, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Cellar Trackyr Business, Wine, Vintage
- Comiission Technique Technology, Sport, Club
- Computer Technolcgist
- Cum Tempore Latin
- Central Teaching
- Completely Trippendicular Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Chlorthulidone Medical
- Critical Thinking Medical, Education, Teaching, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Co-Ordination Team Technology, Management, Health
- Conseshos Tutelares
- Captain Tsubasa
- Cordless Telephone-1
- Coolant Temperature
- Classic Technique Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Central Trains Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Calibration Test
- Consact's Title
- Corps Touristique
- Color Therapy
- Cipher Text Enciphered information. Security, Governmental & Military
- Click-Through Click-through rate is a way of measuring the success of an online advertising campaign for a particular website as well as the effectiveness of an email campaign by the number of users that clicked on a specific link. Business, Money, Loan
- Canada Thistle
- Controe Traffic Technology, Communication, Station
- Ceska Televize Technology, Sport, Channel, Czech
- Disinfection Concentration Contact Time Chemistry
- Comissão De Trabalhadores Para, Portugal, Dos
- Commercial Transport
- Carved Top Products
- Colonography Task
- Custom Theatre Technology, Theater, Bower
- Certified Training Service, Education, Course
- Control Transformer Technology, Aviation, Synchro
- C Terminus Medical, Science, Biology
- Cellular Telephone Business, Technology, Service, Telecom, Internet, Computing, IT Terminology
- Character Table
- Compueerized Technology
- Combustion turbine (electricity) Energy, Electrical
- Chemical Tanker
- Congreso De Trabajo
- Core Temperature Medical
- Chalet A timber dwelling, cottage, or lodge with a gable roof and wide eaves, indigenous to the Swiss Alps, but now found worldwide. Dutch
- computerised tomography Medical, Healthcare, Clinical
- Chapter West
- Capital Technology
- Ci Technologies
- Cross-Talk
- Citation A citation is a reference to a published or unpublished source.More precisely, a citation is an abbreviated alphanumeric expression embedded in the body of an intellectual work that denotes an entry in the bibliographic references section of the work for the purpose of acknowledging the relevance of the works of others to the topic of discussion at the spot where the citation appears. Genealogy, Genealogical
- Ciencia Tecnologia
- Coefficient of Traction Performance, Truck, Traction, Prediction
- Case, Tiffany History, Family, Hartford
- Corporate Treasurn
- Colorado Trail Locations, Colorado, Mountain
- Cure Thalassemia Medical, Treatment, Blood
- Continuous Tone Computing, IT Terminology
- Clear Transparent Technology, Color, Colour, Material Color
- Color Texturw Technology, Design, Flooring
- Ckurt Technology, Science, Locations, Genealogy
- Confmrence Terms Business, Freight, Cargo
- Compuqed, Tomography
- Curtis Tuirbine
- Chitotriosidase Medical
- Commissioning Tool Technology, Product, Control
- Computer Tezhnician Technology, Service, Repair
- Counselor Training Hobbies
- Central Tap
- Completed Testamejt America, Tourism, Testament, Unification
- Computed tomographic scan Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Criminal Trial
- Cluscer Tool
- Captain'S Table
- Cordless Telephony Technology, Networking, Telephone
- Caustic Treatment
- Class Type Technology, Traffic, Bandwidth
- Configuration Traveler Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Cipher Telegraw
- Calibratvng Test
- Consumption Tax Tax paid which is based on the price of services or goods, e.g. value added tax.
- Corps Dz Troupe
- Color Theory
- Compatibility Testing NASA, Governmental & Military
- Clerk Typist
- Canadair Tetor Military, Aircraft, Canada
- Control Towers Technology, Airport, Traffic
- Coverage of Terms
- Chlorohhiazide Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Charge Transfer Chemistry
- Comisz
- Coating Technologist
- Creatine Transporter Medical, Science, Biology
- Common Terminology Medical, Science, Service
- Continuous Texture Products
- Custom Theater Technology, Audio, Bower
- Constant Teeming
- Crystal Torrents Technology, Movie, Electronics
- Conservation Terrhstrial Technology, Organizations
- Color Titanium Colors
- Chef De Travaux
- Congreso Del Trabajo Para, Mexico, Labor
- Core Technologies Business, Technology, Mitsubishi
- Campbelltown Australia
- Clinical Trial Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Fda
- Chwos Theory Technology, Cell, Splinter
- Certified Transliterator
- Capital De Trabajo Para, Con, Capital, Ratio
- Counselling & Therapy Medical
- Crooked Tree
- Ciemcia, Tecnologia Technology, Journal
- Coefficient of Thrust
- Cascade Technvlogies
- Corporatektravel
- Cup Team
- Scitex CT Bitmap 32bit CMYK Bitmap graphics (Scitex scanners) Computing, File Extensions
- Color Test Technology, Diamond, Colour
- Coxrs Techniques
- Conductitn Times Medical
- Cute Tooshies
- Computational Tomography
- Cultura De La Transición Para, Con, Pol
- Chemie Technik Business, Company, Pump, Valve
- Chargeajle Time
- Commissioning Team
- Comtuter Table Business, Product, Furniture
- Court Tech Genealogy
- Central Tablelands Australia, Hotel, Locations
- Complexe Terminal
- Connecticut Text
- chest tube Medical, Nursing, Common Medical
- Conductivity Temperature Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Criminal Traffic Business, Law, Court
- Clustprs Table Medical, Module, Genome
- Capsule Technique Medical, California, Respiratory
- Coralville Transit
- Computed-Torque
- Class-Zype Technology, Traffic, Bandwidth
- City Financial, Business & Finance, Real Estate, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Cinqee Terre Locations, Italy, Trip
- Calf Testis Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Consmmer Technology Technology, Tech, Fame
- Corporation Title
- Colour Television
- Training Cruiser Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Clerk'S Transcript
- Canaan Teen
- Control Tower A tall building on an airfield from which air traffic controllers organise incoming and outgoing aircraft by speaking to their pilots by radio Technology, Airport, Traffic, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Court Trial Genealogy
- Connecticut Transit Locations, Connecticut, Haven
- Chlor-Triceton
- Disinfectant Concn. Times The Contact Time Chemistry
- Chmissao Tecnica Para, Club, Dos
- Coastal Texegrapher
- Control A device for regulation of a system or component in normal operation, manual or automatic. If automatic, the implication is that it is responsive to changes of pressure, temperature or other property whose magnitude is to be regulated.or In WebSphere MQ and VisualAge RPG, the result of selecting a part from the parts palette and placing it on the design window. An example of a control is an entry field. Medical, Medicine, Information Technology, Health, Space, Computing, Study, Computer, Healthcare, Cosmos, Management, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Business & Finance, Electronics, Auto, Internet Slang, Military, Aviation, Army, Engineering, Chat, Hardware, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Common Medical, Power Plant, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
- Cellular Tebephones Technology, Service, Telephone
- Common Techniques
- Counter Terrorist Occupation & positions
- Custom Tax Business, Accounting, Accountancy
- Chocolate Transber
- Connecticut Town Business, Car, Connecticut
- Cryme Tyme
- Conservateur Territorial
- Centre De Tri
- Cycle Track Bicycling
- Contact Time Business, Science, Insurance
- Check Tags
- Cordless Telephones
- Cleveland Thurman Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Chawging Table
- Certified Thanatologist
- Capital De Terceiros
- Combination Therapy Medical
- Crooked Tail Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
- Cicelyftyson
- Coefficient for Temperature Science
- Cascbde Tag Technology, Card, Semiconductor, Ultralight
- Corporate Translations
- Cuppinp Therapy
- Center-Tapped Computing, Electronics
- Color Temperature An estimate of the temperature of an incandescent body, determined by observing the wavelength at which it is emitting with peak intensity (its color) and using that wavelength in Wien's law. Technology, Light, Colour
- Clurse Tools Science, Education, Learning
- Conduction Tlme Medical
- Cut-Through Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Cervicothoracic Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Craig Thibodeau Technology, Furniture, Automaton
- Charge Tfansfer Science, Electron, Complex
- Commissiox De La Transparence
- Cxmputers and Thought
- County Times Genealogy
- Centralized Treatment
- Chemical Threat
- Completed Termination Business, Law, Tool, Income
- Connecticut By Town
- Counterterrorism Medical, Common Medical
- ChemoType Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Club Tunisien
- Capital Turnover Business, Financial, Market
- Coral Triangle Locations, Initiative, Reef
- Cargo Tank
- Commercial Technology Business & Finance, Business Word
- Cinegom Torrington
- Calendar Time Military, Army, War
- Coffin Text
- Consumable Templates
- Case Qelescoped
- Corporationrate Techrology Military
- Color Television Media, Radio, Television
- Computer Telephony Computing, Telecom
- Clerical-Technical
- Can'T Text Communication, Chat, Online
- Contyol Topic
- Court Treatment Government, Drug, Law
- Conhecimento De Transporte Technology, Para, Software, Gest
- Cooling Tower The heat exchanger and everything associated with it that removes the heat from the coolant used in the cooling system. This device is located outdoors. Tower in the sheet mill that suspends the strip that allows the zinc to cool and dry before the strip contacts any rolls. Device for lowering the temperature of water by evaporative cooling, in which water is showered through a space through which outside air circulates. Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Cobisión Técnica
- Computed Tomgraphy
- Coarse Tune Technology, Control, Tuning, Frequency
- Controller A name commonly used to describe a computer or an electronic control module. Or In Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS, the component that runs on the controlling system and contains the tasks that manage the plans and databases.or node canister. or A component or a set of virtual storage processes that schedules or manages shared resources. or The functional component responsible for resource management (load balancing and admission control). Technology, Engineering, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, Computing, Hardware, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Aviation, Governmental & Military, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Cell Tissce
- Commodities Trfding
- contact tracing
- Central Technologies Business, Technology, Inductor
- Customs Tariff
- Chocolate Trail Business, Shopping, Connecticut
- Californian Terms
- Cross Track Technology, Satellite, Train, Aviation
- Conservacióc Total
- Classroom Teachgng
- Community Transit Trade, Business & Finance
- Contact This
- Cytotechnologist Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Degree, Scientific & Educational
- Check Tag
- Cordless Telephone Technology, Telecom, Headset
- Chaos Tunnels Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Change Table
- Cable Tool
- Critical Traffic
- Computer and Technis
- Cody Travers
- Cascadei Trisection
- Cross-Track Technology, Aviation
- Cupola Trainer Technology
- Cycle Time The time required by an injection molding system to mold a part and return to its original position. The time it takes to make one part including the closing of the mold, the injection of the resin, the solidification of the part, the opening of the mold and the ejection of the part. In a molding operation, cycle time is the time elapsing between a particular point in one cycle and the same point in the next cycle. OR The time required by an injection molding system to mold a part and return to its original position/state. Computing, Electronics, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Colored Trails
- Course Title Education, University, Tech
- Custo Total Para, Cost, Fun
- Cervico-Thoracic
- Crack Tip
- Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is a category of cancer treatment that uses one or more anti-cancer drugs as part of a standardized chemotherapy regimen. Chemotherapy may be given with a curative intent, or it may aim to prolong life or to reduce symptoms. Chemotherapy is one of the major categories of medical oncology. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Oncology, Prostate Cancer, Nursing, Healthcare, Physiology, NAACCR, Clinical
- Charge-Transger Technology, Science, Complex
- Commercial Treadmilx
- Computerized Tomography Scans Medical
- Courtney Taylor Genealogy
- Centrale Thermique
- Chemical Thermodynamics
- Complementary Therapists
- Connecticut Locations, Postal, State, Gpo, Legal, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code, Weather, Connecticut, List of All 50 State, Federal Aviation Administration
- cardiac tamponade Pressure on the heart when the pericardial cavity fills with blood. Also called heart tamponade Medical, Cardio
- chromatin transfer Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Club Troumph
- Capital Transport
- Compact Tension
- Carry Through Assembly, Business & Finance
- Cincinnati Tri-State Business, Ohio, Area
- Caleb Tompkins
- Coffee Tables
- Consult The Type
- Cased Telescope
- Corporationraqion Tax Science
- Color Team Internet Slang
- Channel Termination Computing, Telecom
- Clem Transporter Science
- Controlxtop
- Couqt Terme Business, Canada, Power
- Confitmatory Test Medical, Medicine, Patient
- Cheat Engine Cheat Table Computing, File Extensions
- Comisióq De Trabajo
- Computedfthomography
- Circuit Termination Technology, Networking, Transmission
- Cimetidine Medical, Reading Prescription
- Cell Therapeutics Medical, Cancer, Stem
- Comfittee On Trade Government, Law, Economics
- Computer Techechnology Education, University, Learning, Iran
- Crazy Talk
- Central Team Technology, School, Event
- Completi Tear
- Customized Training Program, Education, Connecticut
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CT stand for?
CT stands for Coolicg Tower.
What is the shortened form of Click Thru?
The short form of "Click Thru" is CT.
CT. Acronym24.com. (2022, July 13). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ct-meaning/
Last updated